摘要:The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the country’s largest commercial bank, began issuing special bank cards to children on November 12.Called “Nestle Eagle Card , it is the first children’s bank card issued in the world.Young cardholders, 10 years old at least, can save and draw money in the usual way.However, 100 yuan at the most can be drawn every day.The card can be also used for Internet shopping.Together with the bank card was a guardianship system, meaning that guardians, like the child’s parents, are needed to leave their personal information in the bank for the card and that guardians are able to know information about the card program.With the card, young Chinese are expected to save their money in the bank, to plan to spend their money and not to waste money.


Around 32 percent(百分率) of the Internet users in China are students, while last year nearly 94 million citizens(市民)logged on as users, a new survey has shown.Numbers show an overall growth of 18.2 percent this year, according to a report given by the China Internet Network Information Centre last Wednesday.Students were the largest group of Net users.Professionals accounted for 12 percent and 9 percent were working in the business and service sectors, the report said.

It also found that more users are relying on(依靠) the Web to get information. About 6.3 percent of those surveyed said they use it as an educational tool.

  Email services, news sites and search engines were given as the top sites for users.Nearly nine out of ten users say email is the most important function of the Internet. About 65 percent of them believe that reading news is the second most important function the Internet provides.

  Nearly 68 percent of users say they use the Internet at home, while about 40 percent use it in the office, Internet bars and at school.More than half of all Internet users are below the age of 25.And males account for more than 60 percent of them.

However, the number of people using cyberbank(网络银行) services failed to rise by much because of safety.Only 5 percent said they use the service in their daily lives.

But Wang Gang, manager of the Industrial and Commercial Bank(工商银行)of China's Cyberbank Section, is optimistic(乐观的).He believes the coming 10 years will become a "golden" cyberbank time in China.

1.Which of tile following is the number of Internet users in China this year?

A.94,000,000           B.30,080,000             C.111,108,000     D.35,554,560

2.According to the survey, which was the largest group of Net users last 5ear?

A.professionals                   B.students   

C.businessmen                  D.people in tile service sectors

3.People mainly use the internet for

A.information            B.playing gain            C.music        D.sending emails

4.What does tile underlined phrase "failed to rise" mean?

A.rose greatly           B.rose slowly            C.began to fall    D.didn't rise

5.Which statement is NOT correct as a description of China's net users?

A.There are more male net citizens than female net citizens.

B.People prefer to get on line at home and in the office.

C.Internet is very popular among young people.

D.For safety reasons, few people use cyberbank service.


Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

Most people know that intelligence quotient (IQ. is important, but EQ is probably more important in daily life. When facing an exam, EQ helps us to manage our feelings. When getting along with friends or parents, EQ helps us to c   1.    well.

EQ is shaped partly by genetics(基因.. You can see some babies are quiet, while others are not. B   2.   , EQ is something you can learn for yourself. You can learn what different feelings might mean and how they relate to yourself and others. If we learn in the right way, our EQ can get better as we get older. Children with a high EQ usually have greater success with making friends. Having a high EQ needs a few different skills. Learning about these skills can help us to i   3.    our EQ. But what are they? Let’s take a look!

1. Know yourself 

    Most people feel many different feelings t   4.   the day. Some feelings like surprise last just a few seconds. Others, like happiness and sadness, may stay around much l   5.   . Being able to recognize these everyday feelings is the most basic of all EQ skills.

2. Manage yourself

    We all get angry. We all have disappointments. But we need to control it. It is not always the right time or place to express our feelings. When you are angry with someone, take a deep breath and s   6.    count to 10. This way, you can calm down.

3. Encourage yourself

   When you fail an exam, you may be disappointed. But there is something more effective you can do—learn to encourage yourself. It gives you the energy and7.    to move on. It helps you to build a strong heart.


     Many people go to school for education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry
and math. ______(1)go to school to learn a skill so that they can ______ (2). School education is very
important and useful, ______(3)no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter ______ (4) he knows, cannot teach his students everything they want to know. His job is to ______(5) his students to
know how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So, much more is to be learnt
______(6) school by the students themselves.
     It's ______(7)more important to learn how to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or rules.
It is quite ______(8)to learn a fact in history or a formula(公式)in math, but it is very difficult to use a
formula in ______(9)a math problem. Great scientists, ______(10) Newton, Galileo and Edison, didn't
get ______ (11) from school, but they were all successful. They invented ______(12)many things. The
reason for their success ______(13) that they knew ______(14)to study. They read books that were not
taught at school. They worked hard ______(15)their lives, wasting not a single moment. Above all, they
knew how to use their brains.
(      )1. A. Another  
(      )2. A. get education
(      )3. A. but    
(      )4. A. how    
(      )5. A. ask    
(      )6. A. outside    
(      )7. A. nearly    
(      )8. A. easy  
(      )9. A. writing    
(      )10. A. with    
(      )11. A. anything  
(      )12. A. very    
(      )13. A. is       
(      )14. A. where  
(      )15. A. all    
B. Others       
B. read more books
B. then        
B. how much      
B. make        
B. in        
B. almost      
B. difficult      
B. findin g     
B. like        
B. something     
B. so          
B. are          
B. which          
B. of          
C. The other  
C. pass the exams
C. and      
C. when    
C. help    
C. at    
C. always    
C. important    
C. answering    
C. but      
C. nothing  
C. much    
C. was      
C. how      
C. during      
D. The others  
D. make money  
D. however    
D. how many    
D. tell        
D. from        
D. often      
D. necessary  
D. solving    
D. except      
D. everything  
D. such        
D. were        
D. why        
D. with        

The computers changed our lives in the 1980s, the Internet changed our lives in the 1990s, and the robots will change our lives in the new century.

Do you think there will be robots in people' s homes? It' s not a dream that every home will have a robot.

Now, robots are not only able to help people do the housework, they can also help the doctors do the difficult operations, play chess with people, play the piano and so on.

A new cooking robot is used in Beijing. It can cook all the dishes on the menu, you only need to wait two to four minutes. In the future, the robot will be a nurse, a security(安全) guard, or a partner in your life.

Experts believe robots will be used everywhere from the industrial (工业的) robots to service robots. In the future, robots will become part of the family, and provide close service for people. We all look forward to the new robot age.

1._____changed our lives in the 1990s.

A. The robots        B. The computers     C. The TV sets      D. The Internet

2.According to the passage, we know that a new cooking robot is being used in__.

A. the future         B. Beijing           C. many countries    D. many families

3.What can the robots do now?

A. They can help people do the housework.

B. They can help the doctors do the difficult operations.

C. They can play chess with people.

D. A, B and C.

4.Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. The computers changed our lives      B. Robots can cook

C. Robots are coming                 D. Robots will be doctors



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