摘要:3. may not seem very .A.Watch TV:useful B.Watch TV,usefullyC.Watching TV,usefully D.Watching TV,useful


Give water, save lives

     A bottle of water may not seem like much to you, but thousands of bottles will be of great help for people who live in drought-hit(遭受旱灾) areas in China.

     Since last autumn, there has been very little rain in Southwest China. Some places, especially in Yunnan . Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, have experienced a serious drought. Crops (庄稼) died, the land cracked, and wells (井) and rivers dried up. More than 20 million people are having difficulty in finding safe drinking water.

     After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by giving water, money and other things.

     Last week, every member of the Communist Youth League (共青团员) and Young Pioneers(少先队员) were encouraged to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit areas. Students in primary schools and middle schools quickly joined the activity. In Yuhua Primary School in Xi' an, 900 students bought over 1,000 bottles of water with their pocket money. They also wrote their wishes on the bottles.

     The serious drought has also made students realize the importance of saving water.

     Students from Nanshan Middle School in Huizhou in Guangdong went on the street to tell people to take part in water-saving activities.

     “I've heard that some children in drought-hit areas don' t have enough drinking water. They have to drink muddy ( 含有泥土的 ) water. I feel really sad about that," said one student. “I decide to take a shower twice a week instead of every day to save water.”he said.

1.Why did a serious drought happen in Southwest China?  

___________________________________________________________________________                      2.What does the underlined (划线的) word "cracked" probably mean in Chinese?

  ______________________________________________                   !

3.What did people do after learning about the drought?


4.Is a bottle of water helpful for the people in drought-hit areas?


5.What can you learn from the passage?                                     



Much meaning can be carried, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he notices that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.

The same in daily life! If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others’ stare(盯着)with you that way. Eyes do speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite or even rude. But things are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man look at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to turn away from his looking, his purpose is obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.

However, the normal eye contact for two people during a conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what his friend is speaking, to tell him that he is interested.

If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to control you, you will feel uncomfortable. We usually find a poor liar(说谎者)looking too long at the victim, because he believes that it is a sign of honest communication to look straight in the eye. Totally wrong!

In fact, continuous eye contact only happens between lovers, who will enjoy looking at each other gently for a long time, to show feelings that words cannot express. Obviously, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the proper situation.

Eyes can speak

In our1.life

A lot of feeling can be 2.to others with our eyes. There are a lot of facts to prove it. You may not feel very well when you are 3.at more than often. This time it will make you  4.and you will wonder whether there’s something wrong. If not, you’ll be really angry.

When you look too long at the  5.sex

Looking too long at a girl you 6.means you wish to attract her attention. And most of the time, continuous eyes contacting is just for 7..

When you have a

 8.with someone

If a speaker looks at the listeners a9., it is a kind of 10.eye contact.

So remember to look at your partner at the right time. If not, it will make others uncomfortable.



Give water, save lives
A bottle of water may not seem like much to you, but thousands of bottles will be of great help for people who live in drought-hit(遭受旱灾) areas in China.
Since last autumn, there has been very little rain in Southwest China. Some places, especially in Yunnan . Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, have experienced a serious drought. Crops (庄稼) died, the land cracked, and wells (井) and rivers dried up. More than 20 million people are having difficulty in finding safe drinking water.
After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by giving water, money and other things.
Last week, every member of the Communist Youth League (共青团员) and Young Pioneers(少先队员) were encouraged to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit areas. Students in primary schools and middle schools quickly joined the activity. In Yuhua Primary School in Xi' an, 900 students bought over 1,000 bottles of water with their pocket money. They also wrote their wishes on the bottles.
The serious drought has also made students realize the importance of saving water.
Students from Nanshan Middle School in Huizhou in Guangdong went on the street to tell people to take part in water-saving activities.
“I've heard that some children in drought-hit areas don' t have enough drinking water. They have to drink muddy ( 含有泥土的 ) water. I feel really sad about that," said one student. “I decide to take a shower twice a week instead of every day to save water.”he said.
【小题1】Why did a serious drought happen in Southwest China?  
___________________________________________________________________________                     【小题2】What does the underlined (划线的) word "cracked" probably mean in Chinese?
______________________________________________                  !
【小题3】What did people do after learning about the drought?
【小题4】Is a bottle of water helpful for the people in drought-hit areas?
【小题5】What can you learn from the passage?                                     

Water, it’s a problem for the whole world. A bottle (瓶) of water may not seem like much to us,   1  it can help the people who live in drought-hit (遭受旱灾的) areas in China.
In the past few months, many places in southwest China have  2  a serious drought. There has been very little  3  since last autumn. More than 20 million people are   4  trouble finding safe drinking water.
After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by   5   away water, money and other resources (资源) to the people there.
Last week, the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League in China called on (号召) each student to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit area. In Xi’an, 900 students bought over 100 bottles of water  6  their pocket money. They also wrote their   7  on the bottles. “I hope you get more rain there. I hope you are happy.”
A bottle of water isn’t much, but thousands of bottles will be very   8 . The serious drought has also made students   9  the importance of saving water. One student said, “I have decided to take a shower twice a week   10  every day to save water.”

A.bought B.experiencedC.studied D.missed
A.causing B.makingC.havingD.bringing
A.plansB.notesC.wishes D.dates
A.thinkB.realizeC.miss D.regard
A.insteadB.instead ofC.exceptD.because of


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