摘要: What animals doesn’t the City Zoo have now?


     Famous for its coat of reddish orange with dark stripes, the tiger is the largest wild cat in the world.
Unlike lions, adult tigers like to live alone. Each tiger has its own territory. It doesn't like other tigers to
enter its space. If one does, you can hear the tiger's roar(咆哮) for miles.
     Tigers wait until dark to hunt. Once a tiger has found its prey, it gets as close as possible. Then the
tiger pulls the animal off its feet   with  its sharp teeth and claws (爪 子) and kills the prey by biting its
     Tigers love eating meat. After eating a lot, they often  do  not  need  to  eat again for several days.
Large deer make up nearly three- fourths of a tiger's food. They   also   prey on wild   pigs and cows.
     Did you know how useful a tiger's tail is? It is almost half as long as its whole body and very good
at keeping the tiger's balace when it runs after prey.
1. Why is the tiger famous for its coat?
2. In what way are tigers different from lions?
3. How does the tiger kill its prey?
4. What animals do tigers like to eat best?
5. What does a tiger use when it wants to catch its prey?

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