摘要:32.A.though B.when C.if D.as


The customs in different countries are rather different.If I have dinner with a Chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plate as soon as I have emptied it.That often discomforts me greatly.I have to eat the food even if I do not want to because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one’s food on the plate.I have also noticed that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he often refuses the offer of food or drink though he’s in fact still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China but is not in the West at all.In the United Sates, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his accepting something.Americans have a direct way of speaking.If they want something, they will ask for it.If not, they will say, “No, thanks.” When an American is served with beer by host, for example, he might say, “No, thanks.I’ll take some orange juice if you have it.” That is what an American will do.So when you go to the United States, you’d better remember the famous saying: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

1.From this passage we can see that the writer is          

A.Chinese            B.American          C.Roman            D.European

2.When a Chinese host kept putting more food onto his plate, the writer felt         

A.happy             B.sad               C.bad               D.great

3.In the West, people consider it bad manners                

A.to refuse an offer at a dinner party

B.to keep asking someone to accept something

C.to eat much at a dinner party

D.to ask for something directly at a dinner party

4.A guest at all American’s dinner party should show his politeness by            

A.eating up all the food offered

B.putting more food onto his plate as soon as he emptied it

C.refusing the offer of food or drinking though he is still hungry or thirsty

D.refusing to drink anything

5.“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”means             

A.the Romans are people of good manners

B.Americans always do the same things as the Romans do

C.you should do things like Romans do

D.you should get used to the local customs where you go


The earth is our home.Everyone should do  1  to protect her.As students,what should we do? In the last week's class meeting,we discussed the.In the end,we decided to  3 rubbish along the Purple Mountain this Sunday.

It was windy on Sunday morning,  4   all of us reached the foot of the mountain on time.We looked excited because we thought it was   5   for us to do this.When we climbed up the mountain, we were   6  to see many plastic bags and different kinds of bottles and tins. We spent about four hours  7   them up.When we got to the top of the mountain,we collected five bags of rubbish.Some of us were  8 tired to walk.We had to  9  a rest.

Now, there is more and more pollution.If we don't take action to  10  the pollution,what will the world be like in the future?

1.A.everything             B.something            C.anything                 D.nothing

2.A.answer                  B.event                   C.problem                 D.project

3.A.pick away              B.pick up                C.pick off                 D.pick out

4.A.but                        B.though                 C.for                       D.if 

5.A.useless                  B.unnecessary       C.meaningful             D.hard

6.A.excited                  B.lucky                   C.happy                     D.surprised

7.A.clean                     B.cleaned                C.to clean                  D.cleaning

8.A.too                        B.so                       C.very                             D.such

9.A.get                        B.have                    C.make                     D.do

10.A.hold                    B.stop                     C.put out                   D.take away



  Once a baby cries, the parents will go to see what happened as soon as possible.According to a new study, a baby's cry can make adults react(反应)very quickly, even if they are not related.

  Oxford University researchers used the classic game whack-a-mole for the study.Whack-a-mole(打鼹鼠游戏)requires people to hit one of nine buttons(按钮).The players must react as quickly as they can to whichever of the buttons lights up at random(随机).It is a game that requires speed and accuracy(准确度).

  The study included 40 men and women volunteers aged 19 to 59.Some of them had sons or daughters but none had a baby at the time.They played whack-a-mole after listening to different sounds, including babies crying, the crying of adults in trouble and birdsong played at a similar pitch to the babies' cries.

  The volunteers' scores were higher after listening to the sound of crying babies.Men and women had similar scores overall.The results showed that a crying baby gets special attention.

  "Few sounds make people react quite like the cry of a baby," said Morten Kringelbach of Oxford's psychiatry(精神病学)department, who led the study."For example, it's almost impossible to ignore(忽视,不理)crying babies on planes.This is true even though there are so many other noises around."

  He added that a baby's cry can increase adults' heart rate and blood pressure.This is understandable, because in the course of human evolution(进化), taking care of babies has always been an important job for adults.When a baby is hungry or feeling bored or unwell, it will cry.As a result, human brains and bodies develop a special reaction to a baby's cry.


According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


There were 80 volunteers who took part in the study.


The youngest volunteer was 19 and the oldest was 59.


Some volunteers had babies at that time in the study.


The volunteers were affected by the sound of a baby's cry.


The game “whack-a-mole” shows ________.

[  ]


a baby's cry can get special attention from adults


men and women have different reaction speed and accuracy


adults without babies react less quickly to a baby's cry


women react to a baby's cry more quickly than men


“Whack-a-mole” requires people to hit ________ at a time.

[  ]


one button


one of nine buttons


nine buttons


ten buttons


According to the passage, a baby's cry ________.

[  ]


has the same pitch as birdsong


is the noisiest sound there is


can increase adults' heart rate and blood pressure


is good for its health


From the last paragraph, we learn that ________.

[  ]


taking care of the younger babies was the most important thing in the past


human brains and bodies have developed to take care of babies


baby cries are a good way make adults react quickly


baby cries have developed a lot during the course of human evolution



  Once a baby cries, the parents will go to see what happened as soon as possible.According to a new study, a baby's cry can make adults react(反应)very quickly, even if they are not related.

  Oxford University researchers used the classic game whack-a-mole for the study.Whack-a-mole(打鼹鼠游戏)requires people to hit one of nine buttons(按钮).The players must react as quickly as they can to whichever of the buttons lights up at random(随机).It is a game that requires speed and accuracy(准确度).

  The study included 40 men and women volunteers aged 19 to 59.Some of them had sons or daughters but none had a baby at the time.They played whack-a-mole after listening to different sounds, including babies crying, the crying of adults in trouble and birdsong played at a similar pitch to the babies' cries.

  The volunteers' scores were higher after listening to the sound of crying babies.Men and women had similar scores overall.The results showed that a crying baby gets special attention.

  "Few sounds make people react quite like the cry of a baby," said Morten Kringelbach of Oxford's psychiatry(精神病学)department, who led the study."For example, it's almost impossible to ignore(忽视,不理)crying babies on planes.This is true even though there are so many other noises around."

  He added that a baby's cry can increase adults' heart rate and blood pressure.This is understandable, because in the course of human evolution(进化), taking care of babies has always been an important job for adults.When a baby is hungry or feeling bored or unwell, it will cry.As a result, human brains and bodies develop a special reaction to a baby's cry.


According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


There were 80 volunteers who took part in the study.


The youngest volunteer was 19 and the oldest was 59.


Some volunteers had babies at that time in the study.


The volunteers were affected by the sound of a baby's cry.


The game “whack-a-mole” shows ________.

[  ]


a baby's cry can get special attention from adults


men and women have different reaction speed and accuracy


adults without babies react less quickly to a baby's cry


women react to a baby's cry more quickly than men


“Whack-a-mole” requires people to hit ________ at a time.

[  ]


one button


one of nine buttons


nine buttons


ten buttons


According to the passage, a baby's cry ________.

[  ]


has the same pitch as birdsong


is the noisiest sound there is


can increase adults' heart rate and blood pressure


is good for its health


From the last paragraph, we learn that ________.

[  ]


taking care of the younger babies was the most important thing in the past


human brains and bodies have developed to take care of babies


baby cries are a good way make adults react quickly


baby cries have developed a lot during the course of human evolution


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