摘要: That girl often has some and for lunch A. salad, tomatoes B. salads, tomato C. chickens; tomatoes D. chicken, tomatoes


Dear Estelle,                                                 Saturday, 5th June
I hope you’ re well and not working too hard! I’ ve been revising for my exams now for the last two weeks. That’ s why I haven’ t written for such a long time.
Since the beginning of this year we’ ve been doing a project called ’ World Class’. Have you heard of it.’? Not everyone in the class could take part, but luckily I could. The school chooses a ’twin school’ (姊妹学校) in a different area of the world. Our head teacher chose a school in Uganda. They gave us someone to write to from that school. For three months, I’ve written to a girl called Louisa, who is the same age as me.
It’ s been more interesting to hear about her life. She’ s told me all about her school and described her daily (日常的) life. I can’ t believe that her School doesn’ t. have any electricity. She goes to ’school from eight o’ clock in the morning until six. O’clock. in the evening. I can’ t believe how lucky we are here! She’ s also told me that she often can’ t go to school because she has to look after her baby brother and sister. She’s tried to teach me some of her language and it’ s really difficult.
I love it because it’ s the first time I’ ve thought about what life must be like somewhere else. I can’ t believe people miss classes here when everything is so easy for us. I think more people should help out with projects like this. At the weekend we’ re going to have a sports day to help raise money to send to the school. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to go to Uganda and meet Louisa myself--who knows?
Lots of 1ove,
【小题1】 Suzanne hasn’ t written to Estelle for long because she is          

A.travelling in UgandaB.getting ready for her exams
C.busy doing a projectD., choosing a ’ twin school’
【小题2】Suzanne felt_______ to take part in the project ’World Class’.
【小题3】 Which of the following is TRUE about Louisa’ s school?
A.It is a world class.B.The school day starts at six o’ clock.
C.It has no electricity.D.It is smaller than Susanne’ school.
【小题4】From the passage we know that              
A.Louisa lives a poor lifeB.Louisa has stopped going to school
C.Louisa is older than SusanneD.Louisa and Suzanne have the same interests
【小题5】 By doing the project ’ World Class’, Susanne learns to          
A.communicate with othersB.write in a foreign language
C.treasure what she hasD.know the importance of friendship

When I was a foreign teacher in China,every day I taught English to my students and they taught me about China.One day the topic mined to saying “I love you”.I was shocked to learn that not one of my students had said this to their mothers,nor had their mothers said it to them.“Does your mom love you?” “Of course,”they answered.
“How do you know?” was my logical question.They responded that their moms cooked and Always told them what they were doing wrong to show their earning.I was strummed. So mom's cooking and criticizing read our as “I love you”.”Then how do you say ‘I love you to her?” They agreed that getting good grades, followed by good jobs would be how they showed their love.
I come from a culture where most people are expressive enough,so I repeated these queries in clauses over time.Gradually,I began to get different responses.Some of them had exchanged those sentiments with their moms.
One of my favorite stories of change came from a girl.When she came home from university,her mother met her at the door and hugged(拥抱)her.This had never happened before,but her mom said,“Now that you have gone I have more time to myself.I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and I decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you.”
In my family we all say “I love you” a lot.While it is true that we often say the words without having great depth of feelings at that moment,it is almost like a blessing we give each other. Those three little words carry a world of meaning,even when said as a greeting, but most especially if they are the lax words we say to or hear from those we love.
【小题1】The foreign teacher _________.
A.comes from AmericaB.is a young woman
C.is expressive enoughD.knows much about China
【小题2】Chinese people prefer to show love by __________.
A.saying “I love you”B.cooking
C.getting good grades D.doing something helpful
【小题3】In paragraph 4, what's the real meaning of the mom's hugging?
A.She is meeting her daughter at the dour.
B.She loves her daughter and misses her.
C.She is glad that she has more time to herself.
D.She finds it interesting to hug her daughter.
【小题4】What's the main idea of the passage?
A.Say “I love you” more to your family.
B.Say “I love you” a lot to Chinese people.
C.Say “I love you” as a greeting to others.
D.Say “I love you” without great depth of feelings.



How much pocket money do you get from your parents every month? Maybe 200 yuan? But for Li Beibei, 30 yuan each month is enough. The only thing she buys is lunch—1.5 yuan each day. “Meat is too expensive for me,” said Li.

Li, 14, is a Junior 1 student at Beijing’s Xingzhi Experimental School. Her parents are migrant workers(外来务工人员). They came to Beijing from a village in Luohe, He’nan two years ago. Her father now works as a cleaner and gets 500 yuan every month. Her mother has no job.

Li Beibei has 460 friends at Xingzhi. Every day, Li gets up at 5:30 am and rides her bike for 20 minutes to get to school. Like many teens, Li has a lot of homework—usually at least one hour every day. But that is not all her work. During the weekdays she helps her mum cook. On weekends, she helps wash clothes. “I could cook when I was eight. Dad said sometimes I cook better than Mum!”

Li said she wanted to be a doctor. “I watch TV and find out there are many people with AIDS in He’nan. Some are kids. They need help,” said Li.

But she is afraid to leave school. “I hope I will always be in school,” said Li. “Dad works hard to get money. I promise him I will study hard to be a good student and a good doctor in the future.”

1.Li Beibei came from ______.





2.Which of the following sentences is TRUE? ______.

A.The girl’s parents are both cleaners

B.Her parents gave her 30 yuan to buy books

C.The girl often helps her mother do some housework

D.She studies hardest in her class

3.She spends ______ on her homework everyday.

A.20 minutes

B.over one hour

C.half an hour

D.two hours

4.Her wish is to be a doctor because she wants to ______.

A.help poor farmers

B.help the people with AIDS

C.make her parents healthier

D.help poor kids

5.The best title of the passage should be ______.

A.A City Girl

B.Hard But Happy Life

C.A Village Girl’s Hope

D.A Girl’s School Life



Dear Estelle,                                                 Saturday, 5th June

     I hope you' re well and not working too hard! I' ve been revising for my exams now for the last two weeks. That' s why I haven' t written for such a long time.

     Since the beginning of this year we' ve been doing a project called ' World Class'. Have you heard of it.'? Not everyone in the class could take part, but luckily I could. The school chooses a 'twin school' (姊妹学校) in a different area of the world. Our head teacher chose a school in Uganda. They gave us someone to write to from that school. For three months, I've written to a girl called Louisa, who is the same age as me.

      It' s been more interesting to hear about her life. She' s told me all about her school and described her daily (日常的) life. I can' t believe that her School doesn' t. have any electricity. She goes to 'school from eight o' clock in the morning until six. O’clock. in the evening. I can' t believe how lucky we are here! She' s also told me that she often can' t go to school because she has to look after her baby brother and sister. She’s tried to teach me some of her language and it' s really difficult.



      I love it because it' s the first time I' ve thought about what life must be like somewhere else. I can' t believe people miss classes here when everything is so easy for us. I think more people should help out with projects like this. At the weekend we' re going to have a sports day to help raise money to send to the school. Perhaps one day I'll be able to go to Uganda and meet Louisa myself--who knows?



                                                                                            Lots of 1ove,


1. Suzanne hasn' t written to Estelle for long because she is           

    A. travelling in Uganda                    B. getting ready for her exams

    C. busy doing a project                     D., choosing a ' twin school'

2.Suzanne felt_______ to take part in the project 'World Class'.

    A. excited          B. surprised           C. thankful          D. lucky

3. Which of the following is TRUE about Louisa' s school?

    A. It is a world class.                B. The school day starts at six o' clock.

    C. It has no electricity.             D. It is smaller than Susanne' school.

4.From the passage we know that               

A. Louisa lives a poor life        B. Louisa has stopped going to school

C. Louisa is older than Susanne      D. Louisa and Suzanne have the same interests

5. By doing the project ' World Class', Susanne learns to           

     A. communicate with others                  B. write in a foreign language

     C. treasure what she has                  D. know the importance of friendship



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