摘要: Tom's mother likes playing guitar, but she can't play basketball. A. the; / B./; / C./; the D. the; the


Dear Abby,

I'm a helpless mother. My son Tom is 15 years old. I find that the older he grows, the less we talk. I feel very sad and I really need help.

My first problem is about his hobbies. He spends almost all his spare time on computer games. When he gets home, he always turns on the computer and closes the door. I'm getting worried about him, especially when his English teacher tells me he always gets low marks in the English exams.

Second, he likes new technology, but I don't have enough money and I can't afford all the things he wants.

Recently, I've found that he is always alone. I've never seen him talking to his friends on the phone or going out with anyone on weekends. That is the last problem I have.

What should I do to help him? Please give me some advice.

A helpless mother

1.The helpless mother has         problems.





2.Tom           for almost all his spare time at home.

A.plays computer games

B.talks with his mother

C.does his homework

D.practises typing (打字)

3.From the passage we know that Tom's mother           .

A.is not worried about Tom

B.feels very happy

C.is not rich

D.likes new technology

4.The helpless mother asks Abby to             

A.play with Tom

B.talk to Tom

C.buy what Tom wants

D.give her some advice

5.Which of the following is TRUE about Tom?

A.He is 14 years old.

B.He is not good at English.

C.He often phones to his friends.

D.He likes going out on weekends.




Tom is a five-year-old boy. He likes chocolates (巧克力) very much. (89)But his mother doesn’t think they are good for his health. So she doesn’t usually buy them for Tom. Tom has a nice grandfather. The old man doesn’t live with them. He loves Tom very much. He usually comes to see Tom on weekends. And he often buys some chocolates when he comes. Then Tom’s mother lets him eat it, because she wants to make her father happy.

Tom’s birthday is on Saturday. On Friday evening, Tom says to his mother, “Oh, I’m very happy today.”

“Why?” asks his mother.

“Because tomorrow is my birthday, and I can get chocolates,” says Tom, “Please God, (90)give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.

“Ha! God can’t hear you. Don’t shout (喊)!” says Tom’s mother.

“I know,” says the boy with a smile, “but my grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”


1. When does Tom’s grandfather usually see Tom?


2. Why is Tom happy on Friday evening?


3. Can Tom get a box of chocolates on his birthday?







Dear Abby,
I'm a helpless mother. My son Tom is 15 years old. I find that the older he grows, the less we talk. I feel very sad and I really need help.
My first problem is about his hobbies. He spends almost all his spare time on computer games. When he gets home, he always turns on the computer and closes the door. I'm getting worried about him, especially when his English teacher tells me he always gets low marks in the English exams.
Second, he likes new technology, but I don't have enough money and I can't afford all the things he wants.
Recently, I've found that he is always alone. I've never seen him talking to his friends on the phone or going out with anyone on weekends. That is the last problem I have.
What should I do to help him? Please give me some advice.
A helpless mother
【小题1】The helpless mother has         problems.

【小题2】Tom           for almost all his spare time at home.
A.plays computer games
B.talks with his mother
C.does his homework
D.practises typing (打字)
【小题3】From the passage we know that Tom's mother           .
A.is not worried about Tom
B.feels very happy
C.is not rich
D.likes new technology
【小题4】The helpless mother asks Abby to             
A.play with Tom
B.talk to Tom
C.buy what Tom wants
D.give her some advice
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE about Tom?
A.He is 14 years old.
B.He is not good at English.
C.He often phones to his friends.
D.He likes going out on weekends.


(1) The looks are for Tom’s family.

Family member

His /her looks


tall, curly hair


short, black hair, heavy


long curly hair, medium build


looks like my mother, short, heavy

(2) Here is the weather report in some cities in China.




























cloudy to sunny

light snow

sunny to cloudy




(3) This is TV show in Chongqing Station.

CQTV (生活)

7:30          Morning News

14:30        Soap Opera: Dumpling king

15:30        Arts and Cultures

16:50        Sitcom: Happy Family

18:20        Chinese cooking

19:00   Talk show









1. Tom’s mother is ______ and heavy with ______ hair.

   A. tall, curly      B. short, black      C. medium, long     D. short, long

2. Beijing is ______ while Chongqing is raining.

   A. sunny to cloudy    B. cloudy to sunny      C. sunny      D. cloudy

3. Which is the following sentence right?

A. Tom’s father is a cook. He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15:30.

  B. Tom’s sister looks like my mother and she likes watching soap operas.

  C. A reporter asks me about what I did on weekends on TV at 16:50.

  D. Tom’s mother went to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes.


Tom is a five-year-old boy. He likes chocolates (巧克力) very much. (89)But his mother doesn’t think they are good for his health. So she doesn’t usually buy them for Tom. Tom has a nice grandfather. The old man doesn’t live with them. He loves Tom very much. He usually comes to see Tom on weekends. And he often buys some chocolates when he comes. Then Tom’s mother lets him eat it, because she wants to make her father happy.
Tom’s birthday is on Saturday. On Friday evening, Tom says to his mother, “Oh, I’m very happy today.”
“Why?” asks his mother.
“Because tomorrow is my birthday, and I can get chocolates,” says Tom, “Please God, (90)give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.
“Ha! God can’t hear you. Don’t shout (喊)!” says Tom’s mother.
“I know,” says the boy with a smile, “but my grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”
1. When does Tom’s grandfather usually see Tom?
2. Why is Tom happy on Friday evening?
3. Can Tom get a box of chocolates on his birthday?

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