摘要: What did Jim doing in Miami? A. On vacation B. Doing shopping. C. Visited his friends.请同学们将试卷翻到第Ⅱ卷.完成第五大题.你将有5秒钟的准备时间. 选择最佳答案.


1. Which is Sally's favourite season?
A. Winter.                    
B. Summer.              
C. Autumn.
2. What will the boy do tomorrow?
A. He'll do his homework.      
B. He'll go to work.      
C. He'll do his housework.
3. How much is the red T-shirt?
A. 40 dollars.                
B. 14 dollars.            
C. 54 dollars.
4. What's the weather like today?
A. It's sunny.                
B. It's rainy.              
C. It's cloudy.
5. At what time did Tom leave?
A. 7:15.                    
B. 6:45.                  
C. 7:00.
6. Who runs the most slowly of the three?
A. Tom.                    
B. Li Lei.                
C. John.
7. In which month did Tom's father go to Paris?
A. June.                    
B. May.                  
C. August.
8. What's Jim doing?
A. Watching TV.            
B. Listening to the radio.    
C. Doing his homework.
9. How old is the man now?
A. 22.                      
B. 24.                  
C. 26.
10. Where was Timmy when the earthquake stopped?
A. In a restaurant.            
B. In a hospital.          
C. In a dark place.
     It was Sunday, Jim did not have to go to school. He helped his father in the Garden. After two hours
in the garden, He was tired. He went in the room and took out an ice cream from the fridge. He asked his
father if he felt thirsty. And if he said yes he would bring him a bottle if cola. But his father said no. And he
told Jim when he was young he often helped his parents with the work on the farm. Sometimes the weather was hot and sometimes it was cold and windy. But he never gave up just because he was hungry or thirsty. He thought a real man could stand everything that others can’t bear.
1. What did Jim do on Sunday?
A. Helped his parents with the farm work.    
B. Helped his father in the garden in his house.
C. Watched TV all day.              
D. Went to school.
2. Can you guess how the weather was then?
A. Cold and windy.      
B. Very hot.      
C. Rainy.      
D. Snowy.
3. Did his father work on the farm when he was young?
A. Yes, he did.      
B. No, he didn’t.      
C. I don’t know.      
D. He weren’t.
4. Did his father drink cola?
A. Yes, he did.      
B. No, he didn’t.      
C. He drank a little.      
D. He ate an ice cream.
5. Why did Jim help his father work in the garden?
A. Because it was Sunday.                
B. Because his family was poor.
C. He likes doing housework.              
D. His father made him do it.

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