摘要: "Chang-E No.1 Satellite" told us that there no life on the moon.A. was B. is C. be D. are


    China news, Xichang, Oct 19-The Chang'e No. 1 moon probe satellite took its name after a young and
beautiful goddess in a traditional Chinese legend who lived in her palace on the moon with her pet rabbit.
Compared with the legendary fairy maiden, the satellite, with a weight of more than 2 tons, might appear
large and hefty. However, scientists believed that the satellite could fly to the moon in a graceful way during
the upcoming launch, just like what the fairy maiden did as described in the legend.
    The main tasks facing Chang'e No. 1 are to take the 3D pictures of the moon and to explore the moon
surface environment. Compared with manned spacecraft Shenzhou 5 and Shenzhou 6, Chang'e No.1 is
a small satellite. While scientists need to add four boosters to send Shenzhou 5 and Shenzhou 6 into space,
the launch of Chang'e No. 1 will not need any booster at all. Since Chang'e No. 1 satellite is a small device,
the loading capacity of the Chang'e satellite launch will be much lighter. In sending large satellites, the total
weight of the satellite and the carrier rocket can be as many as 400 tons or more. However, Chang'e No.1
and its carrier rocket, Long March 3A, weigh only 250 tons.
    The Chang'e No.1 satellite will fly around the earth for a couple of times before it shifts to the moon orbit.
After that, 13 monitoring devices that are placed on the earth will adjust its flying positions in space. By then,
people might see that the moon probe satellite will turn swiftly in space.
1. Why is the moon probe satellite named Chang'e?
2. What carried Chang'e to space?
3. What will the moon probe satellite fly around in the end?

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