摘要: A. I like playing basketball.B. I like playing football.C. I like playing volleyball.


Linda: My pen friend is a Chinese girl. Her name is Wang Ling. I like calling her Lingling.

She is from Shanghai, but she is in Beijing now. We like playing tennis very much.

Henry: I have a good friend, and he is also my pen friend. His name is David. David is an American boy. He is 13 years old. He likes to play football.

Gina:  I want to have a pen friend from China. I hope (希望) he or she can help me with my Chinese. We can write emails in Chinese. I like listening to music and I hope my pen friend likes music, too.

Gary:  Bob is my pen friend from England. He likes riding a horse, but I don’t. I like swimming. We often write letters to each other.

(   ) 1. Wang Ling is __________ pen friend.

       A. Linda’s         B. Henry’s       C. Gina’s          D. Gary’s

(   ) 2. What is David’s favourite sport?

       A. Playing tennis.                 B. Playing football.  

       C. Playing basketball. D. Playing volleyball.

(   ) 3. Where is Gary’s pen friend from?

       A. China          B. America       C. England         D. Japan

(   ) 4. Which of the following (以下哪个句子) is NOT right?

       A. Wang Ling is from Beijing.         B. David is from America.

       C. Gina can write Chinese           D. Bob can ride a horse

(   ) 5. The passage (文章) is mainly about __________.

       A. jobs           B. schools       C. hobbies         D. pen friends


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