摘要:9.We watched the train until it into the distance.


     The weather was perfect. We were just out for a picnic. When lunch time came, we decided to go and
get what each of us wanted, and meet back on the grass.
     Susan and I headed for a hot dog stand. We watched the seller put together the hot dog. But when Susan
took out her  1 , the man surprised us.
      "It looks a little overdone," he said, "so you don't have to pay me."
      We said our thanks,  2  our friends, and began to enjoy our food. But as we talked and ate, I noticed a
man sitting alone nearby, in  3   clothes. I could tell that he hadn't had a bath for days. Another homeless
person, I thought.
     We finished eating but when Susan and I went to  4   away the lunch bag, I heard a voice ask, "There
isn't any  5  in that bag, is there?"
     It was the homeless man.  6  didn't know what to say. "No, I ate it already."
     "Oh, really?" was his only answer. He was obviously (明显地) very  7  .
      I felt bad for him,   8   I didn't know what to do. Suddenly Susan said,"I'll be right back. Please wait for
me a minute." I watched curiously (好奇地) as she went across to the hot dog stand. Then I  9   what she
was doing. She bought a hot dog, crossed back, and gave the man the food.
     When she came back to us, Susan said simply, "I was just passing on the  10   that someone gave to me."
     That day I learned how generosity (慷慨) can go  11   than the person you give to. By giving, you  12  
 others how to give also. You never know what happiness a simple act of concern will bring about.
(     )1. A. present   
(     )2. A. watched  
(     )3. A. lovely   
(     )4. A. drive   
(     )5. A. food    
(     )6. A. I      
(     )7. A. cold     
(     )8. A. but     
(     )9. A. remembered
(     )10. A. relation 
(     )11. A. quicker  
(     )12. A. believe  
B. money   
B. helped  
B. special  
B. throw   
B. water   
B. He     
B. nervous 
B. while   
B. imagined 
B. kindness 
B. higher  
B. advise  
C. key    
C. visited 
C. dirty   
C. wash   
C. coffee  
C. She     
C. hungry  
C. so    
C. mentioned
C. memory  
C. farther  
C. train   
D. menu    
D joined   
D. popular                     
D. pull    
D. medicine
D. It      
D. crazy   
D. or      
D. realized
D. business
D. deeper  
D. teach   

He came again the next day and worked until it was time to leave. His name was Jerry. He was 12 and had been at the Children's Home(孤儿院)since he was only four. \ I thought of him. He was honest(诚实). For example, the handle (柄) of the ax (斧)broke one day. Jerry said the Children's Home would mend it. I handed him some money to pay for it. He wouldn't take the money. "I'll pay for it, mama. I broke it. I didn't hit the wood in the right place. "
"But Jerry, no one hits the wood in the right place all the time. And it was a weak handle. I'll speak to the seller. " It was only then that he would take the money.
Another thing about Jerry was that he would do those little but helpful things. The things would not be badly needed but would make life so much easier. For example, he found a hole near the fireplace. "I'll put some wood in the hole, mama. Then when a sudden storm(暴风雨)comes up, you can stay warm. "
One cold day, Jerry sat close by me near the fire. We watched the fire bum. He suddenly talked of something he had never talked of before. "You look like my mother, especially(特别) next to the fire"
But you were four, Jerry, 'when you came to live at the Children's Home. Do you still remember your mother?"
【小题1】How long had Jerry lived at the Children's Home by the time he met the writer?
A.One year.B.Four years.C.Eight years.D.Twelve years.
【小题2】How did Jerry feel after he broke the handle of the ax?
【小题3】What did the writer think of Jerry? He was        .
A.clever, honest but lazyB.honest, helpful and worked hard
C.honest, warm - hearted and strangeD.careful, honest and weak
【小题4】The sentence underlined (划线的)means that        .
A.you should be more careful next time
B.anyone can hit the wood in the right place
C.I always hit the wood in the right place
D.people hit the wood sometimes in the wrong place
【小题5】Which is right?
A.Jerry lived with his parents at times.
B.The writer was really Jerry's mother.
C.Jerry liked the writer and the writer liked him, too.
D.Jerry did not like to live with his mother.

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