摘要:59.What does“a desire mean in the passage? A.A good way B.A new invention C.A strong wish D.A wonderful idea


Do you like dogs? Do you know the following things about dogs?

The first pet dog

Dogs are meat-eating animals. They belonged to the family of wolves (狼) a long time ago. About 15,000 years ago, people started keeping wolves for hunting (狩猎). Over the time, the wolves began to look like dogs and they became people’s pets.

What a dog looks like

Dogs come in different sizes, colors and shapes, but they’re the same in some ways. All kinds of dogs have a set of forty-two strong teeth for eating. They have sharp claws (利爪) at the end of their feet for digging up soil (挖土) and holding onto the ground when they walk. They have very good eyesight(视力). They also have high ability (能力) to hear and smell.

How a dog grows

A mother dog gives birth to one to twelve babies at a time. New-born baby dogs cannot see or hear until they are two weeks old. The mother dog gives the baby dogs milk. When they are four weeks old, they start eating soft food. When they’re eight weeks, the baby dogs have very strong legs and they can go for long walks.

How to read a dog’s feelings

Dogs act differently when they have different feelings. When a dog is angry, it opens its mouth and shows its teeth. When a dog is frightened, it lowers its ears and holds its tail (尾巴) between its legs. A happy dog always wags (摇摆) its tail.


(  )56. People have started keeping dogs as pets since    .

A. there were humans  

    B. the wolves looked like dogs

C. there were wolves  

    D. 15,00 years ago

(  )57. What can the sharp claws of dogs be used for according to the passage?

A. Climbing a tree.   

    B. Looking for food.

    C. Digging up soil.   

    D. Fighting against other animals.      

(  )58. When does a dog start to eat soft food?

A. When it’s 2 weeks old. 

    B. When it’s one month old.

    C. When it’s 2 months old.

    D. When it’s 8 months old.

(  )59. What does a dog do when it is frightened?

A. It opens its mouth.    

    B. It shows its teeth.

C. It wags its tail.     

    D. It holds its tail between its legs.

(  )60. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Some facts about dogs.

    B. The history of dogs.  

C.Dogs come in different sizes

    D. Dogs are human beings’ friends.


   When you read an article you will understand and remember it better if you can work out how the writer has put the ideas together.Sometimes a writer puts ideas together by asking questions and then answering them.For example,if the article is about groundhogs(土拨鼠),the set of questions in the writer’s head might be:
    What does a groundhog look like?
    Where do groundhogs live?
    What do they eat?…
    In the article,the author might answer those questions.
   Sometimes an author writes out her questions in the article.These questions give you signals.They tell you what the author is going to write next.Often an author has a question in her head but she doesn’t write it out for you.You have to work out her question for yourself.Here’s a sample reading for you to practice this method.
  Do you know how many kinds of earthworms there are?There are about 1800 kinds in the world! They can be brown,purple,green.They can be as small as 3 cm long and as large as 3 m long.
  The best time to see earthworms is at night,especially a cool,damp night.That’s when they come up from their burrows(地洞)to hunt for food.Earthworms don’t like to be in the sun.That’s because they breathe through their skin,and they can’t breathe if their skin gets too dry.Earthworms must come out of the earth if it rains a lot,because they can't breathe in their flooded burrows.What a dangerous life!
  Earthworms don't have eyes,so how can they tell when it's dark? They have special places on their skin that are sensitive to light.These spots tell whether it’s light or dark.If you shine a flashlight on an earthworm at night,it will quickly disappear into the ground.
  Earthworms don't have ears either,but they can hear by feeling movements in the earth.If you want to hear like an earthworm,lie on the ground with your fingers in your ears.Then have a friend stamp his or her feet near you.This is how earthworms feel birds and people walking,and moles digging,near them.
  Earthworms are useful.Farmers and gardeners like having lots of earthworms in their land because the worms help to make better soil when they dig.That digging keeps the soil loose and airy(通风的).In one year earthworms can pile up as much as 23,000 kg of castings in an area about the size of a football field.

56. What’s the purpose of reading Earthworms?
 A. To show the special life facts of earthworms.
 B. To explain the differences from the groundhogs.
 C. To put the writer’s idea into real use.
 D. To make the readers think more clearly. 

57. Which question CANNOT be answered in the passage?
 A. How do earthworms help with gardeners?
 B. What life are earthworms living with?
 C. When may people observe earthworms?
 D. Why can human listen like earthworms?

58. How can you understand Earthworms better according to this passage?
 A. Read, ask and answer questions in your own head while reading.
 B. Read to work out all the questions in the writer’s head while reading.
 C. Read and check all the things that are not clear to you again and again.
 D. Read for general ideas and discuss or compare with other similar topics.
59. What’s the best title for the passage?
 A. One way to help with understanding
 B. One way to practice with a new idea
 C. One way to learn to be a wise writer
 D. One way to be clearer about worms


   When you read an article you will understand and remember it better if you can work out how the writer has put the ideas together.Sometimes a writer puts ideas together by asking questions and then answering them.For example,if the article is about groundhogs(土拨鼠),the set of questions in the writer’s head might be:
    What does a groundhog look like?
    Where do groundhogs live?
    What do they eat?…
    In the article,the author might answer those questions.
   Sometimes an author writes out her questions in the article.These questions give you signals.They tell you what the author is going to write next.Often an author has a question in her head but she doesn’t write it out for you.You have to work out her question for yourself.Here’s a sample reading for you to practice this method.
  Do you know how many kinds of earthworms there are?There are about 1800 kinds in the world! They can be brown,purple,green.They can be as small as 3 cm long and as large as 3 m long.
  The best time to see earthworms is at night,especially a cool,damp night.That’s when they come up from their burrows(地洞)to hunt for food.Earthworms don’t like to be in the sun.That’s because they breathe through their skin,and they can’t breathe if their skin gets too dry.Earthworms must come out of the earth if it rains a lot,because they can't breathe in their flooded burrows.What a dangerous life!
  Earthworms don't have eyes,so how can they tell when it's dark? They have special places on their skin that are sensitive to light.These spots tell whether it’s light or dark.If you shine a flashlight on an earthworm at night,it will quickly disappear into the ground.
  Earthworms don't have ears either,but they can hear by feeling movements in the earth.If you want to hear like an earthworm,lie on the ground with your fingers in your ears.Then have a friend stamp his or her feet near you.This is how earthworms feel birds and people walking,and moles digging,near them.
  Earthworms are useful.Farmers and gardeners like having lots of earthworms in their land because the worms help to make better soil when they dig.That digging keeps the soil loose and airy(通风的).In one year earthworms can pile up as much as 23,000 kg of castings in an area about the size of a football field.

56. What’s the purpose of reading Earthworms?
 A. To show the special life facts of earthworms.
 B. To explain the differences from the groundhogs.
 C. To put the writer’s idea into real use.
 D. To make the readers think more clearly. 

57. Which question CANNOT be answered in the passage?
 A. How do earthworms help with gardeners?
 B. What life are earthworms living with?
 C. When may people observe earthworms?
 D. Why can human listen like earthworms?

58. How can you understand Earthworms better according to this passage?
 A. Read, ask and answer questions in your own head while reading.
 B. Read to work out all the questions in the writer’s head while reading.
 C. Read and check all the things that are not clear to you again and again.
 D. Read for general ideas and discuss or compare with other similar topics.
59. What’s the best title for the passage?
 A. One way to help with understanding
 B. One way to practice with a new idea
 C. One way to learn to be a wise writer
 D. One way to be clearer about worms


Before the 2013 Spring Festival Gala (春晚),several young people were interviewed.Here are some of their opinions.

Student A,18,a fresher in accounting at Hebei University of Finance and Economics

I seldom watched the CCTV gala before.I found the familiar (熟悉的)faces on the show quite boring.But in the past few years the show has featured more pop stars,making me want to watch it.This year,Fm excited to see S.H.E.and Leehom Wang.

Another reason I will watch it is that I can follow what my friends are talking about on their micro blogs.People usually post comments on the show and I don’t want to be confused when they quote (引用)jokes from the show.

Student B,18,a fresher in law at Zhengzhou University

Watching the CCTV gala is a habit for my family.I always enjoy the warm atmosphere when my family watch the show together after dinner.

Even though the gala has been questioned in recent years for adding too many advertisements,it is still a traditional form of entertainment for most Chinese on Lunar New Year’s Eve.I think the gala reflects (反映)the improvement in Chinese people’s lives.Hopefully it will continue to do so.

Student C,19,a fresher in civil engineering at Wuhan University

As a fan of the CCTV gala I am looking forward to seeing the improvements this year and hope it will feature more high-quality performances.

This year my family are travelling to Sichuan during the holiday,but luckily I heard that we can watch the gala on my ipad.

Although some people say the gala is already outdated,I think some programs are great and necessary.Nowadays people live under so much pressure,and we need some fun to relax.


56.Why didn’t Student A like watching the CCTV gala in the past?

A.It had too many programs.                          B.It had too many pop stars.

C.It had too many advertisements.                  D.It had too many familiar performers.

57.Who does Student B watch the CCTV gala with?

A.Her family                B.Her friends.          C.The fans.             D.Her classmates.

58.What’s Student B’s wish for the CCTV gala?

A.Having more pop stars                                  B.Offering more fun for people to relax.

C.Providing more high-quality performances.   D.Reflecting the improvement in Chinese people’s lives.

59.What does Student C think of the CCTV gala?

A.Necessary.             B.Exciting.        C.Outdated.             D.Boring.

60.What do the three people have in common?

A.They are all fans of the gala.

B.They all used to like the gala.

C.They are all studying at university.

D.They all like to watch the gala on their ipads.


More and more advertisements appear on the Web.You have to be careful not to be fooled or tricked by the advertisements on the Internet.Something is said to be a bargain,but it isn’t always cheap.And some so-called new things just have a new outside.

However, shopping online is kind of fashionable thing today.I love to buy things of everyday use,so I often get lots of information about them on websites online For example,if I want an MP3.I can choose my favorite one,and look for what the users like or don't like about it, then decide whether to buy or not.And at the same time,you don’t have to go to a shop or walk around a crowded shopping area,so you don’t have to waste much time.The Internet is really useful for shopping,but be careful not to spend too much.

(    )58.If you want to shop online,you should_____________.

     A.spend too much                              B.always believe the advertisements

     C.never believe the advertisements             D.be careful not to be fooled

(    )59.What does the writer think of the advertisements online?

     A.They’re always true.                             B.They’re not useful.

     C.They’re sometimes false.                       D.They’re always fashionable.

(    ) 60.What does the underlined word“bargain”in the passage probably mean?

     A.谈判                 B.协议                     C.贵重物品              D.便宜物品

(    )61.What does the writer often buy online?

     A.So-called new things.                         B.Things like an MP3.

     C.So-called cheap things.                     D.Things like a house.



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