摘要:51.Jane thought she couldn’t change one thing.It was that .A.she was very thin B.she wasn’t good at mathC.she talked too much D.she was too proud


     When I was about twelve years old, a girl in my class liked to point out my shortcomings (缺点). 
     Week by week her list grew: I was very thin; I wasn't good at math; I talked too much; I was too proud,
and so on. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.
     He listened to me quietly, and then asked, "Are those things true or not? Jane, didn't you ever think about
what you're really like? And he added, "Well, you have that girl's opinions (意见). Make a list of everything
she said and mark the points that are true."
     I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I found out that about half the things were true. Some of them
I couldn't change, like being very thin, but many I could. Suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I
got a clear picture of myself.
     I brought the list back to Daddy, and he said, "Now you know better about yourself. But you have to learn
to listen, not just close your ears and feel hurt. When something said about you is true, you'll find it will be of
great help to you. Don't shut your ears. Listen to the truth, and do what you know is the right thing to do."
     Daddy's advice has returned to me at many important moments. In my life, I've never had a better piece
of advice.
1. When Jane was ______, a girl in her class liked to point out her shortcomings.
A. about 10
B. about 12
C. about 14
D. about 16
2. Jane thought she couldn't change one thing. It was that ______.
A. she was very thin
B. she wasn't good at math
C. she talked too much
D. she was too proud
3. What did Jane's father really mean by saying "Make a list of everything…"?
A. To listen to her classmate's opinions.
B. To take others' right and useful suggestions.
C. To find out what is right and what is wrong.
D. To know herself better and improve herself.
4. Which is the best title for this passage?
A. My Father
B. My School Life
C. The Girl's Opinions
D. The Best Advice

Jane got home late at night. She was going to knock at the door. Just then it opened.
Her father was standing by the door. He was a tall man with white hair.
“Come in,” he said. “I am getting cold.”
Jane went in. Her mother was waiting in the room. Her mother was a short woman in her early forties. She was wearing a nightdress(睡衣).
Her father closed the door.
“Well,” he said, “Where have you been? You promised to be home at eleven o’clock. It’s one o’clock now.”
“It’s only ten to one.”
“That doesn’t make any difference,” her father replied angrily.
“We’ve been very worried about you,” said her mother.
“I’m sorry,” Jane said. “I was at a dance. I didn’t notice the time.”
“You’ve got a watch,” said her father. “Your mother and I have waited for a long time. We didn’t know where you were.”
“I can look after myself,” replied Jane. “I’m not a baby any more.”
54. When Jane got home, her parents _______.
   A. were in bed                 B. turned on the light
   C. were waiting for her          D. did not get up
55. Jane promised to be home at eleven, _______.
   A. but she was nearly two hours late       B. and she came back before dark
   C. but she stayed out the whole night      D. and she returned on time
56. Why did Jane get home late?
   A. She had to walk a long way.           B. She left her watch at home.
   C. Her watch stopped.                  D. Time passed before she knew it.
57. Which of the following is true?
   A. Jane’s parents knew when she would be back.
   B. Jane refused to apologize, so her parents were angry.
   C. Jane thought she was old enough to take care of herself.
   D. Jane’s mother was as tall as her father.

     When I was about twelve years old, a girl in my class liked to point out my disadvantages.
      Week by week her list grew: I was very thin; I wasn't good at math; I talked too much; I was too
proud, and so on. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.
     He listened to me quietly, and asked, "Are those things true or not? Jane, didn't you ever think about
what you're really like?" Then he added, "Well, you have that girl's opinions. Make a list of everything she
said and mark the points that are true
     I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I found out that about half the things were true. Some of them
I couldn't change, like being very thin, but many I could -and suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time
I got a clear picture of myself.
     I brought the list back to Daddy, and he said, "Now you know better about yourself. But you have to
learn to listen, not just close your ears angrily and feel hurt. When something said about you is true, you'll
find it will be of great help to you. Don't shut your ears. Listen to the truth and do what you know is the
right thing to do."
     Daddy's advice has returned to me at many important moments. In my life, I've never had a better piece
of advice.
1. When the writer Jane was _______, a girl in her class liked to point out her shortcomings.
A. about 10
B. about 12
C. about 14
D. about 16
2. Jane thought she couldn't change one thing. It was that ________.
A. she was very thin
B. she wasn't good at math
C. she talked too much
D. she was too proud
3. Who change the writer's opinion?
A. father
B. mother
C. sister
D. brother
4. What did Jane's father really mean by saying "Make a list of everything…"?
A. Make a shopping list.
B. Forget it.
C. Finding out what is right and what is wrong.
D. Don't make friends with the girl.
5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A. My Father
B. My Life
C. My Teacher
D. The Best Advice

Jane was not a good student. Her head was in the clouds(处于幻想之中) most of the time. She wanted to listen in class, but other things seemed more important: her clothes, her hairstyle, new movies and soap operas. Many times she tried to work hard at her lessons, but soon she gave up.
One day, her math teacher gave the class an important lesson and told her students that there would be a test next week. She helped them review all the week. Jane seemed to listen in class, but her mind went away again.
The day of the test arrived. Jane couldn’t answer many of the questions in the exam. Mike, a very hard-working student, sat in front of Jane. So Jane decided to copy his. Mike was very angry when he found Jane was copying his answers. He changed all his answers into wrong ones. Before the bell rang, Mike quickly changed his answers back into right ones. After the test, Mike turned to Jane and said, “All the answers you copied from my paper are wrong.”
【小题1】Jane thought less about________ than other things.

A.her clothesB.her study
C.films and televisionD.her hairstyle
【小题2】Jane couldn’t answer many of the questions on the exam because _______.
A.her mind was not in the study most of the time
B.she was not clever.
C.she always slept in class.
D.she didn’t know how to study
【小题3】Mike was angry when he ________.
A.was changing all his answers
B.failed the math test
C.found Jane was copying his answers.
D.found Jane copying the wrong answers
【小题4】Which of the following is right?
A.Jane copied the wrong answers.
B.Mike couldn’t answer the questions
C.Jane sat before Mike.
D.Jane tried her best in the exam.


It was just three degrees above zero. “That’s cold,” thought Jane as she got ready to deliver her morning papers. Jane had 50 customers, and on cold mornings when she couldn’t ride her bicycle, it took her more than an hour to make her rounds. As she collected her papers and put them into a big canvas bag, Jane regretted that she hadn’t finished her math homework the night before. There was still time. She’d hurry with the papers and finish the math before breakfast.
Less than an hour later, Jane was nearly finished. She had only five customers to go. She could then head for home to complete her math while her room fixed breakfast. As she rounded the corner, she saw a car in the middle of the street. It was Mr. Zimmerman, the elder man, who walked with a walking stick. His car was out of gas.“I’d like to help Mr. Zimmerman,” thought Jane, “but if I do, I won’t have time to do my homework.” She hated to think what Mr. Roberts would say if she hadn’t completed her papers.
“It’s his own fault for running out of gas,” Jane talked to herself. “The station is only a half mile down the street. Surely Mr. Zimmerman can walk that far, even on a cold morning like this --- can’t he? ” As she walked down the street, Jane wondered what to do.
【小题1】Jane delivers her paper______.

A.before she goes to school
B.on cold morning
C.with the help of Mr. Zimmerman’s car
D.on the way to school
【小题2】Mr. Zimmerman was old and_______.
A.couldn’t drive well
B.would have nobody to help him
C.was not rich enough to buy gas
D.was not able to walk a long way
【小题3】We know from the reading that______.
A.Jane couldn’t find any time to finish her homework
B.it took about an hour for Jane to send the papers
C.Jane would have her breakfast in the school
D.Jane likes to deliver papers on cold mornings
【小题4】The reading doesn’t say but we can infer(推断) that_____.
A.Jane bought the gas for Mr. Zimmerman
B.usually Jane delivers papers by bike
C.Mr. Robert doesn’t like Jane at school
D.Mr. Zimmerman had to leave the car for Jane


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