摘要:19.Is Jordan the name of a famous basketball player?A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn't. C.I don't know.


                            Basketball star Yao Ming is shining on the big screen, too!
       A film called "The Year of the Yao" has been produced. The one-and-half-hour documentary follows        
Yao  Ming's first year in the United States.
       Although Yao faces cultural and language problems in his first year in America, he deals well with the        
stress of being an NBA rookie (新手). 
       He finds friendship and support from others and always has confidence in himself. He is now in his third  
NBA season, but this season is his first playing with new Rockets forward (前锋) Tracy MxGrady who's a
top player in NBA. 
       The Rockets lost five games straight at the end of their first month and Yao has needed time to work well 
with MxGrady.
       "I haven't played as everyone expects (期待) and it has been lower than mine, too." Yao says. However,
he also says that he has been trying to improve, and things are surely getting better.
        Things may not be easy right now, but Yao Ming is still the favorite of his fans. In the recent NBA
All-Star ballot (投票), he got a record of more than 2.5 million votes from fans all over the world, which is
more than  
Michael Jordan!
1. "The Year of the Yao" is _______.
[     ]
A. the name of a year
B. a documentary
C. a book
D. a basketballer star
2. At the end of their first month, Yao Ming worked _______ with McGrady.
[     ]

A. very well
B. not well
C. as well as before
D. the same as before
