摘要:A.cold B.hot C.warm D.fineAThe children often play soccer in the garden and sometimes breakMrs. Smith's windows.One afternoon Mrs. Smith is at home and reads a book.In a minute she closes her eyes and goes to sleep.At that time a little boy knocks (敲) at the door.Mrs. Smith opens the door and asks, "Do you break my windows again?""Oh, no", says the boy, "Your window is open this time and our soccer is in your room.Can I get it back, please?"


Do you know Intuits (因纽特人)?Let me tell you something about their   16     .

The Intuits live near the North Pole(北极). There are only two seasons 17      : winter and summer. There are no spring   18    autumn there. The winter nights are long. You can’t 19      the sun for more than two months, even at noon. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never 20   and there is no light.

The Intuits have    21     clothes. They made their clothes from the skins(皮) of animals. From skins they make coats, caps and 22     .

Near the North Pole trees can’t grow, for it is   23      there. The Intuits have to make their houses from skins, stones or snow. When they    24   in a storm(风暴) and can’t get back home, they make houses of snow. They     25    these snow houses when the storm is over.

Life is hard for the Intuits, but they still like to live there.

(    ) 16.A. lives B. life C. living D. live

(    ) 17. A. there B. here C. warm D. cold

(    ) 18. A. not B. or C. and D. neither

(    ) 19. A. see B. watch C. look D. look at

(    ) 20. A. rises B. goes up C. rises up D. goes down

(    ) 21. A. cotton B. solid C. warm D. cold

(    ) 22. A. food B. drinks C. medicine D. shoes

(    ) 23. A. too cold B. too hot C. either cold or hot D. neither cold or hot

(    ) 24. A. go on B. go over C. go out D. go up

(    ) 25. A. left B. leave C. leave for D. left for


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