摘要: --Would you like some more cakes? -- .I'm full. A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Certainly D. I don't like


George liked flying a plane. Once he bought a small plane and learned how to fly it. He soon became so good that he could make his plane do all kinds of tricks(技巧).

George had a friend. His name was Peter. One day George said to his friend, “ Peter, would you like to have a trip in my plane?” Peter thought, “ I’ve traveled in a big plane several times, but I’ve never been in a small one, so I’ll go.”

They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks.Peter said in a shaken voice(颤抖的声音), “ Well, George, thank you very much for these two trips in your plane.”

George was very surprised and asked, “ Two trips? ”

“Yes, my first and my last.” Answered Peter.

1.Peter ______ his friend’s plane.

A.had to fly in

B.was asked (被邀请)to have a trip in

C.was asked to fly

D.asked George to fly

2.Peter went up with George in the plane because ______ .

A.he liked traveling very much

B.George was good at flying his plane

C.he had never traveled in a small plane

D.Peter could do all kinds of flying tricks

3.They were in the plane for ______ minutes.





4.How many times did Peter travel in his friend’s small plane?



C.Three times

D.Several times

5.From the passage we know that ______ .

A.Peter thanked George for the nice trip

B.Peter thought it was wonderful to have such a trip

C.Peter felt surprised that his friend could fly so well

D.Peter was worried about his safety while George was doing tricks in the sky


It is Sunday today. Ann is shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new sweater for her. In a clothing shop, she finds an orange one. She tries it on (试穿). It is too small. She wants a bigger one, but the bigger ones are not orange. Ann doesn’t like other colours. Her mother asks:” Shall we go to another shop to have a look? ” So they go out of the shop and go into another one.
The second shop is bigger than the first, and in it there are many kinds of sweaters of different sizes and colours. Ann tries on an orange one. It is too big. She tries a smaller one. It is OK.
“How much is it ?” Ann’s mother asks the women who sells clothes. Then they find it too dear (贵), and they don’t have so much money with them.
“Would you like a cheaper one ? ” The women asks.
“ No, we shall take this one. My daughter likes it. We will come back to buy it tomorrow. ” Ann’s mother answers.
【小题1】 It is Sunday. Ann and her mother                
A.are at home B. are in a clothing shop
C.are in a restaurantD. are in a park
【小题2】 Ann wants to buy          .
A.an orangeB.an orange sweater
C.an orange for her motherD.an orange sweater for her mother
【小题3】There is only one             .
A.shop near her homeB.orange in the first shop
C.orange sweater in the first shopD.orange sweater in the second shop
【小题4】 The orange sweater in the first shop is          .
A.too smallB.OK.C.longerD.too dear.
【小题5】In the second shop, why don’t they buy the sweater ?
A.Because Ann doesn’t like the sweater.B.Because it’s too small.
C.Because they don’t have enough(足够的) money.
D.Because they want to buy a cheaper one.

I’m Jack, and I am a middle school student. Yesterday? was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV! This is my first time on TV. In the evening, Mum, Dad and I were watching a TV programme in the sitting room and there I was! This is how it happened.

I was playing soccer in the park with my friends when a man and a woman came to us. The man had a camera. The woman had a microphone. “I’m from Channel 9,” she said. “Do you know the programme Kid’s Speak Out?” I did know it. I watched it often. It’s a weekly programme where kids say what they think about different things.

“Would you like to be on it?” the woman asked me.

I wanted to be on it and I thought my friends might also want to be on it, so I asked, “Can my friends be on it too?”

“Sorry, only one of you can,” the woman said. “You can talk about it and decide which of you is going to be on the programme.”

I asked my friends if they wanted to be on the programme. They didn’t, so I went on? it. The woman asked me a lot of questions. I thought carefully and tried to give sensible answers. When she finished, she said I was one of the best kids she’d spoken to! I felt very proud of myself. My mum and dad were proud of me too!

1.Jack was excited yesterday because he?????????? .

A. watched a TV programme with his parents????

B. was on TV for the first time

C. played soccer in the park with his friends????

D. saw the hosts of the programme Kid’s Speak Out

2.How did the thing happen?

Jack asked his friends if they wanted to be on the programme.

The woman asked Jack if he’d like to be on the programme.

The woman asked Jack a lot of questions.

Jack played soccer in the park with friends.

Jack thought carefully and tried to give answers.

A. ④①③②⑤? B.④②①③⑤?? C. ④③②①⑤? D. ④⑤③①②

3.What does the word sensible mean in the passage?

A. 明智的???? B. 可能的??? C. 合理的??? D. 正确的

4.What can we know about Jack from the passage?

A. Jack’s parents were proud of him.

B. Jack was the top student at school.

C. Jack was afraid to be on the programme.

D. Jack never watched the programme Kid’s Speak Out.



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