摘要:----What is he doing ? ----He is waiting a bus. A.for B.on C.with D.in


I saw an accident on my way to the college three days ago.
I was waiting for the bus at the but stop. When the bus came, I got on the bus and sat on the window side. The bus started to move. After about five minutes, the bus stopped to wait for the signal(信号灯). I looked outside and saw an old man crossing the road. There were not many people on the road. A boy was riding a motorbike very fast form my side. It seemed that he did not see the signal. When the boy took notice of the old man, he tried to slow down his motorbike but there was no time. He collided with the old man very badly. The old man was thrown far away The boy also fell down. His head hit the road but it was saved because of his helmet(头盔). Both of them lay in the pool of blood. Many people gathered(聚集) around them and gave their ideas. I got afraid because I saw the whole accident. Then a woman stopped and called the ambulance( 救护车 ). It came quickly and rushed them to hospital.
The next day I read the newspaper. The old man died in the ambulance but the boy was saved in time. This was the most terrible accident I saw ever in my life.
小题1:Where did the writer see the accident?
A.In the college.B.On the way home.
C.At the bus stop.D.On the way to the college.
小题2:What was the old man doing when the accident happened?
A.He was crossing the road.
B.He was getting on the bus.
C.he was waiting for the signal.
D.He was talking with the writer.
小题3:What does the underlined word “collide” mean in Chinese?
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The bus stopped because it was broken.
B.The accident happened three days ago.
C.The writer helped them call the ambulance.
D.Both the old man and the boy died in the accident.
小题5:Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?
A.A Nice Woman
B.A Terrible Accident I saw
C.How to Help People
D.What to Do When You Meet an Accident

It was Sunday morning. A butcher(屠夫) heard the doorbell(门铃) and thought it must be a customer. But he was surprised to see that a dog was coming into his shop. The dog had $10 and a note in its mouth. The butcher took the note and read it. It said,“10 pork chops(排骨), please.”So the butcher took the money and put a bag of chops in the dog’s mouth.

Then he quickly closed the shop because he decided to follow the dog. He found the dog on the street. The dog was waiting for a green light. Then the dog walked across the road. The dog went to a bus stop. When a bus arrived, the dog checked the number and then got on the bus.

After a while, the dog stood up on his back paws(爪子) to push the “stop” button(按钮). The bus stopped and the dog got off. Then the butcher followed it to get off the bus.

The dog ran to a house and dropped the bag in front of the front door. It then began to beat its head against the front door. After a while, a big man opened the door and began shouting at the dog. The butcher ran up and shouted at the man, “What are you doing? Your dog is a genius(天才).”

The owner of the dog said, “Genius? No way! I always tell him to take the keys when he goes to the stores. But he never listens to me!”

56. Who was the customer that Sunday morning?

A. A big man.                        B. A butcher.        C. A dog.             D. A little boy.

57. How much did the dog pay for the pork chops?

A. $20.         B. $10.        C. $5.                      D. $62.

58. How did the dog take the note?

A. In the bag.       B. On its back.    C. In its mouth.      D. Around its neck. 

59. Which is NOT right according to the story?

A. The dog stood up on its back paws to push the “stop” button.

B. The butcher quickly closed the shop to follow the dog.

C. The big man was pleased with his dog.

D. The butcher thought the dog was a genius.

60. What is the story mainly about?

A. A customer.   B. A smart dog.      C. A butcher.           D. A big man.


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