摘要: A. years B. months C. seasons D. weeks



  For thousands of years men have dreamed about going to the moon. Now men have landed on it but living there will not be easy, because the moon is a dead world without air or water.

  Man has lived on the earth under very hard conditions. At the South Pole (南极) men have lived for many months in temperatures of 75 to 100 degrees below zero centigrade.

  Living on the moon will be even harder than living at the South Pole. Each night is two weeks long and the temperature drops to 200 degrees below zero centigrade. Each day is two weeks long, but the temperature rises to 200 degrees above zero.

  If man hopes to live on the moon he will have to make his houses there strong and airtight (密封的).Instead of building up, he will have to dig below the moon's surface (表面) and live underground. The first men on the moon had to carry their own air, water and food with them from the earth. Later when men live on the moon, spaceships will have to keep bringing in more supplies. Many years later, man might be able to find ways to get his air, food and water supplies from the moon itself.

1.Choose the best title of the text.

[  ]

A.Life at the South Pole
B.Long Days and Nights
C.Hard Life on the Moon
D.Life on the Earth and the Moon

2.A night on the moon ________.

[  ]

A.lasts for two weeks
B.is 200 times colder than a day
C.seems longer than a day
D.is as cold as at the South Pole

3.Temperatures on the moon are ________.

[  ]

A.changing with the four seasons

B.quite different in different places

C.the same all the time

D.very high in the day and very low at night

4.Houses on the moon will have to be made below the moon's surface so that men can ________.

[  ]

A.keep getting water from underground

B.keep the air from rushing out

C.live underground

D.keep the heat and cold out

5.From the text we can infer (推断)________.

[  ]

A.living on the moon is impossible

B.to live on the moon we must find ways to keep on getting air, water and food

C.man is likely to live on the moon if rich enough

D.air, water and food are due to be found on the moon

     The population problem may be the __1__ one of the world today. The world's population is growing
 __2__ . Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people __3__ the earth. Four hundred
 years ago, the number was __4__ 500 million. But at the beginning of the __5__ century, the world's
 population was about l, 700 million.  In 1970, this number was 3,600 million. In 1990, the number was
 five billion. A __6__ report says that the world population will __7__ six billion by the end of the 20th
 century. This is just ten __8__ after it __9__ five billion. People say that by the year 2010, __10__ may
 be seven billion.
(    ) 1.  A. great                
(    ) 2.  A. faster and faster    
(    ) 3.  A. in                    
(    ) 4.  A. hardly                
(    ) 5.  A. twenty                
(    ) 6.  A. USA                  
(    ) 7.  A. past                  
(    ) 8.  A. weeks                
(    ) 9.  A. get                  
(    ) 10. A. this                  
   B. greater          
   B. fast and falt    
   B. on              
   B. more            
   B. twelve          
   B. UN              
   B. pass            
   B. months          
   B. gets            
   B. its              
C. greatest            
C. fastest and fastest
C. at                  
C. almost              
C. twentieth          
C. PRC                
C. passed              
C. seasons            
C. reached            
C. one                
D. greating            
D. faster and fast    
D. for                
D. over                
D. twelfth            
D. PLA                
D. passes              
D. years              
D. reach              
D. it                  
       Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty - four parts, 
    1   a part. You can have days   2   more or fewer than twenty - four hours, and    3   with more or fewer
   than seven days.
       Your ship goes into   4   time part every day if you make a five - day journey across the Atlantic
  Ocean. As you go into each part, the time   5   one hour. Traveling west, you   6   your clock back;
  traveling east, you let it ahead. Each day of your jou rney has   7   twenty-five or twenty-three hours.
       If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you will   8   the International Date Line. This is the point
  where a new day _ 9  . When you go across the line, you change your calendar one  10   day, back or
(     )  1. A. four hours
(     )  2. A. between
(     )  3. A. years   
(     )  4. A. a different
(     )  5. A. turns  
(     )  6. A. take        
(     )  7. A. neither    
(     )  8. A. cross      
(     )  9. A. lasts        
(     ) 10. A. all        
B. two hours
B. with    
B. months  
B. the same  
B. changes  
B. give      
B. not        
B. get        
B. begins    
B. more      
C. half an hour
C. for          
C. seasons       
C. an interesting
C. has          
C. put           
C. either      
C. catch         
C. follows       
C. full        
D. one hour  
D. at        
D. weeks      
D. a moving  
D. makes      
D. set        
D. never      
D. touch      
D. breaks    
D. less      

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