摘要: A. like B. hate C. follow D. think


This August,we'll welcome guests from all over the world.Some of them follow their own special cultural! traditions, It's important for us to know about them.

◆ In many countries,such as Thailand,India and Malaysia,people believe that the left baud is unclean.So,it's not proper to use one's left hand to hold food,touch others or pass objects.Doing so may offend certain guests.

◆Some Westerners may he offended if you touch them or their personal things-even by accident.If this happens,say sorry politely.

◆Some elderly Westerners may be offended if you try to help them without their agreement.

◆ People think numbers can be lucky or unlucky.Some Westerners avoid the number 13 because they believe it is unlucky.

◆Muslims(穆斯林)do not eat pork,and words like pigs are not considered proper.

◆People from Brazil,Italy and Pakistan do not give handkerchiefs(手帕)as gifts.They believe a handkerchief is closely connected with unhappy feelings.

◆ Wine is not sent as a gift in many parts of western and middle Asia,where most Muslims live.

1.Indians don't hold food with the left hand because they consider it_______

A.unclean             B.useless            C.valueless            D.unimportant

2.The word “offend” in the second paragraph(段落)might mean“_______”.

A.honor                  B.help                     C.hate                       D.hurt

3.Muslims do not_______

A.send gifts                                              B.eat pork

C.drink milk                                             D.use handkerchiefs

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.People from Pakistan like to send handkerchiefs as gifts,

B.All the elderly people in the west like being helped by others.

C.The number 13 is thought to be unlucky by some Westerners.

D.Westerners do not mind their personal things being touched.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Lucky numbers.                                B.Traditional food.

C.Culture differences.                     D.Hands and handkerchiefs.


This August,we'll welcome guests from all over the world.Some of them follow their own special cultural traditions.It's important for us to know about them.

◆In many countries, such as Thailand, India and Malaysia,people believe that the left hand is unclean.So,it's not proper to use one's left hand to hold food,touch others or pass objects.Doing so may offend certain guests.

◆Some Westerners may be offended if you touch them or their personal things—even by accident.If this happens,say sorry politely.

◆Some elderly Westerners may be offended if you try to help them without their agreement.

◆People think numbers can be lucky or unlucky.Some Westerners avoid the number 13 because they believe it is unlucky.

◆Muslims(穆斯林)do not eat pork,and words like pigs are not considered proper.

◆People from Brazil,Italy and Pakistan do not give handkerchiefs(手帕)as gifts.They believe a handkerchief is closely connected with unhappy feelings.

◆Wine is not sent as a gift in many parts of western and middle Asia,where most Muslims live.

1.Indians don't hold food with the left hand because they consider it               

A.unclean                B.useless                    C.valueless                D.unimportant

2.The word “offend” in the second paragraph(段落)might mean “         ”.

A.honor                    B.help                     C.hate                       D.hurt

3.Muslims do not                 

A.send gifts                                                B.eat pork

C.drink milk                                                 D.use handkerchiefs

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.People from Pakistan like to send handkerchiefs as gifts.

B.All the elderly people in the west like being helped by others.

C.The number 13 is thought to be unlucky by some Westerners.

D.Westerners do not mind their personal things being touched.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Lucky numbers.                                    B.Traditional food.

C.Culture differences.                                  D.Hands and handkerchiefs.

    As we all know British love queues, but there is no real line-up(队列) in a bar - and the bar workers
do know whose turn it is. But there still are some rules. For example, don’t speak loudly, or snap your
fingers. And whatever you do, please don’t ring the bell hanging behind the counter(柜台)-this is used
by the boss to tell people it’s closing time. Remember if you look too pleased and happy, the bar workers
will think they have served you.
    In a British bar always say "please" and try to remember the things that the British bar workers hate.
For example, they don’t like people to keep others waiting when they can’t decide what to drink. They
like people standing against the bar when there are a lot of customers waiting for service.
    One tourist who spent six months interviewing 50 bosses and more than 1,000 customers said, "I can
not understand how the British are able to buy themselves a drink. But they do, and if you follow these
rules you should be able to do so, too."
    Talking of tips(小费), you should never offer the bar workers a cash gratuity(现金小费). The correct behavior is to invite them to drink something. If so, they will think that their work is worthy. A cash gratuity is unfriendly and impolite.
1. The bell behind the counter is used for _________.
A. asking the waiters for help
B. attracting people
C. showing the price of the drinks
D. telling people the closing time
2. The bar workers will think _________ if you look very excited.  
A. you have been served
B. you are very friendly  
C. you need more drinks
D. you are very pleased with their drinks
3. If you want to thank the bar workers, what should you do? 
A. Give them a cash gratuity.
B. Give them something to drink.
C. Invite them to your family.
D. Make friends with them.
4. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "customers"? 
A. 服务员        
B. 顾客
C. 经理
D. 病人
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The difference between a British bar and a Chinese bar.
B. The workers in a British bar.
C. Manners in a British bar.
D. How to give tips.


  These simple ways can increase(增加)your popularity and win you more friends, so why not try them?

  ●PAYING ATTENTION TO OTHERS This will reduce any shyness you may have.You'll be more relaxed and therefore more natural and fun.And you will get more good-people will love the fact that you're paying attention to them while you don't have to worry about what people think of you.

  ●LOOKING PEOPLE IN THE EYE Making eye contact is very important because it shows you're interested in them.If you let your eyes wander(游移)or keep looking over their shoulders, people will feel slighted(轻视), and they'll like you less they would otherwise.

  ●ASKING QUESTIONS Doing this gives you two advantages, It shows other people that you are indeed paying attention to and that you consider what they are telling you important.Being sure to follow up when you've shared a conversation with someone about something important in his/her life, be sure to ask about it later.This shows that you listen and you care.

  ●MAKING AN EFFORT TO SMILE A smile means acceptance, and that makes people open up to you.Make a conscious(有意识的)effort(努力)one day to smile at the people you stay or work with and watch how well they respond(作出反应)to you;

  ●BEING RELIABLE(可靠的)People like those who help them, and they quickly begin to hate those who don't.


By fixing your attention on others, you will ________.

[  ]


be more worried and tired


feel more confident


be paid less attention to


feel less liked


When having a conversation with people, you'd better NOT ________.

[  ]


be open up to them


fix your eyes on them


ask questions about them


look at them


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Showing continuous care for others is highly valued.


Smiling at others can often be misunderstood.


Looking people in the eye will make them uncomfortable.


You don't have to continue helping others if you don't want to.


Which is the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Ways to Make You More Natural


Trying to Be a Polite Person


Making as Many Friends as Possible


Ways to Make You More Popular

       This August, we'll welcome guests from all over the world. Some of them follow their own special culture
traditions. It's important for us to know about them.
      * Some westerners may be offended if you touch them or their personal things — even by accident. If this
happens, say sorry politely.
      * Some elderly westerners may be offended if you try to help them without their agreement.
      * People think numbers can be lucky or unlucky. Some westerners avoid the number 13 because they
believe it is unlucky.
      * Muslims (穆斯林) do not eat pork, and words like pigs are not considered proper.
      * People from Brazil, Italy and Pakistan don't give handkerchiefs (手帕) as gifts. They believe a
handkerchief is closely connected with unhappy feelings.
      * Wine is not sent as a gift in many parts of western and middle Asia, where most Muslims live.
1. Indians don't have food with the left hand because they consider it _______.
[     ]
A. unclean
B. useless
C. valueless
D. unimportant
2. The word "offend" in the second paragraph (段落) might mean "_______".
[     ]
A. honor
B. help
C. hate
D. hurt
3. Muslims do not _______.
[     ]
A. send gifts
B. eat pork
C. drink milk
D. use handkerchiefs
4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
[     ]
A. People from Pakistan like to send handkerchiefs as gifts
B. All the elderly people in the west like being helped by others
C. The mummer 13 is thought to be unlucky by some westerners.
D. Westerners do not mind their personal things being touched
5. What does the passage mainly talk about ________.
[     ]
A. Lucky numbers
B. Traditional food
C. Culture differences
D. Hands and handkerchiefs

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