摘要: ―Which floor does Mrs Brown live?―She lives on floor.A. tenth B. ten C. the ten D. the tenth




1. W: What bad weather! Rainy days make me very sad!

M: Me too.

2. M: Shopping makes us relaxed. How about going to the clothing market this Sunday?

W: Good idea.

3. W: Have you packed everything for your journey to London?

M: Yes, I have.

4. W: Have you ever done volunteer work, Peter?

M: Oh, yes, I cheered up sick kids in a hospital.

5. M: There are fewer tigers in the world.

W: You’re right. They are endangered. We should try to save them.


6. W: Shall we go to the zoo this Saturday? There are many animals in it.

M: Good idea! But I have to help my mom do the chores. How about Sunday morning?

W: OK.

7. M: Look at the river. It has become much cleaner now.

W: So it is. But it used to be very dirty.

8. W: When did you come to Toronto?

M: Two months ago.

9. W: What color is your fast food restaurant?

M: We have red walls and furniture and orange chairs.

10. M: Hi, Susan. Haven’t seen you for a long time.

W: I’ve been to New York during my holiday.

M: Have you got any friends there?

W: No. I went to see my parents. They work in a big company.



W: May I help you?

M: Yes, please. I am looking for a story book.

W: How about this one?

M: OK, how much is it?

W: Ten yuan.

M: I will take it.


W: Hello, Mike! What are you doing now?

M: Guess!

W: Are you doing your homework?

M: No, I’m not.

W: You are watching TV?

M: No, I am playing computer games. What about you, Jane?

W: Nothing much. I am watching TV. It’s boring.

M: Would you like to play table tennis?

W: Good idea! See you later.


For your next trip, why not visit Singapore? Singapore is a small city to the southeast of China. There are many things to do here. It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains, but it has a very large zoo, a beautiful plant garden, and lots of museums. It is also a wonderful place for shopping.

Don’t plan to drive a car in Singapore. The traffic is heavy in some parts of the city. And most cars are not allowed in the centre of the city. If you decide to visit Singapore, bring enough money. Things in Singapore are very expensive. You should bring light clothes. It is very hot all the year round in Singapore.




Ⅰ. 1―5 A C A B C

Ⅱ. 6―10 B A B C A

Ⅲ. 11―15 B A C B B

Ⅳ. 16―20 C C A C C

Ⅴ. 21―25 A B D C D 26―30 B A C D B 31―35 B B D D D

Ⅵ. 36―40 B A C B B 41―45 A B D D C 46―50 B A C A D

Ⅶ. 51―55 B C D A A 56―60 B C C D C 61―65 A C D A B

Ⅷ. 66―70 G A D E B

Ⅸ. 71―75 B C A D E

Ⅹ. 76. once 77. longest 78. thousands 79. leaves 80. answer

81. member 82. dream 83. hardly 84.enough 85. chosen

Ⅺ.(One possible version)

Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work in our group. I often clean up my rooms. And Jia Mei helps her mum cook dinner because she likes cooking very much. Wang Ping usually helps her mother do the laundry. Li Lin does the dishes every day. She thinks it’s easy.

As one of the family members, I think it’s our duty to do some chores at home. In order to give us a happy life, our parents work so hard every day. When they come back home, they feel exhausted. So we should help them do the housework.

That’s all. Thanks for listening!


考 生 禁 填







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X. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


76. ___________77. ___________78. ____________79. ___________80. ____________


81.___________82. ___________83. _____________84. ___________85. _____________




Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work in our group.________________________




































broadcast1/'brɔ:dkɑ:st||ˈbrɔdˌkæst/n[C] a programme on the radio or on television: a radio news broadcast | live broadcast ( = a programme that you see or hear at the same time as the events are happening)

broadcast2 v past tense and past participle, broadcast 1 [ I,T] to send out radio or television programmes: The interview was broadcast live across Europe. 2 [T] to tell something to a lot of people: There was no need to broadcast the fact that he lost his job.

broadcaster /ˈbrɔːdkɑːstə || ˈbrɔːdkæstər/ n [C]

curious/ ˈkjʊəriəs || 'kjur-/ adj 1 wanting to know about something: When I mentioned her name everyone was curious. | [ +about] I’m incurious about this book she's supposed to be writing. |curious to see/hear/know etc: Mandy was curious to hear what Peter had to say himself.—opposite INCURIOUS 2 strange or unusual: a curious noise coming from the cellar | curious that It's very curious that she left without saying goodbye.

   curl1 /kɜ:l|| kɚrl/ n 1[C] a small mass of hair

flask / flɑ:sk || flæsk/n [C] I BrE a special type of bottle that you use to keep liquids either hot or cold, for example when travelling 2 a flat bottle usually used to carry alcohol 3 a glass bottle with a narrow top, used in a LABORATORY

flat1/ flæt / adj flatter, flattest

1▶ SURFACE◀ smooth and level, without raised or hollow areas, and not sloping or curving: a flat-bottomed boat |a perfectly flat sandy beach | flat as a

pollute / pə'lu:t/ v  [T] 1 to make air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use: beaches polluted by raw sewage | industrial emissions that pollute the air 2 pollute sb’s mind to give someone immoral thoughts and spoil their character: fears that Lawrence's novels would pollute young minds--polluted adj: polluted rivers--polluter n [C]

pollution / pəˈlu:ʃn /n [U] 1 the process of making


1.The pronunciation of the word "broadcast" is ____ or/ˈbrɔdˌkæst /.

A. /'brɔ:dkɑ:st/     B. /'brəud'sɑ:st/      C. /bræd'kɔst/       D. /'bru:dkɑ:st/

2.The word"____ "can be used as an adjective (形容词).

A. pollute          B. pollution           C. curious            D. curiously

3.Which of the following is a flask?


 A.               B.                C.              D.


4. The word "pollute" means "______".

A. to tell something to a lot of people       B. wanting to know about something

C. a programme on the radio or on TV       D. to make air. water, soil, etc dirty

5.These texts are probably from ______.

A. a magazine        B. a dictionary

C. a newspaper        D. an advertisement



broadcast1/'brɔ:dkɑ:st||ˈbrɔdˌkæst/n[C] a programme on the radio or on television: a radio news broadcast | live broadcast ( = a programme that you see or hear at the same time as the events are happening)

broadcast2 v past tense and past participle, broadcast 1 [ I,T] to send out radio or television programmes: The interview was broadcast live across Europe. 2 [T] to tell something to a lot of people: There was no need to broadcast the fact that he lost his job.

broadcaster /ˈbrɔːdkɑːstə || ˈbrɔːdkæstər/ n [C]

curious/ ˈkjʊəriəs || 'kjur-/ adj 1 wanting to know about something: When I mentioned her name everyone was curious. | [ +about] I’m incurious about this book she's supposed to be writing. |curious to see/hear/know etc: Mandy was curious to hear what Peter had to say himself.—opposite INCURIOUS 2 strange or unusual: a curious noise coming from the cellar | curious that It's very curious that she left without saying goodbye.

   curl1 /kɜ:l|| kɚrl/ n 1[C] a small mass of hair

flask / flɑ:sk || flæsk/n [C] I BrE a special type of bottle that you use to keep liquids either hot or cold, for example when travelling 2 a flat bottle usually used to carry alcohol 3 a glass bottle with a narrow top, used in a LABORATORY

flat1/ flæt / adj flatter, flattest

1▶ SURFACE◀ smooth and level, without raised or hollow areas, and not sloping or curving: a flat-bottomed boat |a perfectly flat sandy beach | flat as a

pollute / pə'lu:t/ v  [T] 1 to make air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use: beaches polluted by raw sewage | industrial emissions that pollute the air 2 pollute sb’s mind to give someone immoral thoughts and spoil their character: fears that Lawrence's novels would pollute young minds--polluted adj: polluted rivers--polluter n [C]

pollution / pəˈlu:ʃn /n [U] 1 the process of making

86. The pronunciation of the word "broadcast" is ____ or/ˈbrɔdˌkæst /.

A. /'brɔ:dkɑ:st/     B. /'brəud'sɑ:st/      C. /bræd'kɔst/       D. /'bru:dkɑ:st/

87. The word"____ "can be used as an adjective (形容词).

A. pollute          B. pollution           C. curious            D. curiously

88. Which of the following is a flask?

 A.               B.                   C.                       D.

89. The word "pollute" means "______".

A. to tell something to a lot of people       B. wanting to know about something

 C. a programme on the radio or on TV       D. to make air. water, soil, etc dirty

90. These texts are probably from ______.

A. a magazine        B. a dictionary

 C. a newspaper        D. an advertisement


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