摘要: The problem of become a serious one. A. dealing with waste plastics have B. deal with waste plastics have C. dealing with waste plastics has D. to deal with waste plastics has


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1. Which website should you visit if you want to buy some cigarettes as presents at a low price?
[     ]
A. http://www.electroniccigar.org
B. http://www.iicdmichigan.org
C. http://www.productreviewjunction.com/Gifts&Flowers.htm
D. http://www.productreviewjunction.com/Books.htm
2. How many adverts are trying to be price competitive?
[     ]
A. 2 
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
3. Where do the volunteers get training before taking on their voluntary work?
[     ]
A. Brazil 
B. Ecuador
C. Congo
D. America
4. What number can you call if you are going to lose weight?
[     ]
A. 312-078-4860 
B. 240-564-3268
C. 302-393-3126
D. 252-747-7024

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