摘要: --What would you like to do? We have an hour until the lecture. -- Whatever you want to do is fine with me. A. All right. B. It just depends. C. Glad to hear that. D. It's up to you.
-- What would you like to do? We have an hour until the lecture.
--- ______. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.
A.All right. |
B.It just depends. |
C.Glad to hear that. |
D.It’s up to you. |
--- What would you like to do? We have an hour until the lecture.
--- ______. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.
A. All right. B. It just depends.
C. Glad to hear that. D. It’s up to you.
查看习题详情和答案>>-- What would you like to do? We have an hour until the lecture.
--- ______. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.
A.All right. | B.It just depends. |
C.Glad to hear that. | D.It’s up to you. |