We don't go to school on _____ and _____.
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Tuesday
Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.
Write one-word answers.
A very famous man lives opposite me. His name is Mr Banks. His house is very
big It has ten bedrooms and a beautiul garden. He has four new cars and he flies to work in a helicopter He has parties every Saturday
________ He plays the piano and
________ very well.
We are not famous and we don't have a big house, but Mr Banks always says “Hello”to us. His sister and my Mum are good friends. On Tuesday morning last week. I ________ out of my window. There was a lot of snow. The garden was white, the trees were white, the tops of the houses were white. It was beautiful.
Then I ________ about school. I went
________ to find my Mum. “Mum,” I said, “I can't go to school today because there's snow on the roads.”“Oh yes you can!”she said.
“Look, Mr Banks is here. He wants to help you.”I looked at Mr Banks. He said, “Jim, would you like to go to school in a helicopter this morning?”
I ________ and shouted, “Yes, please!”
What's the best name for this story?
Tick one box.
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A.A helicopter ride
B.Mr Banks' party
C.A holiday in the snow