摘要: I at school just now.


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

My name is Sammi. I have a big and happy class. Last Sunday, our teacher took our class to the zoo. It was a sunny day and I wore a T-shirt and a skirt. We waited for the bus at the school gate.


Where did Sammi's class go last Sunday? to the zoo

1. What did Sammi wear to the zoo? ________

2.Where did they catch the bus? at the ________

At the zoo the teacher bought a map and looked at the things to watch. Susan likes bats but Simon doesn't. Jimmy wanted to see elephants but I wanted to see lions. At last we all went to the monkey house to see them first. There, we gave them some bananas to eat.

3.What doesn't Simon like? ________

4.Who wanted to see elephants? ________

5.Which fruit did we give to the monkeys? ________

I asked the teacher,“Where is the parrot house?”She looked at her map and then pointed to yellow house.“There it is. Let's go.”Said the teacher. The teacher told us parrots are her favourite birds and she has a parrot for a pet at home. Our teacher took a picture of the class when we were looking at the parrots. Susan stood between Jimmy and me. Suddenly one of the parrots flew to me and stood on my shoulder.

6.What pet has the teacher got? ________

7.What did the teacher do when the class looked at the parrots? ________

8.Who stood next to me? ________

Then it was lunch time. We sat down by the lake and had our lunch. We all brought burgers to eat, such as chicken burgers or fish burgers. We were very hungry and ate the burgers quickly. I had one, Susan had one but Jimmy had two and drank much mango juice because he felt thirsty. The teacher didn't eat much food. She just watched us. Suddenly Jimmy shouted, “Oh, I had a stomachache”. And Susan laughed a lot. But the teacher didn't. She looked at us and said,“We must go home now.”

9.What juice did Jimmy drink? ________

10.Who laughed a lot? ________ 查看习题详情和答案>>

1、Mike        (come) from America. 
2、Mr Smith        (live) in China now. 
3、The policeman                (not know ) the way to the history museum.              
4、How many students         (be) there in the school? 
5、There        (be) a desk and two tables in the room?
6、Would you like        (buy) a storybook? 
7、I don't like        (sing). 
8、           ( do ) Jim        (swim) faster than Ben? 
9、The child                  (not write ) as fast as the other students.   
10、Mike         ( run ) fast.  But they        (run) faster.   
11、Liu Tan       (fly) kites now.   
12、Ben and his father        (go) for a walk in the garden yesterday.   
13、Yang Lin        (get) up earlier than me.   
14、Ben       (do) wen in swimming.   
15、Look, some students        (have) a chat under the tree.      
16、I        (see) some boys playing basketball in the playground just now. 
17、There        (be) a running race tomorrow. 
18、Please       (show) us how       (make) a kite. 
19、What      you                     (do) next weekend? 
20、Ben        (want) to be a scientist. 
21、The telephone       (ring) now. 
22、Can I        (have) some soft drink, please? 
23、Mr Green       (like)       (draw) flowers on the cards. 
24、I       (do) my homework now. 
25、The twins        (have) a birthday party yesterday. 
26、How        you        ( spend ) your weekends? 
27、What       you        (do) last Spring Festival? 
28、Mum and I                                        (see) a Beijing Opera this afternoon. 
29、          (be) there any bread in the fridge? 
30、         he usually        (try) his best in English? No, he         . 
31、Where        (be) you last week? I       (be) ill. I       (be) at home. 
32、This is Meimei's telephone number.  You may           (call) her. 
33、Shall we         (get) some flowers for our teacher, Miss Liu? 
34、Today is your birthday. What       you        ( want ) ? 
35、They        (be) workers ten years ago. 
36、They                                (have) a meeting the day after tomorrow. 
37、There        (be) some old houses before. But now, there       (be) nothing. Perhaps there        (be) a new 
       hospital soon.       
38、Many of the students        ( like, watch) TV at the weekends, but Lucy        ( like, sit) quietly and        
      (listen) to the music. 
39、Tom and Mary        (visit) their grandfather yesterday. They        (plant) flowers in the garden now, they
                (go) to school again tomorrow. 
40、Tom        (do) it I think, because he           (do) it for me three weeks ago. If you ask him, he       (do) it 
       for you. 
41、A.: Mum, where       (be) my camera?   B: It        (be) there a moment ago. 
42、Can you        (sing) an English song?  
43、         you                        ( read ) a book about animals? 
44、Why        (be) Ben late for school today? 
45、I want         (know) something about your family.

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in eachanswer.

  My name is Ben. I was having an English lesson now. The boy sitting next to me was Paul and he gave me a piece of paper. He wrote something on it and I read, “There is going to be a soccer game on TV at 4:15 p.m. Let's finish the lesson earlier and go to see it.” I whispered(轻声说), “OK.” It was half past three. A few minutes later, Paul put up his hand and said to Miss Smith, our teacher that he had a bad headache. So Miss Smith said she would take him outside.


Who was sitting next to Paul? Ben


(1)What subject was the teacher teaching? ________

(2)What did Paul want to watch on TV? ________

(3)Who went out of the classroom with Paul? ________

  After the teacher went out, I quickly moved the teacher's chair to the clock and jumped on it. Then I turned the clock to four o'clock. Then I put the chair back and went back to my seat.

(4)Who stood on the chair? ________

(5)What time did he turn the clock to? ________

  Soon Miss Smith and Paul came back and Paul said, “I've had hot water and I'm much better now.” Miss Smith walked to the blackboard and then she looked up at the clock. “Oh, no! it's twenty-five past four!” She looked at her watch, “What's wrong? It's only three thirty-five on my watch.” She shouted. We were all laughing. Just then, the girl named Sue sitting behind me stood up. She pointed to the clock and said to the teacher, “That's Ben. He did it.” Miss Smith got very angry. She looked at me and Paul said, “You two stay in the classroom after school.” We were both sad.

(6)What did Paul drink outside the classroom? ________

(7)Who told the teacher about it? ________ 查看习题详情和答案>>

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