摘要: 人称代词是表示"我"."你"."他"."她"."它"."我们"."你们"."他们"的词.人称代词有人称.数和格的变化.物主代词表示所有关系的代词.也可叫做代词所有格.物主代词分形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种.表示"我自己"."你自己"."他自己"."我们自己"."你们自己"和"他们自己"等的代词.叫做自身代词.也称为"反身代词".详件见下表: 人称代词 物主代词 反身代词 主格 宾格 形容词性 物主代词 名词性 物主代词 第一人称 单数 I me my mine myself 复数 we us our ours ourselves 第二人称 单数 you you your yours yourself 复数 you you your yours yourselves 第三人称 单数 he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its its Itself 复数 they them their theirs themselves 句法功能 作主语,其中she指 带代国家,it可指 代天气时间等. 作宾语介 词宾语表语 作定语 作主语,宾语, 介词宾语,表语 书信yours- 作宾语,介词 宾语,表语主 语同为语 根据上表的例句如下: She doesn’t believe us. When he arrived, John went straight to the bank.. You’ll find your books among mine on the bookshelf. -Who is it? -It’s me. Our room is on the first floor, and theirs is on the second. They think too much of themselves. A week later, I myself had to go to Paris. Help yourself! We cook for ourselves. I saw her with them, at least, I thought it was her. The cap is Jack’s. 注意:在连续使用两个以上人称代词时.通常单数you放在第一位. I 放在最后,复数we放在第一位.they放在最后.简单记成:单数2,3,1.复数1,2,3 .都是三人称.女后男在先.例如: You and I can help each other. They couldn’t have seen Tom and me there. You, Tom and I are leaving next month. You or they must pass the exam. We, you and they should go there together.


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