摘要:( ) Tom and May both like collecting stamps.


1、Mike        (come) from America. 
2、Mr Smith        (live) in China now. 
3、The policeman                (not know ) the way to the history museum.              
4、How many students         (be) there in the school? 
5、There        (be) a desk and two tables in the room?
6、Would you like        (buy) a storybook? 
7、I don't like        (sing). 
8、           ( do ) Jim        (swim) faster than Ben? 
9、The child                  (not write ) as fast as the other students.   
10、Mike         ( run ) fast.  But they        (run) faster.   
11、Liu Tan       (fly) kites now.   
12、Ben and his father        (go) for a walk in the garden yesterday.   
13、Yang Lin        (get) up earlier than me.   
14、Ben       (do) wen in swimming.   
15、Look, some students        (have) a chat under the tree.      
16、I        (see) some boys playing basketball in the playground just now. 
17、There        (be) a running race tomorrow. 
18、Please       (show) us how       (make) a kite. 
19、What      you                     (do) next weekend? 
20、Ben        (want) to be a scientist. 
21、The telephone       (ring) now. 
22、Can I        (have) some soft drink, please? 
23、Mr Green       (like)       (draw) flowers on the cards. 
24、I       (do) my homework now. 
25、The twins        (have) a birthday party yesterday. 
26、How        you        ( spend ) your weekends? 
27、What       you        (do) last Spring Festival? 
28、Mum and I                                        (see) a Beijing Opera this afternoon. 
29、          (be) there any bread in the fridge? 
30、         he usually        (try) his best in English? No, he         . 
31、Where        (be) you last week? I       (be) ill. I       (be) at home. 
32、This is Meimei's telephone number.  You may           (call) her. 
33、Shall we         (get) some flowers for our teacher, Miss Liu? 
34、Today is your birthday. What       you        ( want ) ? 
35、They        (be) workers ten years ago. 
36、They                                (have) a meeting the day after tomorrow. 
37、There        (be) some old houses before. But now, there       (be) nothing. Perhaps there        (be) a new 
       hospital soon.       
38、Many of the students        ( like, watch) TV at the weekends, but Lucy        ( like, sit) quietly and        
      (listen) to the music. 
39、Tom and Mary        (visit) their grandfather yesterday. They        (plant) flowers in the garden now, they
                (go) to school again tomorrow. 
40、Tom        (do) it I think, because he           (do) it for me three weeks ago. If you ask him, he       (do) it 
       for you. 
41、A.: Mum, where       (be) my camera?   B: It        (be) there a moment ago. 
42、Can you        (sing) an English song?  
43、         you                        ( read ) a book about animals? 
44、Why        (be) Ben late for school today? 
45、I want         (know) something about your family.
Read and choose. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。
John and Tom are hungry. They want a snack. A snack is little food to eat.  
"Who is hungry?" asks Mrs. Zhang.  
"We are hungry!" say John and Tom.  
"Would you like a snack?" asks Mrs. Zhang.  
"Yes, please!" say John and Tom.  
"No, thanks, Mrs. Zhang." Lucy says. "I am not hungry."  
"I am hungry." says Tom, "but I don't know what I want to eat!"      
"Would you like some noodles, Tom?" asks Mrs. Zhang.  
"No, thank you." says Tom. "I don't like noodles. May I have some soup, please?"  
"Sure!" says Mrs. Zhang. "What would you like, John?"     
"I would like an orange, please, mum. " says John.  
"OK, I have apples, oranges and grapes." says Mrs. Zhang.
1. Who is hungry?
[     ]
A. Tom.                
B. John                 
C. Both Tom and John.
2. Who wants to have some soup?
[     ]
A. John.           
B. Mrs. Zhang.        
C. Tom.
3. What does John would like? 
[     ]
A. Some noodles.       
B. An orange.            
C. Some soup.
4. Who is Mrs. Zhang?
[     ]
A. John's mother.      
B. Tom's mother.        
C. Lucy's mother. 
5. Who is not hungry?
[     ]
A. Tom.           
B. John.            
C. Lucy.
6. Does Tom like some noodles?
[     ]
A. Yes, he is.     
B. No, he doesn't like noodles.             
C. Thank you.
       Pat is seven years old, and his little sister May is five. Today their mother takes them to their grandma's 
house and then she goes out.         
       The children play with balloons for an hour. And then at four thirty-five their grandma takes Pat into the 
kitchen. She gives him a nice cake and a knife and says, "Like a gentleman, give the bigger piece to the other. " 
Pat thinks about this for a moment. He says to May, "You cut this cake, May."
l. Pat is               years older than May.
[     ]
A. seven                    
B. five                           
C. two
2. Their mother takes the children to               .
[     ]
A. go shopping           
B. their grandma's house. 
C. go to the park
3. Grandma gives the cake to Tom at               .
[     ]
A. 4:35         
B. 4:13           
C. 4:15
4. The children play with balloons for               .
[     ]
A. an hour                 
B. two hours              .    
C. half an hour
5. Grandma wants to give the bigger piece to               
[     ]
A. Tom                       
B. May                            
C. their mother

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than four words in each answer.

My name's Katy, and this is my uncle Tom. He's an actor He's not famous, but last year he made a film in America with some very famous American actors. They made the film in a big city. It was the best job he has ever had. In the film he stole a lot of money from a bank.


What's Uncle Tom's job? he's an actor

1.Where in America was the film made? ________

2.In the film, where did Uncle Tom steal the money from? ________

One day, Uncle Tom was making the film in a park with all the other actors and camera men. Uncle Tom was running across the grass with a big bag of money, and the film cameras were behind him. But a policeman didn't see the cameras, so he stopped Uncle Tom and took him to the police station.

3.What were the actors doing in the park? ________

4.Where did the policeman take Uncle Tom? ________

The policeman asked Uncle Tom a lot of questions about the bag of money. But he didn't believe Uncle Tom's answers! Then, a famous actor from the film went to help Uncle Tom at the police station. The policeman believed Uncle Tom when he saw the famous actor, and he was very sorry. Uncle Tom went back to the park. Someone took a photo of him with the famous actor, and Uncle Tom sent the photo to me!

5.What didn't the policeman believe? ________

6.Who helped Uncle Tom? ________

7.Who did Uncle Tom send the photo to? ________ 查看习题详情和答案>>

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