摘要:在教字母时.我们可以利用一些来自于生活的情境.让学生在回答问题.解决问题和调查研究的过程中学习.复习字母.举个例子:中央电视台的英文缩写是什么.医院做胸透时用的是什么光透视等.在提问的同时.我也可安排学生回家搜集生活中常见的英文缩写.然后向全班汇总搜集情况.并把搜集的英文缩写贴在教室里共同学们学习.另外.也可以安排学生采访计算机老师.问一问计算机的主要硬件与软件.这样.学生会接触到 CPU.Word.WPS.CDROM.Windows 等英文.虽然有的单词他们可能还不会读.或者读得不准.但只要求读字母他们应该还是可以做到的.接下来给大家介绍一下“夺牌 任务型游戏. * 夺牌 教学内容:PEP 三年级下册 教学目标:掌握英语字母及其顺序.增加学习乐趣. 课前准备:字母卡片 语言技能:Listening and speaking 语言知识:26 个英语字母 提示词组及句型:A is before B./ B is after A. I take the cards. 教学过程: a. 教师和学生每人准备一副字母卡片. b. 介绍游戏规则:两人一组活动.每人拿有 26 张字母卡片.活动时两人同时打出一张字母卡片.然后比较两张牌上字母的先后顺序.字母在前的一方将两张牌收为己有.之后两人重新打出第二张牌-- 如果两人打出的牌是同一个字母.则双方都不收牌.等下一张谁的字母在先.谁将收走两次的全部打出的牌.最后拥有较多的字母牌者获胜. c. 学生两人一组.开始游戏. d. 一段时间后.统计各组输赢情况.评出优胜者. 这种扑克牌比大小的游戏.是孩子们小时候学数字时.经常玩的游戏.把他用在字母的学习上.可以帮助学生熟悉字母的左临右舍.熟记 26 个字母.
1. 当你想问别人星期五做什么时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. What do you do on Tuesday?
B. When do you do on Friday?
C. What do you do on Friday?
B. When do you do on Friday?
C. What do you do on Friday?
2. 当你想问别人星期一有什么课时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. What classes do you have on Monday?
B. What is your favorite class on Monday?
C. Which class do you have on Monday?
B. What is your favorite class on Monday?
C. Which class do you have on Monday?
3. 当你想问别人现在是几点时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. What time it is now?
B. What's the time now?
C. What's time now?
B. What's the time now?
C. What's time now?
4. 当你想告诉别人到吃午饭的时间了,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. It's time to lunch.
B. It's time for lunch.
C. It's time eat lunch.
B. It's time for lunch.
C. It's time eat lunch.
5. 当你想问别人通常什么时候起床时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. When do you usually get up?
B. When do you never get up?
C. When do you usually go to bed?
B. When do you never get up?
C. When do you usually go to bed?
6. 当你想知道别人是否总是吃早餐时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. Do you always eat breakfast?
B. Do you always eat lunch?
C. Do you always eat dinner?
B. Do you always eat lunch?
C. Do you always eat dinner?
7. 当你提出建议:“我们去游乐园好吗?”你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. Shall we go to the movie theater?
B. Let's go to the supermarket.
C. Shall we go to the amusement park?
B. Let's go to the supermarket.
C. Shall we go to the amusement park?
8. 当你想知道别人是否步行去上学时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. Do you go to school by car?
B. Do you go to school by bike?
C. Do you walk to school?
B. Do you go to school by bike?
C. Do you walk to school?
9. 当你想告诉别人明天有雨时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. It's going to be rain.
B. It's going to be rainy.
C. It's going to rainy.
B. It's going to be rainy.
C. It's going to rainy.
10. 当你想问别人这个星期日打算做什么时,你可以这样说:
[ ]
A. Where are you gomg this Sunday?
B. What are you going to do this Sunday?
C. What do you do this Sunday?
B. What are you going to do this Sunday?
C. What do you do this Sunday?
1. 当别人对你说:“I like your skirt.”你应回答说:
[ ]
A. Thanks.
B. You're welcome.
B. You're welcome.
2. 当别人问你的裙子是新的吗?应说:
[ ]
A. Is your skirt old?
B. Is your skirt new?
B. Is your skirt new?
3. 当别人说“Are your pants new?”你否定回答应说:
[ ]
A. No, they are old.
B. Yes, they are new.
B. Yes, they are new.
4. 当别人建议让我们做汤吧应说:
[ ]
A. Let's make soup.
B. Let's make porridge.
B. Let's make porridge.
5. 当你想表达我们需要一些水和蔬菜时应说:
[ ]
A. I need some water and vegetables.
B. We need some water and vegetables.
B. We need some water and vegetables.
6. 当你初次见到一位朋友,你想知道他的名字时,你这样问:
[ ]
A. Hello!
B. Hi!
C. What's your name?
B. Hi!
C. What's your name?
7. 你是Lily,你告诉别人自己的名字,应该说:
[ ]
A. My name is Lily.
B. Hi!
C. I live in China.
B. Hi!
C. I live in China.
8. 当别人问你:“How many books do you have?”时,你可以回答:
[ ]
A. I have one book.
B. I have two book.
B. I have two book.
9. 李明手里拿着几枝钢笔,你想知道他到底有多少枝,你怎么问他?
[ ]
A. May I have one pen?
B. How many pens do you have?
B. How many pens do you have?