摘要: A nocturnal animal is one that . A. is active at night B. sleeps at night C. sleeps in the day D. active in the day Comprehension OE Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Before there were refrigerators, making cheese was a way of storing milk. Fresh cheese is made by heating milk with lemon juice or vinegar. Most cheese is made from cow's milk. However, milk from other animals such as sheep, goats, buffalo, camels yaks and reindeer is also used. Hard cheese such as Cheddar and mature soft cheese such as Brie are made by adding rennet to milk. There are hundreds of different cheeses. Most cheese has a high fat content of around 40-50 per cent. Cheese is a good source of protein, calcium, vitamin B complex, vitamin A, O and E. A 100-gram piece of cheese contains the same amount of calcium as a similar quantity of bread and nearly as much as the same amount of milk. Fresh soft cheese does not contain as much calcium as hard cheese.