摘要: Listen and tick(听录音.勾出听到的单词)10% 1) bowl summer 3) soup wind 5) moon dirty 7) eat on 9) cook 10) eight 2. Listen and finish 10% 1)b sh 2)th sty 3)bi cle 4)t el 5)wi 6)g e 7)Chris as 8)li t 9)t i 10)p cil 3. Listen and number (听录音.按顺序给下列图编号)10% ( ) ( ) 4.Listen and tick (听录音.勾出听到的句子)5% 1) ( ) Give me that hat. ( ) Give that cat to me. 2) ( ) He’s an old postman. ( ) He’s a fat policeman. 3) ( ) There is a bin for you. ( ) There is a bag for you. 4) ( ) Close your books. ( ) Clean your box. 5) ( ) I like summer. I can see flowers in summer. ( ) I like winter. I can see snow in winter. 5. Listen and fill (听录音.选择并填入听到的词)5% 1) Do you want cakes? 2) Don’t the tree. 3) There is some soup in the . 4) Spotty is the sofa. 5) At night, I brush my .


(     ) 1. I usually take an bus to school.         _______________
                    A            B      C
(     ) 2. What do you visit Uncle Liu?          _______________
                A    B         C
(     ) 3. I can't being late again.           _______________
                  A     B     C     
(     ) 4. Lucy has dance class on four forty-five.    _______________
                      A           B       C
(     ) 5. Let's listen to the weather report in the radio.    _______________
                          A                B             C
(     ) 6. Shall we goes to the store?         _______________
               A           B   C
(     ) 7. I'm going to see movie this evening.      _______________
              A                      B       C
(     ) 8. She sometimes goes to work by a car.    _______________
                          A                B             C
(     ) 9. Bears are big animal.           _______________
               A     B           C
(     ) 10. Sydney is going to be cloud.       _______________
                          A    B               C

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