摘要:67.This text is mainly about . A.asking the public to support the freight traffic B.criticizing the European commission and passenger traffic C.praising European expansion for improving the freight traffic D.appealing to more money to be invested in freight traffic


It is six o’clock in the morning. You are asleep in my left arm and I am learning the art of one-handed typing. Your mother, more tired yet more happy than I’ve ever known her, is sound asleep in the room next door.
When you’re older we’ll tell you that you were born in Hong Kong in the lunar year of the pig. “It's a boy, so lucky,” our neighbours told us. They said you were the first baby to be born in the block this year. This, they told us, was good Feng Shui, in other words, a positive sign. Naturally your mother and I were only too happy to believe that.
Your coming has turned me upside down and inside out. I am pained by the memory of each suffering child I have come across on my journeys as a journalist. To tell you the truth, it’s nearly too much for me to even think of the children being hurt and abused and killed.
Last October, in Afghanistan, when you were growing inside your mother, I met Sharja, aged twelve, motherless, fatherless, guiding me through the grey ruins of her home. Everything was gone, she told me.
There is another memory of Rwanda, and the churchyard where I found a mother and her three young children huddled(蜷缩) together where they’d been beaten to death. The children had died holding on to their mother.
Daniel, these memories explain some of the protectiveness I feel for you, and the occasional moments of blind terror when I imagine anything bad happening to you.
【小题1】We can see that this text is written to ________.

A.the author’s wifeB.the author’s neighbour
C.DanielD.a suffering child
【小题2】The author mentions some of his painful memories because ________.
A.he wants his son to care for others
B.he feels more pain thinking about them as a father
C.he hopes to forget the tragedies he witnessed
D.his experience has affected his mental health
【小题3】The underlined word “blind” in the last paragraph means ________.
A.unable to seeB.meaningful
C.not clearD.not based on reason
【小题4】Which of the following words best describes the author’s feeling when typing this text?


Rice is an important part of many people’s diets. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in Massachusetts have released a report about rice. It shows that eating white rice increases the risk of type two diabetes. However, eating brown rice reduces the risk of the disease.

The World Health Organization says more than two hundred twenty million people worldwide have diabetes. Type two diabetes results when the body cannot effectively use the sugar it produces.

More than thirty-nine thousand men and one hundred fifty-seven thousand women took part in the study. They were asked about their diet and day-to-day activities, as well as any pre-existing diseases. The study found that the people who ate five or more servings of white rice per week had a seventeen percent increased risk of developing type two diabetes. But those who ate two or more servings of brown rice a week had an eleven percent reduced risk of getting the disease.

Brown rice is the grain in its natural form. White rice results after it has been refined. This involves removing the outer cover, including the husk, bran and germ. Only the inner white kernel is left. White rice is often enriched to replace some nutrients lost during the refining process.

Sun Qi is the lead writer of the report. He says the outer parts of brown rice slow down the work of the body’s digestive enzymes into starch. This means that the release of sugar into the bloodstream is slower after eating brown rice compared to white rice.

A diet of foods that quickly release sugar into the bloodstream has been linked with a greater risk of type two diabetes. The exact reason for this is not known.

Doctor Sun says less refined grains have more nutritional value than refined grains. He says replacing white rice with whole grains like whole wheat or barley could result in a thirty-six percent lower chance of developing type two diabetes. However, brown rice does not last as long as white rice because of the oil-rich layer of bran. This makes it less usable in poor communities.

61. This text is organized in the pattern of_______.

A. time and events

B. comparison and contrast 

C. cause and effect

D. definition and classification

62. The author uses figures in Paragraph 3 to show_______ .

A. the amount of white rice people ate       

B. the amount of brown rice people ate

C. the rapid growth of the risk of diabetes   

D. brown rice can reduce the risk of disease

63. Paragraph 4 is mainly to tell us_______ .

A. what brown rice is like                

B. what is lost during the refining process

C. it’s complex to refine white rice        

D. the difference between brown rice and white rice

64. According to the text, what does the author suggest we should do?

A. Eat two or more servings of brown rice a week. 

B. Eat white rice in poor areas for diabetes.

C. Do research to find the exact reason.

D. Replace white rice with brown rice.

65. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Eating white rice increases the risk of diabetes.

B. Eating brown rice doesn’t develop diabetes.

C. Refining white rice is not good for people’s health.

D. How diabetes results when people eat white rice.


Three Boys and a Dad

Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother.Expecting a whole day to relaxhe was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favourite TV talk show on his first day off in months.“This will be like a walk in the park”he’d told his wife.“I’ll look after the kidsand you can go visit your mom.”

Things started wellbut just after eight o’clockhis three little “good kids”—MikeRandyand Alex—came down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfastdaddy.”When food had not appeared within thirty secondsRandy began using his spoon on Alex’s head as if it were a drum.Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat(节拍)Mike chanted “Where’s my toastwhere’s my toast” in the background.Brad realised his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds.

Life became worse after breakfast.Mike wore Randy’s underwear on his head.Randy locked himself in the bathroomwhile Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants.Nobody could find clean socksalthough they were before their very eyes.Someone named “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into the basket of clean clothes.Brad knew the talk show had already started.

By ten o’clockthings were out of control.Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter.Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils.Randythankfullyappeared to be reading quietly in the family roombut closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands.Brad realised that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible.

At exactly 1117Brad called the daycare centre(日托所)“I suddenly have to go into work and my wife’s away.Can I bring the boys over in a few minutes”The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling.(2012·陕西,B)

1.When his wife left homeBrad expected to________.

Ago out for a walk in the park

Bwatch TV talk show with his children

Cenjoy his first day off work

Dread the newspaper to his children

2.Which of the following did Randy do?

ADrawing on the wall.? BEating apple jam.

CFeeding the fish.? DReading in a room.

3.Why did Brad ask the daycare centre for help?

ABecause he wanted to clean up his house.

BBecause he suddenly had to go to his office.

CBecause he found it hard to manage his boys.

DBecause he had to take his wife back home.

4.This text is developed________.

Aby space? Bby comparison

Cby process? Dby time



While you may be doing everything right, ignoring just one or two steps in the process may keep you from getting a job, especially in this fierce market. Here is a checklist that covers some of the major links in the job-search chain.

THE RESUME --- Make sure it is up-to-date and tailored to the types of jobs you are seeking for. Have someone else look at your resume. If you cannot afford a career coach, give your resume to friends or family members to scrutinize. Have copies of your resume printed so that you are ready to hand them out at interviews.

COVERING LETTERS --- Maybe you’ve set up a few basic styles in advance, but that’s not enough. Each covering letter should be designed to suit the job for which you are applying.

THE WARDROBE(衣橱) --- Check your wardrobe to ensure that you have the appropriate professional dress, including shoes, ready for interview.

NETWORKING --- Don’t isolate yourself from others for days. Network through e-mail messages, phone calls, appointments and meetings keep you in touch with the outside world and prevent you from becoming depressed.

APPLICATION --- A glance at huge online job sites isn’t usually the best way to find a job. You are more likely to succeed through the people you know via networking.

THE FOLLOW—UP --- It is quite common to apply for job and never hear back from the company. Take measures, such as following up with a phone call a week or so after you apply. If you know someone at the company, check whether that person will put in a good word for you.

INTERVIEWS --- If you’ve got plenty of interviews but no return calls or job offers, take a look at your interviewing skills. This is one area where investing in a career coach may pay off. But if you can’t afford one, try to find a job group or service that conducts free mock(模拟) interviews.

SUPPORT SYSTEMS --- Finally, recognize that looking for job is rather difficult. Even at the best of times, a job hunt is often about rejection, and that can be hard to endure. Staying in touch with family, friends, professional networks and fellow job seekers can help you to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of perspective.

56. The author’s purpose of writing this text is to _________.

A. suggest graduates should find suitable jobs      

B. tell people how to improve their interview skills

C. teach people how to get ready for an interview       

D. give people some tips on searching for jobs

57. The underlined word “scrutinize” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by ________.

A. check        B. use             C. rewrite      D. criticize

58. Which of the following methods is wrong according to the text?

A. You should have your resume read by your friends after finishing it.

B. You should create different covering letters for the different jobs you apply for.

C. Searching online is the most effective way to look for a job.

D. You should wear professional clothes and shoes for the interview.

59. What should you do if you don’t receive any calls after lots of interviews?

A. Ask a fellow job seeker to help you.

B. Carefully review your interviewing skills.

C. Rewrite your resume as soon as possible.

D. Go to the managers’ offices to find out why.

60. It is implied in the text that__________.

A. people often pay no attention to writing their resume

B. the interview is the most difficult step for interviewees

C. your social network may help you a lot in your job hunt

D. a career coach often offers free mock interviews to interviewees


Since many of you are planning to study at a college or university in this country, you may be curious to know what you usually do in a typical week, how you can get along with your fellow students, and so on.These are the questions I want to discuss with you today.

First, let’s talk about  what your weekly schedule will look like. No matter what your major may be, you can expect to spend between four and six hours a week for each class attending lectures. Lectures are usually in very large rooms because some courses such as introduction to sociology or economics often have as many as two or three hundred students, especially at large universities. In lectures, it’s very important for you to take notes on what the professor says because the information a lecture is often different from the information in your textbooks. Also, you can expect to have exam questions based on the lectures. So it isn’t enough to just read your textbooks; you have to attend lectures as well. In a typical week you will also have a couple of hours of discussion for every class you take. The discussion section is a small group meeting usually with fewer than thirty students where you can ask questions about the lectures, the reading, and the homework. In large universities, graduate students, called teaching assistants, usually direct discussion sections.

If your major is chemistry, or physics, or another science, you’ll also have to spend several hours a week in the lab, or laboratory, doing experiments. This means that science majors spend more time in the classroom than non science majors do. On the other hand, people who major in subjects like literature or history usually have to read and write more than science majors do.

59. The main purpose of this text is        .

A. to help the students to learn about university life

B. to persuade the students to attend lectures

C. to encourage the sudents to take part in discussions

D. to advise the students to choose proper majors

60. We can learn from the passage that university professors        .

A. spend about 5 hours on lectures each week

B. must join the students in the discussion sections

C. prefer to use textbooks in their lectures

D. require the students to read beyond the textbooks

61.A discussion section does NOT include        .

A. working under the guidance of university professors

B. talking over what the students have read about the courses

C. discussing the problems related to the students’ homework

D. raising questions about what a professor has said in a lecture

62. According to the author, science majors        .

A. have to work harder than non science majors

B. spend less time on their studies than non science majors

C. consider experiments more important than discussions

D. read and write less than non science majors


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