摘要:47.A.examined B.scanned C.studied D.analyzed


The aims of the Illustrators’(插图画家的)Exhibition, staged as part of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, organized by BolognaFiere and held from 23to 26 December 2011,are to bring illustrators and publishers together and to promote illustrators and their works among publishers.


?Individual illustrators or groups of illustrators of any nationality, if they were born before 31st December 1992, whose artwork is intended for use in children’s books, are qualified to enter the Exhibition, either directly or through publishing houses or schools.

?Please state in the application form whether you are entering work for the Fiction or Nonfiction CategoryIllustrators may only enter one category.

  ?Artwork previously presented to the Exhibition may not be re-entered.

?The confirmation(确认)form must be filled in and a photograph attached, then presented together with illustrations no later than 15 October 2011.


Entries may be delivered by post, express delivery service or by handFrom abroad, please use the following forms: Form “A” for registered mail or post by air; Form “B” if using an international forwarding agent or airlineTo avoid delays, material should not be sent by normal postMaterial should be sent “carriage paid”, including any customs and delivery costs.

BolognaFiere may not be held responsible for the non-arrival or late arrival of artworkall published works must be accompanied by a declaration bearing the ISBN number, publisher’s name and address.


  The illustrations(i.e. the size of the sheet)must not exceed(超过) the following dimensions:

  Fiction: 32×42 cm (or 42 × 32 cm)

  Non-fiction: 50 ×70 cm (70 × 50cm)

Illustrations in larger formats will not be considered, nor will they be returned by BolognaFiereThe illustrations must be on paper or flexible board, maximum thickness 2mm ( for scanner separation purposes).


All artwork received by the stated deadline and meeting the specified requirements will be examined and selected by an international group (whose decision is final), including five members (from publishing house and art schools) appointed each year by BolognaFiere.


After the Bologna event, the Illustrators Exhibition will travel to Japan under the supervision of JBBY. The Illustrators Exhibition may afterwards be transferred to other venues(场馆) in other countries. The exhibitions of illustrations held abroad follow the same rules and regulations as the Illustrators Exhibition, and the provisions (条款) of the regulations are extended to the organizers of the exhibitions held abroad.


All the works will be returned to their owners by BolognaFiere or directly by the organizers of the exhibitions and held abroad by the end of July 2013.

1.Which of the following of the Illustrators’ Exhibition is true?

A. It will last five days in all in July every other year.

B. It is intended for college students who are good at painting.

C. It is held by the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in BolognaFiere.

D. It can strengthen the relationship between illustrators and publishers.

2.The illustrators of the Illustrators Exhibition __________

A. should be at least 16 and no more than 25

B. may re-enter their artwork after it is returned

C. should state the category of their artwork clearly

D. may choose to attach a photo to the application form

3.Which of the following is unacceptable for delivering entries?

A. Normal post????????????? B. Airline post????????????? C. Registered mail????????????? D. Express delivery

4.What is BolognaFiere responsible for?

A. Paying for the delivery costs ????????????? B. Late arrival of artwork

C. Confirmation of ISBN number ????????????? D. Returning the illustrators’ works

5.The illustrators’ works will not be considered if they ????? .

A. are received after the day of 15 October 2011

B. are smaller than the required size

C. have already been published abroad before

D. don’t meet the demands of the international experts



Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so.“Health is the greatest wealth(财富),” wise people say. You can’t be good at your studies or well when you are ill.
If you have a headache, toothache, backache, earache or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, if you run a high temperature and have a bad cold, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, I think you should go to the doctor.
The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, test your eyes, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. After that he will advise some treatment, or some medicine. The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice.
Speaking about doctor’s advice, I can’t help telling you a funny story.
An old gentleman came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs. The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease.
He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest. He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks. In other words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule: “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.” The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn’t smoke more than one cigarette a day.  
A month later the gentleman came into the doctor’s office. He looked cheerful and happy. He thanked the doctor and said that he had never felt a healthier man.
“But you know, doctor,” he said, “it’s not easy to begin smoking at my age.”
【小题1】The writer thinks that     .

A.health is more important than wealth
B.work is as important as studies
C.medicine is more important than pleasure
D.nothing is more important than money
【小题2】The doctor usually tells his patient what to do     .
A.without examining the patient
B.after he has examined the patient
C.if the patient doesn’t take medicine
D.unless the patient feels pain
【小题3】The underlined part means “    ”.
A.he was feeling better than ever
B.he wasn’t a healthy man
C.he was feeling worse than before
D.he will be well again
【小题4】This passage is developed by _____________.
A.giving time orderB.giving examples
C.giving tipsD.giving cause and effect
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Wealth is more important .
B.The doctor does not examine his patients carefully
C.If you have a fever, just stay at home.
D.The doctor’s advice usually works.


An 11?month?old baby helped raise the alarm that her mother had fallen down unconscious by using a mobile phone.

Amelia Boyle,known as Millie,picked up the ringing mobile and answered the call when her mother Elizabeth,20,fainted in the hall of their home.

Linda Wright,Millie's grandmother,was on the other end of the line and heard the baby say “Who's that?”and “Mama”.

The girl is not allowed to play with the mobile so Mrs.Wright knew something was wrong with Millie's mother,who has a history of fainting and fitting,and dialed 999.Miss Boyle,whose phone it was,woke up in her home in Braintree,Essex,to find police and ambulance crews at her door.She became confused and told them she had not called them.A few minutes later three paramedics arrived and examined her.She did not need hospital treatment.Miss Boyle said,“I went upstairs to get Millie some clothes.I came downstairs again and I was going to get her dressed up as normal.”

“She was moving around playing with some toys when I suddenly fainted between the passage and the living room blocking the stairs.”

“My mum phoned me back on the home phone and when she didn't get through,she tried on the mobile,then the home phone again.”

She added,“I am so lucky to have Millie.”

“Millie does not seem to be disturbed by it.She must have watched me open the phone—she is not usually allowed to play with it because she tends to stick it in her mouth.”

“She is a very clever little girl.I was proud of her anyway but now she is even more special.”

Mrs.Wright said,“If Millie hadn't answered the phone,I wouldn't have known what had happened.”

1.Miss Boyle fell down ill while her baby was________.

A.answering Mrs.Wright's phone call

B.following her mother up and down

C.having fun with her toys

D.playing with her mother's mobile phone

2.Which one is the right order according to the passage?

①Miss Boyle went to get her daughter's clothes.

②Police and doctors reached Millie's home.

③Millie answered her grandma's call.

④Miss Boyle fainted on the floor.

A.①④③②      B.②③①④

C.②①④③      D.③①②④

3.From the passage,we know that Millie________.

A.could help her mother get clothes

B.could speak a lot of words

C.was frightened by her mother

D.was a lovely and clever baby

4.What is the author's purpose by writing this story?

A.To introduce an 11?month?old baby to us.

B.To persuade us to use mobile often.

C.To tell us how a baby saved her mother.

D.To describe an accident happening to a baby.




A certain student passed all his school examinations and then went to a college to continue his studies. There he put his name 1 for a course in geography, but after the first lecture, he did not go to it 2 .The geography lecturer noticed that this student was always absent and thought that he had 3 to another course, so he was very 4 when he was the boy's name on the 5 of students who wanted to 6 the geography examination at the end of the year.

The lecturer had prepared a difficult examination paper, 7 followed his lecture very closely, and he was 8 to see 9 the boy's answers 10 the questions would be. He 11 that they would he very bad, but when he examined the paper 12 , he was able to find only one small mistake 13 it. As this surprised him very much, he went 14 the paper once again, but was 15 not able to find more 16 that one small mistake, so he 17 for the student to question him about his work.

When the student had come into the room and had sat down, the lecturer said to him, “I know that you came only to my first lecture and that you have been absent 18 all the others; but now I have examined your answer paper throughly and I have been able to find only one small mistake, I am 19 to know your explanation for that.”

“Oh, I am very sorry about that mistake, sir ”answered the student.“After the examination, I realized what I ought to have written. I 20 that mistake if I had not been confused(混淆)by your first lecture.”


[  ]



[  ]

A.more or less
B.much more
C.any further
D.any more


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.take part in
B.attend to
D.join in


[  ]

A.by which
B.that was
C.which was


[  ]



[  ]

D.how many


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.except for
B.but for


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.should not make
B.must no have made
C.might not make
D.would not have made

Recently divorced(离婚), I had no job and was on my way downtown to go the rounds of the employment offices despite the great   36  . My old umbrella was broken, and I could not   37   another one.

I sat down in the streetcar — and there against the seat was a beautiful silk   38   with a silver handle inlaid (镶嵌) with gold. I had   39   seen anything so lovely.

I   40   the handle and saw a   41  . I got off the streetcar and   42   opened the umbrella to protect myself. Then I searched a   43   book for the name on the umbrella and found it. I called and a lady answered.

Yes, she said in   44  , that was her umbrella, which her parents, now dead, had given her for a birthday present.   45  , she added, it had been stolen at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before.

She was so excited that I   46   I was   47   a job and went directly to her house. She took the umbrella, her   48   filled with tears.

I refused the   49   she gave me. We talked for a while, and I must have given her my address. I don’t remember.

The next six months were   50  . I was able to obtain   51   here and there. l reached the lowest point in my   52  . Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.

Christmas Eve came. No money to buy my daughter a gift. I was sobbing (抽泣) in the cold little kitchen   53   the doorbell rang and my daughter Peggy ran to answer it. He was a postman, and his arms were   54   of parcels. “This is a mistake” I said, but he read the name on the parcels and there were for me.

Peggy and I sat on the floor and opened them. I looked for the name of the sender. It was the teacher. The address was   55   “California”, where she had moved.

1.A. cloud                           B. rain                         C. wind                       D. snow

2.A. search                        B. catch           C. afford            D. sell

3.A. raincoat                     B. seat          C. book              D. umbrella

4.A. never                          B. ever         C. almost         D. nearly

5.A. concluded                  B. examined      C. learned            D. helped

6.A. name                          B. address           C. card                  D. demand

7.A. deliberately               B. specially      C. sadly                 D. thankfully

8.A. technology                B. engine        C. telephone             D. medicine

9.A. anger                          B. surprise       C. danger                            D. sorrow

10.A. And                           B. But        C. So                D. Or

11. A. forgot                      B. remembered        C. indicated      D. decided

12.A. applied for               B. watching for         C. asking for          D. looking for

13.A. face                           B. nose       C. eyes                      D. ear

14.A. reward                     B. prize     C. present                 D. umbrella

15. A. freezing                            B. surprising              C. shocking                D struggling

16.A. failures                     B. successes     C. jobs            D. wages

17.A. heart                        B. favor             C. work              D. life

18.A. as                              B. while           C. when                D. then

19.A. proud                        B. full     C. careful         D. glad

20. A. simply              B. directly          C. finally                 D. nearly



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