摘要:25. permitting, I'll go abroad to study. A.Circumstances B.Surroundings C.Occasion D.Position



     WASHINGTON--President Bush plans to meet next week with top Pentagon and State Department officials, and hopes to offer a revised Iraq plan within two weeks, aides (政府官员的副手)said Friday.                                                                       

     White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said today Bush wants to give a major speech on Iraq before Christmas, "but that is not set in stone."

     At a morning meeting with congressional leaders, Bush said, "We talked about the need for a new way forward in Iraq."

     Bush will visit the State Department on Monday and meetings with military officials will follow over the next two days, according to a tentative White House schedule. All are involved in an ongoing administration review of the situation in Iraq.

     "These are deliberative(慎重的) meetings and discussions," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council. "They will inform the president's thinking, and he will inform their thinking."

     Bush said he is also reviewing the Iraq Study Group report released Wednesday. Its suggestions include withdrawing US troops by early 2008, conditions permitting, and a new diplomatic(外交的) effort including Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria.

    The president said he also wanted the troops home too, but not until the new Iraq government can sustain(支撑) itself. He expressed skepticism(怀疑态度) about possible talks with Iran and Syria, saying they must stop efforts to undermine(削弱) Iraq's fledgling(年轻的) democracy.

60. The word “revised” in Paragraph One can be replaced by "_______".

   A. rewriting             B. changed            C. important             D. directed

61. The word "that" in Paragraph Two refers to ________.

  A. President Bush plans to meet next week with top Pentagon and State Department officials

  B. the thing that President Bush hopes to offer a revised Iraq plan within two weeks

  C. what White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said today

  D. the thing that President Bush wants to give a major speech on Iraq before Christmas

62. The last paragraph shows us that _____.

  A. President Bush wants to have a talk with Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria

  B. Bush will make his troops go home unless the new Iraq government can sustain itself

  C. Bush will make his troops go home if the new Iraq government can sustain itself

  D. President Bush is sure to have a talk with Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Olive, from County Westmeath, Ireland, arrived in England to live with her daughter and son-in-law Thomas. She was   36   because of her poor health and   37   with her most of her treasured   38   . These included a small piece of tissue paper in which she had   39   what appeared to be five teeth which had   40   her dentures (假牙).

Having   41   in, she asked Thomas, "Do you know where I can get my dentures   42   ?" "Of course," replied Thomas.   43   you give them to me, I'll take them to a dental   44   . "

Olive handed over the rather tired piece of paper which   45   some rather dirty-looking   46   . Thomas drove to the dental laboratory.

"   47   will it take?" Thomas asked the technician.

"Oh, about an hour," smiled the dental expert.

"Then I'll wait in the   48   ," said Thomas, "and read my newspaper. "'

An hour passed and the technician   49   at the car window   50  a plastic bag and the piece of paper. "That'll be £80," requested the specialist, "   51   I could only fit four of the teeth to the dentures. I'm sorry. "

"That's a   52   ," commented Thomas. "What happened to the__  53   one?"

"I have it here in the paper," answered the technician,   54   it to Thomas.

"The thing is," he said, "it's easy to fit the teeth but   55   to fit this peanut (花生米)."

36. A. moving       B. going           C. passing      D. returning

37. A. sold        B. provided       C. brought     D. dealt

38. A. clothes           B. possessions       C. furniture    D. materials

39. A. discovered   B. secreted        C. thrown      D. buried

40. A. broken out B. broken in      C. broken away     D. broken off

41. A. settled       B. filled         C. joined       D. fallen

42. A. cut         B. dropped        C. mended     D. placed

43. A. Because      B. If              C. Therefore D. However

44. A. speaker       B. customer      C. patient       D. technician

45. A. needed           B. found           C. touched     D. contained

46. A. teeth       B. jewels          C. peanuts      D. coins

47. A. How often   B. How soon     C. How long D. How much

48. A. building      B. office               C. house        D. car

49. A. appeared     B. broke               C. laughed     D. glared

50. A. putting        B. holding        C. keeping     D. hiding

51. A. and         B. but            C. also       D. nor

52. A. fact        B. pleasure        C. pity       D. thing

53. A. fifth        B. first           C. third     D. second

54. A. proving       B. advising       C. permitting        D. showing

55. A. necessary    B. unimportant      C. impossible D. possible



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