摘要:41.强弱.高低 B 优点是数据量变小.缺点是音质变差


The Mother Goose Stories, so well known to children all over the word, are commonly said to have been written by a little old woman for her grandchildren. According to some people, she lived in Boston, and her real name was Elizabeth Vergoose. Her son-in-law, a printer named Thomas Fleet, was supposed to have published the famous stories and poems for small children in 1719. However, no copy of this book has ever been found, and most scholars doubt the truth of this story—and doubt, moreover, that Mother Goose was ever a real person. They point out that the name is a direct translation of the French “Mere I’ Oye.” In 1697 the Frenchman Charles Perrault published the first book in which this name was used. The collection contains eight tales, including “Sleeping Beauty,” “Cinderella,” and “Puss in Boots.” But Perrault did not originate these stories; they were already quite popular in his day, and he only collected them.

In 1729 there appeared an English translation of Perrault’s collection,Robert Samber’s Histories or Tales of Past times, Told by MotherGoose(London,1729), which introduced “Sleeping Beauty”, “Little Red-hood”, “Puss in Boots”,”Cinderella” and other Perrault’s tales to English-speaking audiences. These were fairy tales(童话)。 John Newbery published a book of English rhymes,Mother Goose’s Melody, or Sonnets for the Cradle( London, undated,1765), which switched the focus from fairy tale to nursery  rhymes, and in English this was until recently the primary meaning for Mother Goose.A book of poems for children entitled Mother Goose’s Melody was published in England in1781, and the name “Mother Goose” has been associated with children’s poetry ever since.

1.What is supposed to have happened in 1719?

  A. Elizabeth Vergoose wrote the first Mother Goose Stories.

  B.  The Mother Goose Stories were translated into French.

  C.  Thomas Fleet published the Mother Goose Stories.

  D. Charles Perrault published the first Mother Goose Stories.

2. Most scholars consider Mother Goose to be _________.

   A. a real person                                                 B. a translation from French

   C. a collection by Elizabeth Vergoose          D.  a book written by a little old woman

3.When Perrault published the first book in 1679, _______.

   A. no story of the book had been known to people

   B. some stories of the book were already well known

   C. few people were interested in the stories of the book

   D. stories like “Sleeping Beauty” and “Cinderella” became popular

4.The name used in the first book published in 1679 is supposed to have been _______.

 A. Mother Goose         B. Charles Perrault C. Elizabeth Vergoose  D. Mere I’ Oye 

5.When people talk about Mother Goose, they refer to,___________

     A.    a printer of Boston          B. a kind of animal

     C.    children’s  poetry            D. the  French “Mere L’oye




City Varieties

The Headrow, Leeds.Tel.430808

Oct10-11only A Night at the Varieties. All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers,  Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Duval and the Tony Harrison Tri- o. Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favourite songs.

Performances:8pm nightly.

Admission:£5;under 16or over 60:£4.

York Theatre Royal

St Leonard's Place, York.Tel.223568

Sept23-Oct17 Groping for Words - a comedy by Sue Townsend. Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Townsend now writes about an evening class which two men and a woman attend. A gentle comedy.

Admission: First night, Mon:£2:Tues-Fri:£3.25-5.50;Sat:£3.50-5.75.

Halifax Playhouse

King's Cross Street, Halifax.Tel.365998

Oct 10-17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson. This is a magical comedy about real people. A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone. Don't miss it.


Admission:£2.Mon:2 seats for the price of one.

Grand Theatre

Oxford Street, Leeds.Tel.502116

Restaurant and Café.

Oct 1-17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13. Sue Townsend's musical play, based on her best-selling book.

Performances: Evenings 7:45October 10-17, at 2: 30pm. No Monday performances.

Admission: Tues-Thurs:£2-5;Fri&Sat:£2-6.

64.Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?

  A. Halifax Playhouse. B. City Varieties.

  C. Grand Theatre.     D. York Theatre Royal.

65. If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat?

  A.502116                     B.223568                C.365998                     D.430808

66. We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is ____.

  A. a writer             B. an actress          C. a musician         D. a director


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