摘要:35.近代思想家龚自珍说:“自古及今.法无不改.势无不积.事例无不变迁.风气无不移易. 这说明 A.世界上存在无物质的运动 B.运动是物质的存在方式和固有属性 C.物质的唯一特性是客观实在性 D.物质是运动的内在动力





下列句中加点词语的解释不正确的一项是    (    )

  A.同诣九公主第        诣:到……去。

  B.延于上座日          延:邀请。

  C.对曲果然            对:对照。

  D.尝自写其景物奇胜    写:书写。

以下各组句子,全都正面表明王维才能的一组是    (    )

  ①九岁知属辞,工草隶,闲音律    ②京兆得此生为解头,荣哉

  ③开元十九年状元及第    ④维诗入妙品上上,画思亦然

  ⑤至山水平远,云势石色,皆天机所到  ⑥后人评维“诗中有画,画中有诗”

  A.②③⑤    B.①④⑥    C.①③④    D.②⑤⑥

下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是    (    )








The ultimate (最终的) goal of life is to achieve happiness, and the way to achieve happiness is to wise management. So says The Sims (模拟人生),an American strategic life-simulation computer game that lets you create, direct, and manage the lives of SimCity’s residents.

Similar to the life of a real person, the game begins with the creation of your simulated(模拟的)people: pick a name and a gender, decide on personality/astrological sign (星座), and then choose a look from a variety of heads, bodies, and skin tones. Each little Sim person has all basic needs (Hunger, Comfort, Fun, etc.) like a human which can be satisfied by interaction with other Sims or purchased objects. Name, gender, and appearance don’t affect gameplay much, but personality determines how your Sim plays with others.

One gameplay goal is to improve your Sim and eventually help him or her achieve happiness. With proper management he or she can climb a career ladder, which nets him or her more money. This allows the purchase of higher quality stuff, which lets you improve your Sim even more. With suitable care, your Sim can have a mate, kids, and a mansion with an indoor pool. Mismanage your new, simulated family, and fights will break out, jobs will be lost, and the house will fall apart.

With The Sims, you can create whatever and whomever you desire. Triumph or tragedy? You name it. In your real life, it is the same case.


1. 约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词写一篇文章,并包括以下要点:




1.  可以参照阅读材料的篇章结构组织故事,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2.  标题自定。

[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。




第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)



13 Farmers Moved China

         CCTV.com News: 13 farmers from Yutian Country, Tangshan City, Hebei Province have formed a rescue team to the snowstorm stricken areas in South China. On the Eve of the Spring Festival, driving a rented bus for Chenzhou, Hunan ,they joined the disaster relief team. On the spot of a Chenzhou’s emergency repair ,Song Zhiyong ,a farmer in Tangshan ,and also the group leader of the voluntary rescue team is working hard with 12 brothers in the village.

         Song Zhiyong said that the idea of giving the support to the disaster area first accurred to them on Dec. 28 of the lunar year, when the celebration of the New Year was approaching. They planned to donate some money to Chenzhou there at the very beginning. However ,later ,they thought that was not enough and then they changed their mind.

         “We should arrive at the front line, which is also a kind of comfort to the people there.” Song Zhiyong thought to himself.

         When the journalists ask why they come to their rescue ,they said, “we have experienced the oversized earthquake before ,and at that time the people from all over China helped us. I think we also should try our best to help others in trouble and do what we could for them.”










[评分标准]   概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。



We Have Different Ideas!
This may be the most important choice—the turning point in my life.  Never before have I been so serious.  For me, a Senior Three student, which university to choose is really a hard question, especially when I hold a completely different opinion from my parents. 
I’m longing for Beijing University for its long history, beautiful campus and academic atmosphere.  Besides, it’s a good chance to experience a different culture. 
But to my great surprise, when my parents heard this, they are strongly against my idea.  Moreover, I was shocked to find mum crying! She asked in tears, “Why don’t you stay in Guangzhou? So young a girl, how can you take good care of yourself? Beijing, oh! It’s too far away.  What if I want to see you or you want to see me?” My father also asked me a serious question, “Are you sure you can find a good job in Guangzhou after graduation?”
Actually, I’ve thought about all these.  As an independent and active girl, I certainly can handle all the problems.  I insist on my choice, but I really value my parents’ agreement. 
1. 概括短文要点,字数为30词左右;
2. 假设你是这位学生的班主任,该生向你求助,希望你能帮她说服她的父母,请写下你要对家长说的话,字数为120词左右,至少包括以下内容:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身目睹的或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
3. 标题自拟。
[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。


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