摘要:12.手工洗衣服流程一般分为洗衣和漂洗两个大环节.从优化该流程的角度考虑.以下做法较合适的是 A.用常规数量的洗涤剂洗衣服.一次性用大量的水漂洗 B.用常规数量的洗涤剂洗衣服.用少量水进行多次漂洗 C.用比常规数量更少的洗涤剂.增加洗衣时间.用少量水一次性漂洗 D.用比常规数量更多的洗涤剂.缩短洗涤时间.用大量水多次漂洗








1.        高考对于孩子的未来非常关键,需要找专业人士来照料。

2.        许多家长工作很忙,抽不出时间照顾孩子。

1.        这样会造成孩子过分紧张。

2.        高考是孩子成长的重要经历,家长应亲自陪同孩子体验。




1. 对所给要点逐一陈述,可适当发挥,不要逐句翻译。

2. 词数150左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

A domestic service company in Beijing provided “Gaokao nannies” for students who will take part in the college entrance examination. The nannies can not only tutor the students in their weak subjects but also wash clothes and cook meals for them.                              




When it comes to President Obama, most of his personal business is already known by the public. Personal information about his children, Malia and Sasha, however, has been kept a little more under wraps.

The New York Times recently released a list of rules that Michelle Obama has mentioned over the years that Malia and Sasha must follow during their time in the White House, as well as in general. See how the first family educates their children:

The girls must write reports about what they’ve seen on their trips, even if it’s not required by their school.

Malia may use her cell phone only on the weekends, and she and her sister cannot watch television or use a computer for anything but homework during the week.

Malia and Sasha have to play two sports: one they choose and one selected by their mother.

Malia must learn to do laundry(洗衣服) before she leaves for college.

The girls have to eat their vegetables, and if they say they are not hungry, they cannot ask for cookies or chips later.

While these might be shocking to some, Michelle said, “They’re not little princess. It’s just basic rules, boundaries, and expectations that we would have normally.”

Michelle also mentions another set of rules:

The girls must do their chores(家务), though the White House has a large staff. Malia and Sasha have chores of their own.

They must play a team sport, because it’s about learning how to play on a team, how to lose and how to win gracefully.

It sounds like Michelle and Barack want the best for their kids and to make them as well-rounded as possible. What are your thoughts on the Obama family rules?  

1.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.The first family daily life.                  B.The first family rules.

C.How to be good parents.                  D.How to be good students.

2.What do the underlined words “under wraps” probably mean?

A.Attractive.         B.Calm.             C.Secret.           D.Public

3.What has to be followed after the girls’ every trip?

A.Emails.            B.Photos.           C.Homework.        D.Reports.

4.Which of the following is the exception for the girls?

A.To use cell phone freely.                  B.To play two sports.

C.To learn to do laundry.                    D.To eat their vegetables.

5.Which of the following is NOT True according to the passage?

A.The girls have to obey the rules only when they live in the White House.

B.The girls must do their chores though there might be lots of help around.

C.The girls must play a team sport to gain team spirit by working together.

D.The parents want to make the girls grow healthily as common children.



教育部三令五申要求各地学校减轻学生负担,可你们学校为了片面追求升学率,不惜牺牲学生仅有的周末时间进行补课,为此上周你们班利用班会时间举行了一次题为“周末是否应该补课”专题辩论,请你以李华的名义根据下表中的内容写一篇书信寄给“21st Century”报的编辑。?












4.生词:调节 adjust?

Dear Editor,

Our class had a serious argument about whether we should have lessons on weekends in the class meeting last week. Now I'm writing to tell you the detailed information about it...



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