摘要: It's funny that Doctor Brown can do delicate brain surgery in the operating room, but he's at home when he tries to hammer a nail in the wall to hang up a picture." A. all thumbs B. all ears C. green fingers D. no-brainers


As I was leaving to meet Lynne,my roommate told me that I’d better take some money,but I didn’t listen to him. I thought that Lynne would pay because she had invited me.
I arrived at the restaurant exactly on time. I’d been told that Americans expect you to be on time. Lynne and I sat at a table in the corner of the restaurant and a waitress came and took our order. The dinner was a great success. I talked a lot about Saudi Arabia and Lynne told me all about herself. After two hours the waitress finally came and asked if we wanted one check or two. Lynne said two. We went to the cashier and Lynne paid her check. I was embarrassed (尴尬) when the cashier gave me my bill. I had no money to pay for my meal. Then I had an idea. I pretended to look for something in my pockets and said,“Oh!I forgot my money! Can I call my roommate,please?” The cashier showed me where the phone was and I quickly called my roommate.
In a few minutes he arrived with some money,but he couldn’t hide how he felt. He laughed all the way home.
Now,I think it’s funny too. But at the time I was terribly embarrassed. I thought that an invitation to have dinner meant the same thing in the United States as in my country. I guess you have to understand that your customs(习俗) are only your customs. When you visit a foreign country,you have to learn about their customs,too.
【小题1】Customs can be ________in different countries according to this passage.

A.close to each otherB.entirely different
C.quite the sameD.very similar
【小题2】The writer’s roommate advised the writer to take some money with him to________.
A.invite Lynne to dinnerB.pay for the table
C.share the cost of the meal D.pay for the restaurant
【小题3】The writer and Lynne________.
A.shared a successful dinner
B.had a talk for three hours
C.traveled to Saudi Arabia together
D.enjoyed their meal without talking
【小题4】Why didn’t Lynne pay the check for the writer?
A.Because she thought it was natural for people to pay their own check.
B.Because she didn’t have the meal.
C.Because she wanted to embarrass the writer.
D.Because she didn’t have enough money with her.
【小题5】The roommate laughed all the way home because the writer________.
A.was embarrassed when he couldn’t pay his breakfast
B.would not listen to him when he left the house
C.telephoned him to bring some books to him
D.hadn’t told Lynne the truth


Paul, the oracle octopus (神算章鱼), was given a replica (复制品) of the World Cup as a reward for his perfect eight-for-eight record in predicting the results of matches.
The two-year-old octopus with possible supernatural powers turned into a worldwide celebrity for accurately predicting the German team’s five World Cup wins as well as their two defeats. Paul also tipped Spain to beat Netherlands in the final.
“We have had a lot of offers for Paul but he will definitely be staying with us and returning to his usual job-making children smile,” Sea Life spokeswoman Tanja Munzig in Oberhausen said after presenting Pual with the World Cup replica.
There’s no rational(合理的)reasons why Paul always got it right. Bettors around the world made small fortunes based on Paul’s guess, said Graham Sharpe, media relations director at William Hill in London. “I’ve seen a lot of things in my lifetime but this is the first time I’ve ever seen people making their picks based on what an octopus tells them. We had people coming in saying they didn’t know how to place a bet but heard about this German octopus and wanted to bet with him. It’s funny. But he kept getting it right.” said Sharpe.
Sharpe said that anyone who had placed a 10-pound accumulator bet(累计下注)on Paul’s prediction from the start of the World Cup would have won 3,000 pounds($4,500)by the end of the tournament.
Paul’s home at Sea Life aquarium(水族馆)in Oberhausen has been crowded with visitors and media from across Europe. Many networks broadcast his predicting live. Many networks broadcast his picks live. Hundreds were on hand to watch the World Cup replica lowered into his tank on Monday, 12 July, 2010.
【小题1】 Paul was rewarded a replica of the Word Cup because he          .

A.will celebrate his birthday soon
B.predicted the results of matches accurately
C.helped beat Netherlands in the final
D.helped many fans earn much money
【小题2】 If a fan had placed a 200-pound accumulator bet on Paul’s prediction, he would have won
          during the tournament.
【小题3】 The underlined word “tipped” in the 2nd paragraph probably means          .
【小题4】 From what Sharpe said we can learn that          .
A.it’s amazing for Paul to make more exact prediction than people
B.octopus like Paul may all have the ability to predict exactly
C.it’s common for people to believe in sea life for prediction
D.we’d better not bet with animals when we have trouble making our picks
【小题5】 We can learn from this passage that          .
A.Paul used to be children’s favorite sea life
B.it’s useless to bet with the oracle octopus
C.Paul was born with the ability to predict World Cup results
D.Germany will never be beaten if Paul stays with them


Last Friday, I was coming home late after spending time with friends and thought I’d go down to the $99 cent pizza place. On the way, I saw a man sitting on the stairs alone there. I’d seen him before every day I run late to work, but this time I had no place to rush off to.

There was something about him, a quiet manner, different from many of other homeless people I had seen in New York City. I walked past him, went to the pizza place, and those 10 seconds waiting in line was enough to practice stepping outside of my usual, familiar flow. So with a few slices in hand, I went back to join him. I asked him if he was hungry. He said yes, but not for pizza because it made him uncomfortable. He’d rather have a few bucks for chicken and rice since it was easier on his stomach. It’s funny, in that moment, he became more real to me.

This man I had seen almost every day was someone with specific conditions, needs, and experiences. We exchanged names and ended up talking for a little over an hour that night as Kevin told me stories from his life, how he had done things when “he was younger and didn’t know any better” and how he tried to make amends (补偿) but too much time had passed. He shared his views on the value for young adults to learn the history of other people.

He talked about his one wish being in his 60’s before he leaves this earth, which is to share his story with the teenagers and young adults so they could avoid the mistakes he went through. Throughout the conversation, he eventually got his chicken and rice and gifted me a rose he had been carrying. Shortly afterwards, I made my way home, thinking to myself, “I met an amazing homeless person”.

1.The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is to ____.

A. share his experience            B. show his generosity 

C. express his thoughts            D. exchange his opinions

2.The homeless man refused pizza because he ____.

A. did not feel very hungry at that moment    

B. had something wrong with his stomach

C. preferred some chicken and rice to pizza    

D. might feel ashamed to be given something

3.What’s the homeless man’s last wish?

A. To become a lot younger again.      

B. To make amends for his early life.

C. To have enough chicken and rice to eat. 

D. To teach the young not to follow his example.

4.It can be inferred from the text that ____.

A. The homeless man is different from others 

B. The writer showed his pity to the homeless man

C. What the homeless man thought shocked the writer 

D. What the homeless man did was not very meaningful

5.How do you like the homeless man after reading the passage?

A. Learned.    B. Honorable.    C. Determined.    D. Promising.



It was a cold winter afternoon. Robert stopped for a moment as he crossed the bridge and looked down at the river below. There were hardly any   36   on the river. Near the bridge, however, almost direct below,   37   was a small canoe (独木舟), with a boy in it. The boy was wearing  38   and shivering (颤抖) with cold, Robert noticed.  Just then he heard a cry, “Help! Help!” The cry   39   from the river. Robert looked down. The boy was   40   the water and his canoe was floating away. “Help! Help!” he called again.
Robert was a good   41  . Taking off his clothes, he  42   into the river. The   43   water made him tremble all over,   44   in a few seconds he reached the boy. “Don’t be afraid,” he said and started to swim towards the river bank,  45   the boy with him. But at that   46   he noticed a large motor boat under the bridge. There were several people on the boat, all   47   in his direction. Robert   48   to swim towards the boat.
“Give me a hand,” he shouted   49   he got near the boat. He   50   up into a row of faces. “It’s funny,” he thought. “They look so   51  .” Silently they helped the boy into the boat and   52   him in a blanket (毯子). But they did not move to   53   Robert.
“Aren’t you going to pull me   54  , too?”
“You!” said one of the men. Robert noticed that he was standing next to a large   55  . “You! Why, we were making a film and you spoiled (破坏) a whole afternoon’s work! You can stay in the water!”

A.fish B.boatsC.wavesD.birds
A.thereB.itC.where D.that
A.moreB.manyC.much D.little
A.swimmer B.guardC.soldierD.player
A.threwB.lookedC.jumped D.turned
A.placeB.periodC.second D.moment
A.decidedB.wentC.agreed D.promised
A.wrappedB.leftC.placed D.threw


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