摘要:第一节.单项选择 21 As we all know, surfing Internet has now become popular means of obtaining information. A.the; the B./; the C.the; a D./; / 22 To tell the truth, if it were not for the fact that you my daughter, I would not take such pains to serve you. A.were B.are C.had been D.have been 23 -The work will take me another week. I’m really tired. -I think you as well consult an experienced worker. A.may B.can C.need D.must 24 twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city. A. Examining B. Examined C. Being examined D. Having been examine 25--It is said that Jackson has become more and more hard-working since his failure in the last maths exam. --Good! A All that glitters are not gold. B All things are difficult before they are easy. C A fall into a pit, a gain in wit. D A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.26. G20 is held among countries of different interests to talk about peace and cooperation, but that’s exactly many states cannot achieve an agreement. A what B where C how D why


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