摘要:54.A.to B.for C.in D.by


A. “Better road design and training hold the key to cycle safety”, the new Transport Secretary said today as he pledged to restore Britain’s safety record. Patrick McLoughlin told Conservative Party Conference that while cycling was enjoying a post-Olympics boom, the number of casualties among cyclists was also rising. “But the number of accidents has gone up too. That means it needs better design and better education too.” Mr McLoughlin said in his first speech as Transport Secretary. 
B.  Cycling in the UK will become safer through “sheer weight of numbers,” the founder of one of the world’s leading cycle brands has said as he backed The Times’s Cyclesafe campaign. Simon Mottram, founder and chief executive of Rapha, has added his support to 40 cross-party MPs who have signed a letter urging David Cameron to use his speech at the Conservative Party Conference to promote measures to make the streets safer for cyclists.
C.  Commuters who cycle to work face an increased danger as the casualty toll during peak hours rose by 10 percent last year. The rate at which cyclists were killed or seriously injured rose sharply last year, official figures showed yesterday.
D.  In future decades, Londoners will look back on the way cyclists jostled with buses and lorries on major roads as an absurd anachronism. Some risks are unavoidable. But other risks survive only because we are too slow to embrace bold solutions. That is the message from designers who are proposing an ambitious plan to create cycle lanes suspended above London’s busiest streets. London is one of the most dangerous places in the world for cycling. “SkyCycle” would remedy that problem by attaching dedicated cycle paths to existing railway viaducts.
E.  Money should be apportioned from the funding for major transport projects, such as the new Forth Crossing, to create a pot of cash for cycling, campaigners have told MSPs. Cycle groups have given warning that not enough money is being put into routes and promotion. They want the Scottish government to take a percentage of the funding allocated to key national projects and create an “active transport” fund to be distributed gradually.
F.  We’d like you to tell us why you love cycling by sending a photo of yourself, a family member or friend with their bike and a note about why it is so brilliant. To take part, instagram your photo with the hashtag #ilovemybike or email it to us at ilovemybike@thetimes.co.uk. We’ll post the best pictures here ilovemybike.tumblr.com.
【小题1】“Cycle lanes in the sky” answer to traffic danger
【小题2】More cyclists are seriously injured on Britain’s roads
【小题3】Share a picture of you and your bike and help us promote the fun and freedom of cycling
【小题4】“Weight of numbers” will bring safe cycling
【小题5】Transport Secretary calls for better road design and training to help cyclists


A. “Better road design and training hold the key to cycle safety”, the new Transport Secretary said today as he pledged to restore Britain’s safety record. Patrick McLoughlin told Conservative Party Conference that while cycling was enjoying a post-Olympics boom, the number of casualties among cyclists was also rising. “But the number of accidents has gone up too. That means it needs better design and better education too.” Mr McLoughlin said in his first speech as Transport Secretary. 

B.  Cycling in the UK will become safer through “sheer weight of numbers,” the founder of one of the world’s leading cycle brands has said as he backed The Times’s Cyclesafe campaign. Simon Mottram, founder and chief executive of Rapha, has added his support to 40 cross-party MPs who have signed a letter urging David Cameron to use his speech at the Conservative Party Conference to promote measures to make the streets safer for cyclists.

C.  Commuters who cycle to work face an increased danger as the casualty toll during peak hours rose by 10 percent last year. The rate at which cyclists were killed or seriously injured rose sharply last year, official figures showed yesterday.

D.  In future decades, Londoners will look back on the way cyclists jostled with buses and lorries on major roads as an absurd anachronism. Some risks are unavoidable. But other risks survive only because we are too slow to embrace bold solutions. That is the message from designers who are proposing an ambitious plan to create cycle lanes suspended above London’s busiest streets. London is one of the most dangerous places in the world for cycling. “SkyCycle” would remedy that problem by attaching dedicated cycle paths to existing railway viaducts.

E.  Money should be apportioned from the funding for major transport projects, such as the new Forth Crossing, to create a pot of cash for cycling, campaigners have told MSPs. Cycle groups have given warning that not enough money is being put into routes and promotion. They want the Scottish government to take a percentage of the funding allocated to key national projects and create an “active transport” fund to be distributed gradually.

F.  We’d like you to tell us why you love cycling by sending a photo of yourself, a family member or friend with their bike and a note about why it is so brilliant. To take part, instagram your photo with the hashtag #ilovemybike or email it to us at ilovemybike@thetimes.co.uk. We’ll post the best pictures here ilovemybike.tumblr.com.


1.“Cycle lanes in the sky” answer to traffic danger

2.More cyclists are seriously injured on Britain’s roads

3.Share a picture of you and your bike and help us promote the fun and freedom of cycling

4.“Weight of numbers” will bring safe cycling

5.Transport Secretary calls for better road design and training to help cyclists



“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”  

“Two full inches in the first three days!”  

These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters of products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way to beauty or desirability.  

Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoter. The re they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.   

To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary? Understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA(Food Drug Administration)can require proof (证明)under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that safe and effective before it is put on the market . But if the product is a device, FDA. has no author to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the marker danger to health, FDA. can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the a voluntarily, or it can take legal action ,including seizure (查封) of the product.   

One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the ## through contact pads. FDA. took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the ## the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.   

Olwionsly, most of the devices on the maker never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼),and new devices appear continually, Before buying, it is up to the consumer to the safety or effectiveness of such items.   

61.It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are ______.   

A. objective          B. costly         C. unreliable          D. illegal   

62.Which of the following is true according to the text?  

A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous product.   

B. New products are more likely to be questionable.   

C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.   

D. The promoters usually just care about profits.   

63. FDA. can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product ________.   

A. if it is a drug  

B. if it is a device  

C. if its consumers make complaints  

D. if its distributors challenge FDA’s authority  

64. The Relaxacisor is mentioned as_______.   

A. a product which was designed to produce electricity  

B. a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case  

C. a successful advertisement of a beauty product  

D. an example of a quality beauty product  

65. The author intends to __________  

A. make consumers aware of the promoters’ false promises

B. show the weakness of the law on product safety  

C. give advice on how to keep young and beautiful  

D. introduce the organization of FDA.  


Influenced by their families and society, many youths are infatuated with expensive famous brands. But not every youth is as rich as a millionaire and people are getting worried about this.
According to a recent survey, one out of five pupils wears clothes of well-known brands, including a belt worth 560 Yuan, more than an ordinary worker’s salary. Among the 100 middle school students surveyed, as many as 70 own famous-brand clothes, 60 have famous-brand watches and 45 possess famous-brand bicycles. Two of them even wear over 1500 Yuan worth of suits.
Most young people who come from ordinary families will try to steal money to have better food and clothing if their parents don’t satisfy their needs. A boy named Chen even killed another boy simply for 500 Yuan and was sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment.
People wonder how these teenagers can be independent in the future, while parents are calling for help from schools, governments and the society.
which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.More than 50 percent of the students surveyed possess things of famous brands.
B.An ordinary worker owns less than 560 Yuan each month.
C.Suits may cost as much as 1500 Yuan.
D.Young people now are as rich as millionaires.
68 What does “be infatuated with” mean according to the context?
A.be anxious about
B.be filled with a strong unreasonable feeling of love for
C.have a strange and unusual way of
D.be low in spirits; sad for
69 As a result, the boy mentioned in the passage will       .
A.steal money for better food and clothing
B.kill another boy for 500 Yuan
C.stay in prison for nine years
D.ask his parents to satisfy his needs
70 The best title for the passage would be        .
A.Youths Run After Famous Brands. 
B.Youths Should Own More Money
C.Youths As Rich As Millionaires     
D.Youths Must Be Taken Good Care of


“Wanted by the FBI.” To the murderer, or the bank robber, these are the most frightening words in the world. When the criminal hears them,he knows that six thousand trained persons are after him.
Why should he be so afraid? There are thousands of cities and villages where he can hide,and forests and deserts, as well. Besides, he’s usually rich with stolen money.
Money can make it easier to hide. With money, the criminal can even pay a doctor to operate on his face and make him hard to recognize. But the criminals know that as public enemies, they can be found by the FBI no matter where they hide.
They know every trick the criminal knows and many more. If he makes just one mistake,they’ll get him. That’s why the man who is wanted can’t sleep. That’s why he becomes nervous, why he jumps at every sound.
The FBI began on May 10th, 1924. General Harlan Stone chose Edgar Hoover, a young lawyer, to head the new agency . “What we need is a wholly new kind of police force,” he said. “Criminals today are smart.They use stolen cars and even planes to make their gateways. They have learned to open any lock,using advanced technology. We can’t beat them with old methods. We have to train officers to work scientifically.”
Edgar Hoover quietly went ahead with his plans. He picked his men carefully. They had to be between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five. He wanted only men with good manners and good character. When working as his officers, they would have to meet all kinds of people. Hoover wanted men who could handle a teacup as well as a gun. But the FBI cannot help in every police problem. It can look into only certain crimes against the government. Solving all other crimes is the duty of local police forces.   
68.A man wanted by the FBI will find that money is ________.
A.not at all useful              B.very helpful for a while
C.necessary for his crime         D.everything for him
69.Before he worked with the FBI,Edgar Hoover was a ____________.
A.policeman     B.lawyer    C.teacher     D.general
70.The FBI was begun in order to____.
A.reduce crimes            B.bring younger men into police work
C.fight crimes scientifically   D.offer jobs
71.A man who can “handle a teacup as well as a gun” has both ____________.
A.courage and manners         B.strength and kindness
C.wisdom and energy          D.ability and humor


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