摘要:第二节 书面表达 假如你是李华, 现在离高考还有三个月的时间, 但是你发现你的同班同学魏华特别疲倦和紧张.请根据以下要点提示.给她写封信.提供一些建议. 1.睡眠 2.饮食 3.学习方法 4.课堂效率 5.心态 注意:1.可以适当增加细节.以使行文流畅. 2.要求100个字左右 (开头和结尾不计入总词数). 参考词汇:高考the College Entrance Examination Dear Wei Hua, I’m so worried when I see that you’re a little tired and nervous although there are still about three months left for the College Entrance Examination. Yours, Li Hua 树德协进中学高2011级二诊模拟考试 书面表达: Dear Wei hua, I’m so worried when I see that you’re a little tired and nervous although there are still about three months left for the College Entrance Examination. Here is some advice to help you to be better prepared for the exam. You’d better have enough sleep, no matter how much work you have to do. Of course, a balanced diet will certainly help a lot. It’s good if you can have more fresh fruit and vegetables every day. As you know, a proper method in study will enable you to learn more and faster. To get better results, it’s wise to be very careful in class and try your best all the time in the classroom. And always remember to stay happy and optimistic so that you can be energetic while preparing for the coming exam. I hope you’ll no longer feel tired and nervous soon after. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua


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