摘要: -- I have heard you're going to change your job. Are you serious? -- . I will quit my job. A. Yes, I've made up my mind B. No, I was just joking C. Yes, I do hope so D. No, I' m not





1.What’s the man’s opinion about the woman’s dress?

A.He thinks it pretty.

B.He thinks it awful.

C.He thinks it kidding.

2.What’s the man’s job?

A.A traveler.

B.A teacher.

C.A news reporter.

3.What’s Lisa wearing?

A.A blue dress.

B.A red dress.

C.A yellow dress.

4.What will the man do?

A.He will take woman to a lovely garden.

B.He will go to see a film with the woman.

C.He will pick up the woman at 6:30.

5.Why is the woman’s father going go retire?

A.He is old.

B.He is in good health.

C.He is in poor health.

听力原文:(Text 1)

W:Do you like my new dress?

M:It looks awful.Just kidding.You look really pretty in it.

(Text 2)

W:What do you do for a living?

M:I am a journalist.

W:Really?Do you like it?

M:Yes, I do.It’s very interesting.

(Text 3)

M:Who is that girl over there?

W:Which one?

M:The tall one in a yellow dress.

W:That’s Lisa.

(Text 4)

M:Would you like to come to the cinema this evening?

W:That would be lovely.

M:I shall pick you up at six.

(Text 5)

W:My father is going to retire soon.

M:Is he?Why?

W:He is not in good health now.

M:I am sorry to hear that.




6.Where are the two speakers?

A.On a ship.

B.On a plane.

C.On a train.

7.Why isn’t the man going straight to London?

A.To visit other places.

B.To save money.

C.To meet some Romanian friends.

听力原文:(Text 6)

M:The plane is leaving in three minutes.

W:Yes, it is.

M:Excuse me, may I know your nationality?

W:I’m from the States.You’re Chinese, I guess.

M:Yes, you are right.

W:Are you going to Romania?I mean what’s your destination?

M:I’m on my way to London.Where are you going?

W:Same here.But why don’t you fly straight to London?

M:It’s cheaper this way for both Chinese and Romanian passengers.

W:Is that so? That’s fine.


8.Where does the man live?

A.In a beautiful garden.

B.In a camp.

C.In the mountains.

9.Why does he live there?

A.Because there is no pollution.

B.Because there is a beautiful lake.

C.Because there is a cabin.

听力原文:(Text 7)

W:Welcome to the mountains!

M:We’re delighted to be here.It’s really beautiful.

W:Yes, it is.

M:No pollution!Not many care and in fact, not much traffic of any kind!How long have you been in this place?

W:Oh…about five years.

M:Did you build the cabin yourself?

W:Friends, family, everybody joined in.It took us one whole summer.We camped outside and used the lake water for drinking and washing.

M:Interesting, wasn’t it?

W:It was.


10.What’s wrong with the two speakers?

A.They don’t have an engine.

B.Their tank is half full.

C.The run out of gas.

11.Where are they going?

A.To the sea port.

B.To the railway station.

C.To the airport.

12.What should they do now?

A.Do nothing but wait.

B.Find a policeman.

C.Telephone the nearest gas station.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:What’s the matter?

M:I don’t know.All of a sudden, the engine died.

W:Well, can you start it?

M:No…No, it won’t start now.

W:Could we be out of gas?

M:No, I’m sure we are not out of gas.

W:Let’s check the gas gauge.Oh, see, it’s on “empty”.

M:I was sure the tank was half full!

W:Obviously, it wasn’t.Well…, too bad.

M:What time is it now?

W:It’s five to eight.I am afraid we can’t get the airport on time.He’s probably looking for us right now.

M:Let’s stand by the side of the road for a few minutes.Maybe somebody will stop and pick us up.


13.What is the man asking about?

A.The woman’s last job.

B.Ideal Systems.

C.The woman’s work experience.

14.How many companies has the woman worked for?




15.Why did the woman leave Format?

A.She had a quarrel with her boss.

B.She needed a change.

C.The company closed down.

16.How many years did the woman work for Ideal Systems?




听力原文:(Text 9)

M:Miss Helen, can you tell us a little bit about where you have worked before?

W:Well, my last job was with Format.

M:And when did you start with them?

W:Two years ago.

M:I see.So why did you decide to leave?

W:Well, perhaps you’ve heard that the company closed down earlier this year.

M:Yes, we’ve heard about it.And where did you work before Format?

W:Ideal Systems.

M:How long did you work for them?

W:For ten years, as a secretary.

M:And why did you leave that job as a secretary?

W:Well, I felt I needed a change.I think I learnt all I could there.

M:OK, that’s enough on your work experience.Thank you.


17.What destroyed Tokyo the second time this century?




18.What happened during the earthquake?

A.People lost their homes.

B.People pulled down their houses.

C.People lost their jobs.

19.What caused Tokyo to develop fast during the 1960’s?

A.The Olympic Games.

B.The rapid growing population.

C.The world wars.

20.What challenges is the government facing now?

A.Waste disposal and job problems.

B.Housing problems and pollution.

C.Pollution and crimes.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities of the world.It is also one of the world’s most modern cities.Twice this century, the city was destroyed and rebuilt.In 1923, a major earthquake struck the city.Thousands of people were killed and millions were left homeless as buildings collapsed and fires broke out throughout Tokyo.It took seven years to rebuild the city.During World War Ⅱ, Tokyo was destroyed once again.As a result of these disasters there is nothing old Tokyo remaining in the downtown area.

  After the war, the people of Tokyo began to rebuild their city.Buildings went up at a fantastic rate, and between 1945 and 1960, the city’s population is more than doubled.Because of the Olympic games held in Tokyo in 1964, many new stadiums, parks, and hotels were built to accommodate visitors from all over the world.As a result of this rapid development, however, many problems have arisen.Housing shortage, pollution, and waste disposal have presented serious challenges to the city, but the government has begun programs to answer them.


Listening Comprehension

Section A

Conversation 1

1.What's wrong with the man?

A.He took the wrong direction.

B.He lost his way.

C.He missed the bus.

2.Which bus should the man take?




Conversation 1

M:Excuse me.I'm going to the National Museum.Which stop should I get off at?

W:I'm afraid you're going in the wrong direction.This No.30 bus is bound for the airport.You should have caught a bus on the opposite side of the road.

M:Then which bus should I change to? Should I take bus No.2?

W:No.Just get off at the next stop, cross the road and take No.13 in the opposite direction.

Conversation 2

3.What can't the man believe?

A.That he hurt his arm.

B.That his team missed the goal.

C.That his team lost the game.

4.What's the man's attitude towards his team?




Conversation 2

W:I heard you hurt your arm in the football match last weekend.Are you OK?

M:It's nothing serious.I just can't believe that we lost to Class 2.After we scored the goal, we had a good chance to win, but we lost the game.

W:Don't take it so hard.Failure always makes us try harder next time.

M:You're right.I am confident that we will beat them next time.

Conversation 3

5.What time is it now?




6.Where will the speakers probably go first?

A.A cinema.

B.A shopping center.

C.A restaurant.

Conversation 3

M:How about seeing a movie tonight, Helen?

W:That sounds great.I haven't been to a movie for quite a long time.

M:OK.Let me see.The movie starts at 7∶55.We still have two hours and ten minutes.Why don't we go out and have a quick dinner near the cinema?

W:Fine, but I have to stop at the shopping center first

Conversation 4

7.What does the woman complain about?

A.The bill is not clear enough.

B.The bill is sent to a wrong address.

C.The bill she received is wrong.

8.Why do the mistakes occur?

A.The man is careless.

B.The old computer doesn't work well.

C.The man doesn't use the computer correctly.

9.What does the man promise to do finally?

A.Get a new computer.

B.No such mistake will happen again.

C.Send the presents to the woman.

Conversation 4

W:I'm afraid I have a complaint to make.

M:Please take a seat and tell me what is the matter.

W:I'm sorry to say that the bill you sent me is not right

M:Not right, madam? That's strange.

W:Yes, I know.What's more, this isn't the first time.

M:Really? That's hard to believe.

W:It has happened five or six times in the past three months.

M:Well, I must apologize, madam.Maybe it's the old computer

W:Well, don't you think it's about time you got it working properly? It's caused me a lot of inconvenience.

M:I agree entirely.I promise it won't happen again

Conversation 5

10.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home.

B.In a factory.

C.In a store.

11.What is the man so nervous?

A.He's been waiting for the call for a long time.

B.He's failed to answer the phone several times.

C.He's missed an important phone call.

12.What's the call about?

A.The man's company.

B.The man's new work.

C.The man's music.

Conversation 5

M:Linda, could you please turn down the music a little more?

W:OK.What's the matter?

M:Well, I'm expecting an important phone call, which has something to do with my new work

W:You mean you've found a new job?

M:Yes, it's with a big company, so I don't want to miss the opportunity.

W:Don't worry.You'll be fine.

M:Was that the telephone?

W:I didn't hear anything.

M:I thought I heard it ring two or three times.

W:Sometimes when the windows are open you can hear the neighbor's phone ringing.

M:I've been waiting so long now.It's making me quite nervous.

W:Well, why not go outdoors to calm down and do what you want to do outside? I'll call you if the phone rings.

M:Thanks a lot.

Conversation 6

13.What's the man's reaction to his trip?




14.What will the man do when he checks in?

A.Examine his hand luggage.

B.Bring a boarding pass with his seat number.

C.Show his ticket and passport.

15.When should the man pay the departure tax?

A.When he checks in.

B.When he buys the ticket.

C.When he boards the plane.

Conversation 6

W:Mr.Jones, are you ready for the trip?

M:Oh, yes.I'm really excited about it, but could you tell me what I have to do at the airport? I've never flown before in my life.

W:I see.Now, as you enter, on your left you'll see a lot of check-in desks.You should go to your airline desk, okay? Actually that's very close to the entrance.

M:You mean as soon as I enter the airport, I will see the airline desk?

W:That's right.Once you are at the airline desk, show your ticket and passport to the clerk and place your luggage on the scales.

M:Is there any limit of my luggage?

W:Yes.Try not to have more than 25 kilograms altogether.Oh…and don't check in your hand luggage, as you'll bring it along with you on the plane.

M:Well.What should I do after checking in my hand luggage?

W:Then, the clerk will give you a boarding pass with your seat number printed on it.

M:A friend of mine told me something about a departure tax.What's that? Have I paid for it?

W:Don't worry.It's included in the price of your ticket

M:Oh, thank you.

Section B

  There are two types of people in the world.Although they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes unhappy.This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, and events, and the resulting effects upon their minds.

  The people who are to be happy fix their attention on the conveniences of things, the pleasant parts of conversation, the well-prepared dishes, the goodness of the wines, and the fine weather.They enjoy all the cheerful and positive things.They are in good spirits all the time.People like to make friends with them and are happy when they are successful.It can make you popular among your classmates and strengthen the relationship with others.

  Those who are to be unhappy always think and speak the negative things.So they are continually discontented.Those people tend to criticize and offend others, which makes themselves disagreeable everywhere.No one loves them and treats them as their friends.No one shows respect to them, either.They should change this bad habit, or they would not live a happier life.


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