摘要: It is hoped that this project by the end of 2012 will be a popular tourist attraction of the city. A. being accomplished B. to be accomplished C. will be accomplished D. accomplished


In 1981, there were more than 1.3 million elephants in Africa. But in 1991, that number was cut down to 600,000. African elephants are hunted for their valuable ivory tusks(象牙). More have been killed by poachers(偷猎者). Poachers are hunters who kill animals illegally. An adult(成年) elephant eats as much as 300 pounds a day. In their search for food, elephants often move great distances. When they cannot find the grasses they prefer, they may strip(剥光) the land of trees.

Today, the area in which elephants herds live is smaller than it used to be. Many areas in their path have been turned into farms. And some elephants have been killed by farmers for trampling(践踏)their crops.

What can we do here in our country about a threatened animal that lives so far away? Our government has passed a law to protect it. People cannot import or bring in items made from ivory or any part of the elephant’s body.

Most countries throughout the world have also stopped ivory imports. It is hoped that the ban(禁令) on the sale of ivory will help save the African elephant. But the world’s largest land animal needs other help. The countries where these animals live are often poor and unable to manage the herds. If the elephant is to survive, this animal is going to need our support for many years to come.

1.The number of the elephant in Africa in 1991 was      .

  A. the same as that ten years ago     B. more than that ten years ago

  C. a little less than half of that in 1981        D. a little more than half of that in 1981

2.African elephants have been killed mainly because _____.

  A. they eat a lot                     B. they have beautiful tusks

  C. poachers kill for fun              D. there are too many of them

3. The areas where African elephants live are much smaller today because ___.

  A. they tend to live in herds

  B. there are not so many of them today

  C. many of these areas have been turned into farms

  D. farmers have been killing them to save their crops

4.It is mentioned in the passage that our country has ____.

  A. officially stopped ivory imports

  B. banned the killing of elephants in Africa

  C. threatened the elephants that live far away

  D. helped the African countries where elephants live

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. Poachers have a license(执照) to hunt for animals.

  B. Elephants do a lot of good for the farmers in Africa.

  C. We live too far away to help to save the African elephants.

  D. The African elephant needs the world’s support for its survival



A sunflower is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. But can you combine the two to do something for your local environment? As early as next year it may well be possible. When you have finished with your mobile phone you will be able to bury it in the garden or a plant pot and wait for it to flower.

A biodegradable (生物可降解的) mobile phone was, this month, introduced by scientists. It is hoped that the new type of phone will encourage consumers to recycle. Scientists have come up with a new material over the last five years. It looks like any other plastic, but overtime it can break down into the soil without giving out any poisonous chemicals. British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover that contains a sunflower seed. When this cover turns into waste, it forms nitrates (硝酸盐). These feed the seed and help the flower grow. “We’ve only put sunflower seeds into the cover so far. But we are working with plant experts to find out which flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put roses in next time.” said one scientist.

As phone technology is developing so quickly people are constantly throwing their mobiles away. This means producers are under pressure to find ways of recycling them. Some 650 million mobile phones have been sold this year. Most of them will be thrown away within two years, adding plastic, heavy metal and chemical waste to the environment. A biodegradable cover can offer some relief for nature, according to the scientists. “The seed is released and the flower grows in the pot so you don’t have to concern yourself with the phone when you have finished using it,” said Kerry Kirwan, the leader of the research team.

After you have finished using the new type of mobile phone, _______.

A. the sunflower seed will come out and flower in the pot

B. the phone cover will break down very soon in the soil

C. it will be recycled by the producers

D. it can charge itself with electricity in a green way

This type of research is done because ________.

A. the technology of making phones is changing rapidly

B. too many waste mobile phones may lead to environmental problems

C. nobody has ever thought of recycling mobile phones

D. producing mobile phones uses a lot of energy

We can infer from the story ________.

A. the new type of mobile phones are already on the market

B. the new type of mobile phones will sell extremely well

C. the material of the new type of phones is harmful

D. other flowers may be used in the new type of mobile phones

The best title of this passage is           .

A. Recycling our phones

B. The phones that flower

C. A new material for making phones

D. The harm of thrown-away phones


A sunflower is a sunflower. A mobile phone is a mobile phone. But can you combine the two to do something for your local environment? As early as next year it may well be possible. When you have finished with your mobile phone you will be able to bury it in a garden or a plant pot and wait for it to flower.

A biodegradable (生物所能分解的) mobile phone was, this month, introduced by scientists. It is hoped that the new type of phone will encourage consumers to recycle.

Scientists have come up with a new material over the last five years. It looks like any other plastic and can be hard or soft, and is able to change shape. Over time it can also break down into the soil without giving out any poisonous chemicals. British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover that contains a sunflower seed. When this new type of cover turns into waste, it forms fertilizers. These feed the seed and help the flower grow.

Engineers have designed a small transparent (透明的) window to hold the seed. They have made sure it only grows when the phone is thrown away. “We’ve only put sunflower seeds into the covers so far. But we are working with plant experts to find out which flowers would perform best. Maybe we could put roses in next time,” said one scientist.

As phone technology is developing so quickly, people are constantly throwing their mobiles away. This means manufacturers are under pressure to find ways of recycling them. Some 650 million mobile phones have been sold this year. Most of them will be thrown away within two years, adding plastic, heavy metal and chemical waste to the environment. A biodegradable cover can offer some relief (缓解) for nature , according to the scientists.

“The seed comes out and the flower grows in the pot so you don’t have to concern yourself with the phone when you have finished using it,” said Kerry Kirwan. She leads the research team, which is based at the University of Warwick in Britain.

What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To tell the popularity of biodegradable cell phones.

B. To persuade the reader to buy the biodegradable cell phone.

C. To discuss the development of phone technology.

D. To introduce an environmentally-friendly cell phone to readers.

People throw away their cell phones most probably because _______.

A.there is something wrong with them

B.no sunflowers can grow out of them

C.they are out of fashion

D.they are becoming cheaper and cheaper

It could be learned from the passage that _________.

A.developing the new type of phone is mainly to protect the environment

B.phone-makers will benefit much more from the new type of phone

C.the new type of phone will certainly be popular with users all over the world

D.the phones that can be recycled are available only in Britain now


It is often said that man has become the enemy of our planet. This is no exaggeration(夸张), for reports show that man’s greed has done much to destroy the earth. Man, in his greedy desire for financial growth, has polluted the air, land and water, and has robbed our valuable natural resources. Man’s industrial plants pour out poisonous waste that pollutes the sea and puts life in the sea under the threat of dying out; at the same time, they release alarming amounts of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other pollutants. Small wonder that the air now is much warmer and more impure than ever before.

Of course, this is not just because of man’s greed—it is man’s pressing need as well. For instance, in developing countries, huge financial foreign debts have forced governments to approve the cutting of forests for agriculture or ranching. As a result, forests are cut down just to meet man’s immediate needs.

Perhaps unknowingly,man has changed the make-up of the earth's atmosphere. Scientific studies have shown that CFCs used in refrigerators and industrial cleaners are fast destroying the ozone layer—a protective layer in the atmosphere that protects us against the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (紫外线)rays. In fact, documented reports have shown a terrible fact that there are “holes” in the ozone layer over the Antarctic. And they appear to be expanding.

Faced with these environmental problems, world leaders have shown deep concern. The UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) has arranged international agreements like the Vienna convention of 1985 and the Montreal Protocol of 1989 to preserve the ozone layer by controlling the production, use and trade of destructive chemicals.

There may be some doubt as to how effectual these agreements may be, given that some countries still maintain an “I-don’t-care” attitude. Their attitude is probably due to their failure to grasp the importance of the problem. Then, there is no doubt that environmental education on an international scale(规模)is greatly needed, so that all countries, great and small—the “haves” and the “have nots”—may realize their responsibilities for our planet.

In the meantime, the UNEP seems to have taken steps in the right direction, and it is hoped that in the not so distant future, all nations of the world will join hands in saving mother earth.

1.Which of the following is a reason for the cutting and burning of forests?

A. To build houses for more population.            B. To have land for agriculture.

C. To export trees to other countries.                           D. To build industrial plants. 

2.The holes in the ozone layer are largely due to________.

A. man’s research activities                                     B. the greenhouse effect

C. the ultraviolent                                                      D. harmful chemicals

3.Why don’t some countries care about the problem of the environment?

A. They don’t want to put their lives in danger.

B. They just don’t know how to solve the problem.

C. They haven’t realized the seriousness of the problem.

D. They don’t want to break their international commitment.

4.66. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of the environment?

A. Hopeful.                         B. Unconcerned                 C. Doubtful                          D. Objective



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