摘要:80.Translate the undedined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese. 第二节 写作 日前.针对学生的零用钱的消费方向.你对你们市某中学的高中和初中的部分学生进行了问卷调查.得出数据如下表.现请你用英文给某报社编辑写一封信.反映这一情况.并呼吁中学生树立正确的消费观. 注意:1.书信中不必一一列举具体数字.只要抓住主要问题和数据说明问题即可.



Would you spend more time playing outside, reading, or studying? Well, now it’s our chance to turn off your TV and find out! TV-Turnoff Week is here.

The goal of TV-Turnoff Week is to let people leave their TV sets off and participate in activities from drawing to biking. The event was founded by TV-Turnoff Network, a non-profit organization which started the event in 1995. In the beginning, only a few thousand people took part. Last year more that 7.6 million people participated, including people in every state in America and in more than 12 other countries! This is the 11 th year in which organizers are asking people to “turn off the TV and turn on life.”

According to the TV-Turnoff Network, the average kids in the US spend more time in front of the TV (about 1, 023 hours per year)than they do in school (about 900 hours per year). Too much TV watching has made many kids      .In fact, in 2001’s TV-Turn-off week, US Surgeon General David Satcher said, “We are raising the most overweight generation of youngsters in American history. This week is about saving lives.”

Over the years, studies have shown that watching a lot of TV leads to poor eating habits, too little exercise, and violence. Frank Vespe of the TV-Turnoff Network said that turning off the TV “ is , or should be ,part of a healthy lifestyle.”

“One of the great lessons of participating in TV-Turnoff Week is the realization that every time I turn on the TV, I’m deciding not to do something else,” Vespe said.

TV-Turnoff Week seems to be making a difference. Recent US Census (人口普查)data shows that about 72 percent of kids under 12 have a limit on their TV time. That’s up from about 63 percent ten years ago.

81.What’s the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words)


82.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

According to many studies, spending too much time in front of TV has many bad results.


83.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)


84.Can you think of other bad results of watching too much TV? (Please answer within 30 words)


85.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.





Would you spend more time playing outside, reading, or studying? Well, now it’s our chance to turn off your TV and find out! TV-Turnoff Week is here.

The goal of TV-Turnoff Week is to let people leave their TV sets off and participate in activities from drawing to biking. The event was founded by TV-Turnoff Network, a non-profit organization which started the event in 1995. In the beginning, only a few thousand people took part. Last year more that 7.6 million people participated, including people in every state in America and in more than 12 other countries! This is the 11 th year in which organizers are asking people to “turn off the TV and turn on life.”

According to the TV-Turnoff Network, the average kids in the US spend more time in front of the TV (about 1, 023 hours per year)than they do in school (about 900 hours per year). Too much TV watching has made many kids      .In fact, in 2001’s TV-Turn-off week, US Surgeon General David Satcher said, “We are raising the most overweight generation of youngsters in American history. This week is about saving lives.”

Over the years, studies have shown that watching a lot of TV leads to poor eating habits, too little exercise, and violence. Frank Vespe of the TV-Turnoff Network said that turning off the TV “ is , or should be ,part of a healthy lifestyle.”

“One of the great lessons of participating in TV-Turnoff Week is the realization that every time I turn on the TV, I’m deciding not to do something else,” Vespe said.

TV-Turnoff Week seems to be making a difference. Recent US Census (人口普查)data shows that about 72 percent of kids under 12 have a limit on their TV time. That’s up from about 63 percent ten years ago.

81.What’s the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words)


82.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

According to many studies, spending too much time in front of TV has many bad results.


83.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)


84.Can you think of other bad results of watching too much TV? (Please answer within 30 words)


85.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.



With rapid increase of economic rate in western countries, more and more married young couples tend to have no child or only one. At the meantime, many developing nations adopt family planning policy to get rid of poverty. All these facts result in a world with population growth rate declining. But I myself would like to grow up in a big family.

    Of course, a small family has its advantages. Firstly, small family makes it easier for parents to bring up and educate their children. Parents could spend more time and money educating one child than several. The child could grow up in an influential environment. Secondly, the child could learn more survival skills for future success.

    However,                      . The only child becomes the little emperor. It would make the one child ask more for him and think less of others. Besides, after the child grows up and gets married, the new couple has to take care of four old parents. That means the two children must work hard to support the old parents. At present, many nations are facing the problem of becoming aged society. China will face this situation in a short time to come.

    On the contrary, a big family weighs over a small family in many aspects. Firstly, parents could educate several children with almost the same time as they spend with one. Moreover, the old brothers or sisters also could help their parents bring up little children. Secondly, if one of the children turns out to be successful, it may mean he or she is becoming a model for other children to learn from.

    Despite the fact that parents have to spend more time and money bringing up several children, it is not as difficult as people think it to be. With the help of good educational system and modern technology, it is becoming easier to afford several children.

1.What is the writer's attitude whether it is good to grow up in a big family? (no more than 10 words.)


2.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.


3.What's the main idea of the second paragraph? (no more than 10 words.)


4. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (no more than 10 words.)


5.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

   Although parents need more time and money to raise several children, it’s easier than it’s thought to be.




阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


       After achieving a 9 percent GDP growth, hosting a successful Olympic Games and carrying out its first space walk the year before last, you'd think China would be happy.__________________.That, at least, is the opinion of a new book written by a group of Chinese authors.

       China Is Not Happy was published in March, 2009.It is a follow-up to the 1996 work China Can Say No, a bestseller that complained about the influence of the West, and the US in particular, on ChinaThirteen years later, the authors of China Is Not Happy list their dissatisfaction with how China is being treated in the world today.

       They argue that China needs to use its growing power and economic resources to build its own position of preeminence (卓越)."From looking at the history of human civilization, we are most qualified to lead this world." the book says.

       The authors, single out the US for special scorn (轻蔑)."The economic problem has shown the Chinese people that America does have problems, that what we've been saying is right," said one of the authors.Zxxk

       The book has become a bestseller in many Chinese bookstores.Yet much of the response to the book has been negative.Several reviews in the Chinese media have criticized the book's radical (激进的) opinions.The book is a way to "fish money from the pockets of the angry youth and angry elderly," wrote one critic in the China Youth Daily.Meanwhile, a well-known sociologist, Li Yinhe, has said that China needs patriotism (爱国主义), but there is a limit.In her blog she wrote, "If we are to bully (欺负) other countries, take the world's resources and try to lead it, we're going over the top."

76.List three great achievements that China made in 2008 based on the text.(Please answer within 20 words.)




77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words.(Please answer within 6 words.)





78.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

       Ancient China was advanced and it was Chinese who created developed civilization, so we Chinese should be the leader of the world.





79.What is the main idea of the last Paragraph? (Please answer within 10words.)





80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.



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