摘要:29.--Well, you said you didn' t care very much for your job. you giving it up? --Not really.You see I have a lot of friends in the office.I'm part of the group. A.Did; think of B.Have; thought of C.Had; thought of D.Do; think of



  After Mom died, I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work.He was frail(衰弱)and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed(挤榨的)orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with an unsigned note reading, “Drink your juice.” Such a gesture(表示), I knew, was as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love.In fact, I remember, as a kid I had questioned Mom “Why doesn't Dad love me?” Mom frowned(皱眉), “Who said he doesn't love you?”“Well, he never tells me,” I complained.He never tells me either,” she said, smiling. “But look how hard he works to take care of us, to buy us food and clothes, and to pay for this house.That's how your father tells us he loves us.”

  I nodded slowly.I understood in my head, but not in my heart.I still wanted my father to put his arms around me and tell me he loved me.Dad owned and operated a small scrap(小片)metal business, and after school I often hung around while he worked.Dad handfed scrap steel into a device(装置)that chopped(切)it as cleanly as a butcher(屠夫)chops a rack of ribs(肋骨).The machine looked like a giant pair of scissors(剪刀), with blades(刃)thicker than my father's body.If he didn't feed those terrifying blades just right, he risked serious injury.“Why don't you hire someone to do that for you?” Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed(搓)his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment(涂剂).“Why don't you hire a cook?” Dad asked, giving her one of his rare smiles.

  Many years later, during my first daily visit, after drinking the juice my father had squeezed for me, I walked over, hugged him and said,“I love you, Dad.” From then on I did this every morning.My father never told me how he felt about my hugs, and there was never any expression on his face when I gave them.


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


I just couldn't understand my father


My father never loved me


Silent fatherly love


My hard-working father


The author's father always prepared a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for him because ________.

[  ]


that was the author's favorite


he was sure the author would be thirsty


the author was always complaining


that was a gesture of love


The author's father didn't hire a helper because ________.

[  ]


his job was too dangerous


his job required high skills


he wanted to save money


he was not good at communicating with others


We may infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the author's father lacked a sense of humor


the author quite understood his father as time went on


the author's father didn't love him very much


the author's father was too strict with him



  After Mom died, I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work.He was frail and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with an unsigned note reading, “Drink your juice.” Such a gesture, I knew, was as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love.In fact, I remember, as a kid I had questioned Mom “Why doesn’t Dad love me!” Mom frowned.“Who said he doesn’t love you!” “Well, he never tells me,” I complained.“He never tells me either,” she said, smiling.“But look how hard he works to take care of us, to buy us food and clothes, and to pay for this house.That’s how your father tells us he loves us.”

  I nodded slowly.I understood in my head, but not in my heart.I still wanted my father to put his arms around me and tell me he loved me.Dad owned and operated a small scrap(片)metal business and after school I often hung around while he worked.I always hoped he’d ask me to help and then praise me for what I did.He never asked.His tasks were too dangerous for a young boy to attempt, and Mom was already worried enough that he’d hurt himself.Dad hand fed scrap steel into a device that chopped it as cleanly as a butcher chops a rack of ribs.The machine looked like a giant pair of scissors, with blades thicker than my father’s body.If he didn’t feed those terrifying blades just right, he risked serious injury.“Why don’t you hire someone to do that for you?” Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment.“Why don’t you hire a cook?” Dad asked, giving her one of his rare smiles.

  Many years later, during my first daily visit, after drinking the juice my father had squeezed for me, I walked over, hugged him and said, “I love you, Dad.” From then on I did this every morning.My father never told me how he felt about my hugs, and there was never any expression on his face when I gave them.


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


I just couldn’t understand my father


My father never loved me


Silent fatherly love


My hard-working father


The author’s father always prepared a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for him because ________.

[  ]


that was the author’s favorite


he was sure the author would be thirsty


the author was always complaining


that was a gesture of love


When the author complained in the first paragraph, his mother ________.

[  ]


tried to comfort him


told him that his father loved him with action


tried to defend his father


got a bit angry with him


The author’s father didn’t hire a helper because ________.

[  ]


his job was too dangerous


his job required high skills


he wanted to save money


he was not good at communicating with others


We may infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the author’s father lacked a sense of humor


the author quite understood his father as time went on


the author’s father didn’t love him very much


the author’s father was too strict with him


After Mom died, l began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work. He was frail and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with an unsigned note reading," Drink your juice." Such a gesture, l knew, was as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love. In fact, l remember, as a kid I had questioned Mom "Why doesn't Dad love me?" Mom frowned, "Who said he doesn’t love you?" "Well, he never tells me, "I complained." He never tells me either," she said, smiling. " But look how hard he works to take care of us, to buy us food and clothes, and to pay for this house. That's how your father tells us he loves us. "

I nodded slowly. I understood in my head, but not in my heart. l still wanted my father to put his arms around me and tell me he loved me. Dad owned and operated a small scrap (片) metal business, and after school I often hung around while he worked. Dad handled scrap steel into a device that chopped it as cleanly as a butcher chops a rack of ribs. The machine looked like a giant pair of scissors, with blades thicker than my father's body. If he didn’t feed those terrifying blades just right, he risked serious injury. "Why don' t you hire someone to do that for you?" Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment. "Why don’t you hire a cook?" Dad asked, giving her one of his rare smiles.

Many years later, during my first daily visit, after drinking the juice my father had squeezed for me. l walked over, hugged him and said, "I love you, Dad." From then on I did this every morning. My father never told me how he felt about my hugs, and there was never any expression on his face when I gave them.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.My father never loved me                B.I just couldn't understand my father

C.My hard-working father                  D.Silent fatherly love

2.The author’s father always prepared a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for him because____.

A.that was the author's favorite

B.that was a gesture of love

C.the author was always complaining

D.he was sure the author would be thirsty

3.The author’s father didn’t hire a helper because________.              .

A.he wanted to save money

B.his job required high skills

C.his job was too dangerous

D.he was not good at communicating with others

4.We may infer from the passage that _______.

A.the author's father lacked a sense of humor

B.the author's-father didn't love him very much

C.the author quite understood his father as time went on

D.the author's father was too strict with him



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