摘要: If Jim had been more independent, his parents’ divorce would not have him as deeply. A. affected B. impressed C. overcome D. inspired


  Daphne asked Jim, a friend of Walter's, for some extra help on her political science homework. On Friday, they agreed to meet at his dormitory study room at 8 Sunday night. It was 8∶05 when Jim arrived. He wasn't on time as he usually is, because he had been out enjoying the spring weather after eating at McDonald's. But he wasn't worried, because he knew from Walter that Daphne was usually late. When Daphne hadn't arrived by 8∶25, Jim was a little surprised. He decided to go to the dorm lounge(休息室) and watch his favorite Sunday night TV show. It started at 8∶30, so he had to hurry. When he got to the lounge, Walter was just leaving. “Hey, Jim, your favorite TV show just finished. Where were you? It was fantastic!”

  “What do you mean, Walter? It's 8∶30, so I'm just in time to watch it!” Jim replied, looking a little confused.

   “Didn't you change your watch last night?” Walter asked. Then he explained, “Last night you were supposed to move your watch ahead one hour. We do this every year on the last Sunday in April. Then, on the last Sunday in October, everyone moves clock back an hour. We say‘spring ahead, fall back ’to help us remember which way to change our clocks.” Walter stopped to see if Jim had understood his explanation. “You don't do that in Indiana, I guess.”

  “No, we don't,” Jim said, shaking his head. “In that case, I was over an hour late for my appointment with Daphne, not only five minutes late. Wow! She'll never let me forget this!”

1.What is the important idea of this story?

[  ]

A.Daphne is usually late.

B.there are no time changes in Indiana.

C.Jim likes his favorite Sunday night TV show.

D.Jim was late because he didn't know about the time changes.

2.Why did Jim look confused when he learned the TV show had just finished?

[  ]

A.Because he missed the fantastic TV show.

B.Because he thought he was just in time to watch his favorite TV show.

C.Because he was late for the show.

D.Because he forgot the time of the show.

3. All the citizens in the United States are supposed to move their watches ahead in spring and back in fall.

[  ]

A.Certainly they are.

B.No, they are not.

C.No, those who live in Indiana do not do that.

D.Certainly they are besides those living in Indiana.

4. How did Jim feel after Walter told him about the time changes?

[  ]

A.He felt very upset that he hadn't kept his appointment with Daphne.

B.He looked confused about the time changes.

C.He was surprised that Daphne was over an hour late.

D.He felt very glad that he didn't miss his favorite TV show.

5.Imagine you are going to a party at 2 p.m. of the last Sunday in April. If you forget about the time change, what time will you arrive?

[  ]

A.1 P.m.
B.2 p.m.
D.4 p.m.

  Daphne asked Jim, a friend of Walter's, for some extra help on her political science homework. On Friday, they agreed to meet at his dormitory study room at 8 Sunday night. It was 8∶05 when Jim arrived. He wasn't on time as he usually is, because he had been out enjoying the spring weather after eating at McDonald's. But he wasn't worried, because he knew from Walter that Daphne was usually late. When Daphne hadn't arrived by 8∶25, Jim was a little surprised. He decided to go to the dorm lounge(休息室) and watch his favorite Sunday night TV show. It started at 8∶30, so he had to hurry. When he got to the lounge, Walter was just leaving. “Hey, Jim, your favorite TV show just finished. Where were you? It was fantastic!”

  “What do you mean, Walter? It's 8∶30, so I'm just in time to watch it!” Jim replied, looking a little confused.

   “Didn't you change your watch last night?” Walter asked. Then he explained, “Last night you were supposed to move your watch ahead one hour. We do this every year on the last Sunday in April. Then, on the last Sunday in October, everyone moves clock back an hour. We say‘spring ahead, fall back ’to help us remember which way to change our clocks.” Walter stopped to see if Jim had understood his explanation. “You don't do that in Indiana, I guess.”

  “No, we don't,” Jim said, shaking his head. “In that case, I was over an hour late for my appointment with Daphne, not only five minutes late. Wow! She'll never let me forget this!”

1.What is the important idea of this story?

[  ]

A.Daphne is usually late.

B.there are no time changes in Indiana.

C.Jim likes his favorite Sunday night TV show.

D.Jim was late because he didn't know about the time changes.

2.Why did Jim look confused when he learned the TV show had just finished?

[  ]

A.Because he missed the fantastic TV show.

B.Because he thought he was just in time to watch his favorite TV show.

C.Because he was late for the show.

D.Because he forgot the time of the show.

3. All the citizens in the United States are supposed to move their watches ahead in spring and back in fall.

[  ]

A.Certainly they are.

B.No, they are not.

C.No, those who live in Indiana do not do that.

D.Certainly they are besides those living in Indiana.

4. How did Jim feel after Walter told him about the time changes?

[  ]

A.He felt very upset that he hadn't kept his appointment with Daphne.

B.He looked confused about the time changes.

C.He was surprised that Daphne was over an hour late.

D.He felt very glad that he didn't miss his favorite TV show.

5.Imagine you are going to a party at 2 p.m. of the last Sunday in April. If you forget about the time change, what time will you arrive?

[  ]

A.1 P.m.
B.2 p.m.
D.4 p.m.


  Daphne asked Jim, a friend of Walter's, for some extra help on her political science homework. On Friday, they agreed to meet at his dormitory study room at 8 Sunday night. It was 8:05 when Jim arrived. He wasn't on time as he usually is, because he had been out enjoying the spring weather after eating at Mac Donald's. But he wasn't worried, because he knew from Walter that Daphne was usually late. When Daphne hadn't arrived by 8:25, Jim was a little surprised. He decided to go to the dorm lounge and watch his favourite Sunday night TV shows. It started at 8:30, so he had to hurry.

  When he got to the lounge, Walter was just leaving. “Hey, Jim, your favourite TV show just finished. Where were you? It was wonderful!”

  “What do you mean, Walter? It's 8:30, so I'm just in time to watch it!” Jim replied, looking a little confused. “Did you adjust your watch last night?” Walter asked. Then he explained, “Last night you were supposed to move your watch ahead one hour. We do this every year on the last Sunday in April. Then, on the last Sunday in October, everyone moves clock back an hour. We say spring ahead, fall back to help us remember which way to adjust our clocks.” Walter stopped to see if Jim had understood his explanation. “ You don't do that in Indiana, I guess.”

  “No, we don’t,” Jim said, shaking his head. “In that case, I was over an hour late for my appointment with Daphne, not only five minutes. Wow! She'll never let me forget this!”

1.What is an important idea of this story?

[  ]

A.Daphne is usually late.

B.There are no time changes in Indiana.

C.Jim likes his favourite Sunday night TV show.

D.Jim was late because he didn't know about the time changes.

2.Why did Jim look confused when learned the TV show had just finished?

[  ]

A.Because he missed the wonderful TV show.

B.Because he thought he was just in time to watch his favorite TV show.

C.Because be was late for the show.

D.Because he forgot the time of the show.

3.All the citizens in the United States are supposed to move their watches ahead in spring and back in fall, aren't they?

[  ]

A.Certainly they are.

B.No, they are not.

C.No, those who live in Indiana do not do that.

D.Certainly they are besides those living in Indiana.

4.Imagine you are going to a party at 2 p. m. on the last Sunday in April. If you forget about time change, what time will you arrive?

[  ]

A.3 p.m.
B.4 p.m.
C.1 p.m.
D.2 p.m.

Jim suffered heart problems. In conversation he expressed little joy and it seemed that his life was drawing to a close.

When his heart problems led to operation, Jim went through it successfully, and a full recovery was expected. Within days, however, his heart was not beating properly. Jim was rushed back to operation, but nothing was found to explain the cause of his illness. He died on the operating table on the day before his 48th birthday.

Dr. Bruce Smoller, a psychologist, had had many conversations with him, and the more he learned, the stranger he realized Jim's case was. When Jim was a child, his father, a teacher, suffered a heart attack and stayed home to recover. One morning Jim asked his father to look over his homework, promising to come home from school at noon to pick it up. His father agreed, but when Jim returned his father had died. Jim's father was 48.

“I think all his life Jim believed he killed his father,” Dr. Smoller says. “He felt that if he had not asked him to look at his homework, his father would have lived. Jim had been troubled by the idea. The operation was the trial he had expected for forty years. “ Smoller believes that Jim willed himself not to live to the age of 48.

   Jim's case shows the powerful role that attitude plays in physical health, and that childhood experiences produce far-reaching effect on the health of grown-ups. Although most cases are less direct than Jim's, studies show that childhood events, besides genes, may well cause such midlife diseases as cancer, heart disease and mental illness.

41. Jim was sent back to operation because ________.

A. his heart didn't work well                B. he expected a full recovery

C. his life was drawing to a close

D. the first one wasn't well performed

42. What made Dr. Smoller feel strange about Jim's case?

A. Jim died at a young age.

B. Jim died on the operating table.

C. Both Jim and his father died of the same disease.

D. Jim's death is closely connected with his father's.

43. From Smoller's words, we can infer that ________.

  A. Jim's father cared little about his study

  B. Smoller agreed that Jim did kill his father

  C. Jim thought he would be punished some day

  D. Smoller believed Jim wouldn't live to the age of 48

44. Which of the following could have strong effect on one's physical health according to the text?

a. One’s genes.     b. One’s life in childhood.    

c. One’s physical education.  d. The date of one’s birthday.   

e. The opinions one has about something.

A. a, b, d                  B. a, b, e               C. a, c, e               D. b, c, d

45. Which of the following is true?

A. Both Jim and his father died at the age of 48.

B. Jim often asked his father to do his homework.

C. Jim was believed to kill his father.

D. Most childhood events can cause cancer, heart disease and mental illness.


Little Brother

By Cory Doctorow, 382 pages, $19.95

In the very near future, Marcus Yallow is walking with his friends in San Francisco when a 9/11-sized terrorist attack occurs blocks away. Everyone around is secretly taken away by the Department of Homeland Security to see whether they're terrorists. However, during the investigation, one of his friends dies mysteriously. The friends try to find out the truth. If you read only one science-fiction novel this year, make it this one.

The Flying Troutmans

By Miriam Toews, 274 pages, $32

The heart of the book is a road journey in Canada made by Hattie,Thebes and Logan to find Cherkis, the kids' dad. It's rich in dialogue, sometimes funny, sometimes surprisingly sad, always character-true. Toews is an extraordinarily gifted writer, with tough-minded compassion (同情) for her characters.

Reading By Lightning

By Joan Thomas, 388 pages, $22.95

We're in 1930s Canada, where Lily's father arrived three decades earlier to be promised fertile agricultural land. But they had been cheated and thrown in the middle of Manitoba. Now William Piper and his wife farm their land and place little hope in this life.

What They Wanted

By Donna Morrissey, 325 pages, $32

A father has a heart attack; a brother and a sister leave Newfoundland and go to Alberta, Canada to work; a tragedy brings reconciliation (和解), but also terrible loss. Primarily a novel of character, it's also a novel of Canada, of two very specific and vividly drawn places. Donna Morrissey's characters are troubled, sensitive, quick to be moved to anger or pain, and just as quick to laughter and affection.

If Jim only has 20 dollars, which book could he buy?

      A. The Flying Troutmans.     B. What They Wanted.

       C. Little Brother.             D. Reading By Lightning.

According to the text, we know that The Flying Troutmans is      .

     A. full of dialogue           B. a sad story

     C. about tourism            D. a real story

In Reading By Lightning, why did William Piper arrive in Canada?

      A. To carry out his promise.     B. To` work in a big city.

      C. To get work experience.      D. To seek his fortune.

If you want to know about two different places of Canada, whose novel is the best choice?

    A. Cory Doctorow's.            B. Miriam Toews's.

    C. Joan Thomas's.    D. Donna Morrissey's.


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