摘要:32.--- How long did you wait? --- they came back at 10. A.Until B.Before C.After D.When





W:David, so you are taller than Smith.

M:That’s right.

But I’m shorter than Tom.

1.Who is the shortest of the three?




M:Pop music is really boring to all people.

W:I can’t agree with you.Most of the young people enjoy it.

M:Simply because they are too young.

2.Who is the man?

A.He is a young man.

B.Maybe he is an old man.

C.He is a pop music lover.

M:Mary, have you found a job at the market?

W:No, I wish I were a boy.

3.What does the woman imply?

A.A boy is stronger than a girl.

B.A boy can find a job more easily than a girl.

C.She doesn’t like to be a girl.

W:How many eggs did you buy from the supermarket this morning?

M:A dozen.But four were broken on my way home.

4.How many eggs does the man have now?




W:What do you think of the football game we watched last night?

M:It is no better than the one we are watching now.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Neither of the football games is good.

B.Both of the football games are good.

C.The football game they are watching is better than the one they watched last night.




M:The American pop star Jackson is in our city.

W:That’s great.

M:I’m very fond of Jackson, so are my parents and my sister.

W:Are you going to the Jackson’s concert?

M:Yes.My family will go there.I’m going to buy tickets for tonight’s concert.

W:Why not buy a ticket for me?I’m busy now, I have to type two letters for my boss, David.

M:With pleasure.

W:100 yuan, please.

M:Oh, your change, twenty yuan, here you are.

6.How many tickets will the man possibly buy for tonight’s Jackson’s concert?




7.What job does the woman probably do?





M:Sit down, please, take it easy.What is your name, please?


M:What is the matter?Madam?

W:My house was broken into last night.

M:Can you describe what happened last night?

W:Yes.At six o’clock, my husband and I left home to attend a friend’s birthday’s party.We didn’t get home until mid-night.When I opened the door, we found that someone had entered our house by the window.

M:Have you got anything stolen?

W:Yes.My diamond necklace is gone, so are my computer and two valuable vases.

M:Can you tell me anything more?

W:Oh, the man living opposite our house said he had heard a sound of glass being broken at about eleven.After a while, he saw a tall man with long hair came out of my house.

M:Well, we will look into the case right away.If we have any news, we will let you know.

8.What in the man in the conversation?

A.A policeman.

B.Alice’s husband.

C.Alice’s neighbor.

9.When was the woman’s house broken into?

A.At twelve last night.

B.At around 11 last night.

C.At seven yesterday evening.


M:Susan, is your cousin beautiful?

W:No, she is not as good-looking as you thought.She is an ordinary girl.But she is very tall.You are taller than I, but she is even taller than you.

M:Does she use any make-up?

W:No, she doesn’t like to.She is very natural.

M:Does she have a good figure?

W:I don’t think so.But she looks very healthy.She is also very lively and very lovely.

M:Do you like her because of that?

W:That’s not the main reason.I like her because she is gentle and understanding.

M:Oh, everyone likes such a girl.

W:Yes.And she always wears a sweet smile.

M:I see.No wonder you’re always talking about her.

10.What did the man used to think of Susan’s cousin?

A.Very beautiful.



11.Who is the shortest of the three people?


B.The man.

C.Susan’s cousin.

12.What is the main reason for Susan’s liking her cousin?

A.Because Susan’s cousin is very tall.

B.Because Susan’s cousin is very healthy.

C.Because Susan’s cousin is gentle and understanding.


M:Mrs Speneer, what time is Mr Black’s flight expected to arrive at Boston Airport?

W:Around 2 p.m.sir.Will you go with the company car to meet him?

M:Yes.So I’d better leave here no later than now.How about the hotel for Mr Black and his party?

W:I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday, to be sure everything is ready.

M:Including the welcome room for tonight’s reception.

W:That’s right.The manager promised me that everything would be exactly as we have requested.

M:Excellent.I want everything to be the very best.

W:I’m sure it will be.That manager has never let us down yet.

M:We want to make a good impression.Not just to be sure that this business deal is a success, but pay back the wonderful treatment we received from them in Tokyo last year.

13.What is the man going to do?

A.Take a flight for Japan.

B.Drive the woman to the hotel.

C.Meet a guest at the airport.

14.Where will Mr Black stay after his arrival?

A.At a hotel.

B.At the man’s house.

C.At the woman’s house.

15.What will take place that evening?

A.Mr Black’s arrival.

B.A hotel reception.

C.A business meeting.

16.Why does the man want to make a good impression?

A.To repay Mr Black’s kindness.

B.To get invited back to Tokyo.

C.To increase the hotels business.


Bill, Ed and Arnold are three musicians who are discussing ways in which they will perform together on stage in front of an audience.Bill says, “Here’s what I have in mind, when the curtain goes up, I’ll come out and play the violin.Then the curtain goes the piano.Then the curtain goes down.Then the curtain goes up...”

“Wait a minute, ”interrupt the other two.“What are we supposed to do?”Bill says.“The curtain doesn’t go up and down by itself.”

17.What instrument do Ed and Arnold play?

A.The violin.

B.The piano.


18.According to Bill, who will be performing on the stage?

A.Ed and Arnold.

B.Bill, Arnold and Ed.


19.Who asked the question, “What are we supposed to do?”

A.Bill and Ed.

B.Ed and Arnold.

C.Bill, Ed and Arnold.

20.According to Bill, what will Ed do?

A.Pull the curtain up and down.

B.Play he instruments with the other two.

C.Play an instrument by himself.





W:Hi, Tom, we haven’t seen each other for a long time.What are you doing these days?

M:I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.I’ll lend it to you when I’ve finished it.

1.What will the man probably do when he finishes reading the book?

A.He’ll return the book to the library.

B.He’ll lend the book to the woman.

C.He’ll borrow another book from the woman.

W:I hear you’ve been offered a job.

M:That’s right, but I’m not going to take it.

2.What does the man think of the job offered to him?

A.The job is too demanding.

B.It is the job he is looking forward to.

C.He does not like the job.

M:Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?

W:Oh, yes.Everything is planned.He’s going to have a holiday for a few weeks and then he’s going to do an English course.

3.What is George going to do right after he leaves school?

A.To do an English course.

B.To make a plan.

C.To take a holiday.

M:Did you finish your work this afternoon?

W:Yes.There was nobody to disturb me, so I was able to finish it.

4.Why was the woman able to finish her work this afternoon?

A.Because she was helped by someone.

B.Because she was not disturbed by anybody.

C.Because she overworked this afternoon.

W:I wonder why Ann didn’t come to the party.Perhaps she wasn’t invited.

M:Yes, it’s possible.She might not have been invited.

5.Why didn’t Ann come to the party?

A.Perhaps she was not asked to.

B.Perhaps she did not want to come.

C.Perhaps she busied herself with something else.




W:I’m going to have a party next Saturday.Can you come?

M:On Saturday? I’m not sure.Some friends of mine are coming to stay with me next week but I think they’ll have gone by Saturday.But if they’re still here I won’t be able to come to the party.

W:OK.Well, tell me as soon as you know.

M:Right.I’ll phone you during the week.

6.What is the man NOT sure?

A.Whether his friends will come to stay with him.

B.Whether his friends will have gone by Saturday.

C.Whether his friends will come to the party with him.

7.How does the woman know whether the man can come to the party or not?

A.The man’s friends will try to tell her his decision.

B.She will get in touch with the man during the week.

C.The man will call her before Saturday.


W:Brian! How nice to see you! What are you doing these days?

M:I’m training to be a supermarket manager.

W:Really? What’s it like? Are you enjoying it?

M:It’s all right.What about you?

W:Well, actually I’m not working at the moment.I’m trying to find a job, but it’s not easy.But I’m very busy.I’m painting my flat.

M:Are you doing it alone?

W:No, some friends of mine are helping me.

8.What does the man want to be?

A.A supermarket manager.

B.A school master.

C.A technician.

9.What is the woman trying to do?

A.To keep her job.

B.To quit her job.

C.To find a job.

10.What is she doing now?

A.Helping her friends.

B.Painting her flat.

C.Taking care of her children.


M:So you want to borrow some money.How do you want to spend it?

W:We’re going to advertise on local radio and in the paper.We’ve planned it carefully.We only need $500.

M:Very well.The bank will lend you the money.But you must pay us back in three months.Can you do that?

W:We’ll do it, I promise.

M:Now, go and see the loans clerk and he’ll help you fill in the necessary forms.

W:Thank you for your help.

M:You’re welcome.

11.How much money does the woman want to borrow?




12.When must she pay the money back?

A.In three years.

B.In three months.

C.In three weeks.

13.What is the woman most probably going to do?

A.To fill in some forms.

B.To make a careful plan.

C.To visit the bank manager.

听第9段材料, 回答第14~16题。

W:Well, who shall we ask to this party?

M:Oh, not too many.Just a few people we can be relaxed with.

W:Yes, I agree.So, who, for example?

M:My cousin John, of course, and Carlo.

W:Carlo?Who’s he?

M:He’s the Italian guy who is staying with John’s family.

W:Oh, yeah.Is he the one whose wallet got stolen when they were in London?

M:That’s right.They caught the guy who did it, but he’d already spent all the money Carlo had brought with him.

W:Poor Carlo.Perhaps the party will cheer him up.

14.What are they talking about?

A.The coming party.

B.The arrangement of the party.

C.Whom to be invited to the party.

15.Where is Carlo from?




16.What is wrong with Carlo?

A.He has spent all his money.

B.He has caught by the police.

C.He lost his wallet.


W:Hi, Ed.Are you in town for another job interview?

M:Yes, I’m pretty hopeful this time.I’ve just finished my second interview with this company.

W:That sounds great.I hope it works out for you.But wasn’t it expensive just getting here?

M:No, in fact the company is paying all my expenses.They’ve put me up in a hotel downtown.

W:How nice! How many people are they interviewing?

M:Well, they interviewed 16 the first time, and now four of us were chosen to come back for this interview.

W:It sounds like you have a good chance to be selected then.

M:I hope so.The manager told me he would call us on Monday.

W:Well, I hope it goes well.John and I would love it if you came to this area to work.

M:I would too, but my girlfriend doesn’t want to leave her family.She hopes I find a job close to her home.

W:Oh dear, what a decision.

M:But anyway, I’ve got to wait until Monday to find out whether I can even have the chance.

W:Good luck!

17.How does the man seem to feel after this interview?




18.How many people were chosen for the second interview?




19.When will the man probably get to know whether he gets the job?

A.That afternoon.

B.Next Monday.


20.What does the man’s girlfriend want?

A.She hopes to find a job near the man.

B.She hopes the man finds a job near her.

C.She hopes the man gets the job.


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