摘要: In face of failure , it is the most important to keep up good state of mood . A. /; a B. a; / C. the; / D. /; / 30. In front of the farmhouse . A.lay a poor man. B.laid a poor man. C.a poor man lay D.did a poor man lie 31. Astronaut Zhai Zhigang has become the first Chinese in space. A. walking B. walked C. to have walked D. to walk 32 He works in Beijing but knows much about London, for he there for a long time. A. lives B. lived C. has lived D. has been living 33.To make the students understand the problem the teacher tried to explain it, but the explanation just did not to the class. A.get through B.get around C.get down D. get across 34.The dog had such to its master that it would not leave him, even when he was dead. A. devotion B. contribution C. connection D. application


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