摘要: A. according B. referring C. belonging D. owing 46, A. reach B. get C. arrive D. move



One morning, a boy of twelve saw a small fire at one end of the ship “S. S. Panama”. Rua Parori   36  home immediately, against the wishes of his _ 37 _ , to see the fire at the ship. It was a good thing that he did, because there was nobody else around, and  _38  , the small fire grew  __39__ big.

Young Rua stood at the   40   of the stairway up to the ship, and shouted at the top of his voice. He   41   the port workers living downstairs, who were enjoying a Sunday morning in bed.

The S. S. Panama was one of the six  42   ships in port at the time, all of them within twenty-five metres of old buildings, shops and houses, of wood.  43  , the S. S. Panama was carrying oil, as well as paint, and paper from ports in the Far East.

 The fire   44   hundreds of boxes of paper, which made the fire spread very quickly. The end of the ship now black with smoke, but  45   to Rua Parori, the fire did not   46   the paint or the oil.

 Rua was also lucky, because his father was pleased   47   angry with him.

36. A. got                 B. left                    C. went             D. hurried

37. A. father              B. mother                      C. teacher           D. own

38. A. in no time          B. at the time            C. for a while          D. on time

39 .A. surely              B. hurriedly          C. dangerously         D. fully

40. A. top              B. middle               C. foot              D. flight

41. A. called on         B. woke up            C. rang up           D. signed up

42. A. beautiful          B. small               C. comfortable         D. huge

43. A, What’s worse     B. unfortunately         C. To his surprise     D. To tell the truth

44. A. missed           B. burned              C. surrounded          D. heated

45. A. according        B. referring            C. belonging           D. owing

46.A. reach             B. get                 C. arrive              D. move

47. A. less than          B. other than            C. rather than          D. more than


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