摘要: What statement is TRUE according to the conversation? A. There is going to be a party the next day. B. The woman is going to rent a video. C. Violence is the main feature of action movies. Conversation 3



Al had been working in this factory only eleven months, but he excelled at everything he did. He looked for new tasks-as an opportunity to gain experience. To him, mistakes were not to be denied but considered an opportunity to learn. He was, by far, the most capable man among his workmates, One day, when he was finishing his work of the day, he heard Jack calling him.

“What are you going to do about…?” asked Jack.

“I’ll come off the end rail,” interrupted Al.

“No, I mean about Joe’s promotion?”

“I’m going back to school,” Al said.

“Excuse me!”

“I’m going back to school,” Al repeated.

“You mean you’re quitting!”

Was it that simple? Is this why there was so much misery in men’s lives? “I’m going back to school” was just an excuse, and Al knew it, thought Jack, or Al would not be drunk. It seemed that Al would rather get drunk than fight for his happiness. But why? Jack had no answer.

“Yes, and I’m going back to school. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t believe that this kind of thing can happen. Maybe if I get more education and a better job, it will be different.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Well, what do you want we to do?” Al was getting angry: “I can’t stay here! I can’t work where the most incapable get the biggest reward! I can’t kill Joe and the boss like…”

Al stopped. They both knew what this meant.

“Like I did?”

Al did not answer.

“Yes, I killed two men with my bare hands; yes, I got punished and lost my job-but I kept my soul!”

Al undertood the hidden statement. Al did not know whether it was his anger, or the beer, or both that made him less cautious in the face. He held his hands firmly. Then be heard Jack: “You’ve got the right idea, Al. You’ve got to fight.”

Al needed to think. Instead of taking the subway, he walked five miles back home. By the time he entered his bedroom, he climbed into bed. Turned off his mind, and fell asleed.

67.Choose from the following a right word to describe Jack.

A.Tough.     B.Incapable. C.Lazy. D.Talkative.

68.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Jack was not happy about Joe’s promotion.

B.Al and jack were workmates.

C.The conversation between Al and Jack happened in their workplace.

D.The conversation between Al and Jack happened during the working hours.

69.What can we infer from the underlined part?

A.Jack thinks Al has lost his soul.

B.Jack used to be a killer.

C.Al would be a killer.

D.Don’t be a killer like Jack.

70.Which of the following is true about Al at the end of the story?

A.Al felt so tired from the long walk home and couldn’t help falling asleep.

B.Al and made up his mind and knew what to do.

C.Al forgot all that had happened.

D.Al was too confused to think further.




Al had been working in this factory only eleven months, but he excelled at everything he did. He looked for new tasks-as an opportunity to gain experience. To him, mistakes were not to be denied but considered an opportunity to learn. He was, by far, the most capable man among his workmates, One day, when he was finishing his work of the day, he heard Jack calling him.

“What are you going to do about…?” asked Jack.

“I’ll come off the end rail,” interrupted Al.

“No, I mean about Joe’s promotion?”

“I’m going back to school,” Al said.

“Excuse me!”

“I’m going back to school,” Al repeated.

“You mean you’re quitting!”

Was it that simple? Is this why there was so much misery in men’s lives? “I’m going back to school” was just an excuse, and Al knew it, thought Jack, or Al would not be drunk. It seemed that Al would rather get drunk than fight for his happiness. But why? Jack had no answer.

“Yes, and I’m going back to school. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t believe that this kind of thing can happen. Maybe if I get more education and a better job, it will be different.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Well, what do you want we to do?” Al was getting angry: “I can’t stay here! I can’t work where the most incapable get the biggest reward! I can’t kill Joe and the boss like…”

Al stopped. They both knew what this meant.

“Like I did?”

Al did not answer.

“Yes, I killed two men with my bare hands; yes, I got punished and lost my job-but I kept my soul!”

Al undertood the hidden statement. Al did not know whether it was his anger, or the beer, or both that made him less cautious in the face. He held his hands firmly. Then be heard Jack: “You’ve got the right idea, Al. You’ve got to fight.”

Al needed to think. Instead of taking the subway, he walked five miles back home. By the time he entered his bedroom, he climbed into bed. Turned off his mind, and fell asleed.

67.Choose from the following a right word to describe Jack.

A.Tough.     B.Incapable. C.Lazy. D.Talkative.

68.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

       A.Jack was not happy about Joe’s promotion.

       B.Al and jack were workmates.

       C.The conversation between Al and Jack happened in their workplace.

       D.The conversation between Al and Jack happened during the working hours.

69.What can we infer from the underlined part?

       A.Jack thinks Al has lost his soul.

       B.Jack used to be a killer.

       C.Al would be a killer.

       D.Don’t be a killer like Jack.

70.Which of the following is true about Al at the end of the story?

       A.Al felt so tired from the long walk home and couldn’t help falling asleep.

       B.Al and made up his mind and knew what to do.

       C.Al forgot all that had happened.

       D.Al was too confused to think further.



Al had been working in this factory only eleven months, but he excelled at everything he did. He looked for new tasks-as an opportunity to gain experience. To him, mistakes were not to be denied but considered an opportunity to learn. He was, by far, the most capable man among his workmates, One day, when he was finishing his work of the day, he heard Jack calling him.

“What are you going to do about…?” asked Jack.

“I’ll come off the end rail,” interrupted Al.

“No, I mean about Joe’s promotion?”

“I’m going back to school,” Al said.

“Excuse me!”

“I’m going back to school,” Al repeated.

“You mean you’re quitting!”

Was it that simple? Is this why there was so much misery in men’s lives? “I’m going back to school” was just an excuse, and Al knew it, thought Jack, or Al would not be drunk. It seemed that Al would rather get drunk than fight for his happiness. But why? Jack had no answer.

“Yes, and I’m going back to school. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t believe that this kind of thing can happen. Maybe if I get more education and a better job, it will be different.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Well, what do you want we to do?” Al was getting angry: “I can’t stay here! I can’t work where the most incapable get the biggest reward! I can’t kill Joe and the boss like…”

Al stopped. They both knew what this meant.

“Like I did?”

Al did not answer.

“Yes, I killed two men with my bare hands; yes, I got punished and lost my job-but I kept my soul!”

Al understood the hidden statement. Al did not know whether it was his anger, or the beer, or both that made him less cautious in the face. He held his hands firmly. Then be heard Jack: “You’ve got the right idea, Al. You’ve got to fight.”

Al needed to think. Instead of taking the subway, he walked five miles back home. By the time he entered his bedroom, he climbed into bed. Turned off his mind, and fell asleep.

67.Choose from the following a right word to describe Jack.

A.Tough.           B.Incapable.      C.Lazy.          D.Talkative.

68.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

       A.Jack was not happy about Joe’s promotion.

       B.Al and jack were workmates.

       C.The conversation between Al and Jack happened in their workplace.

       D.The conversation between Al and Jack happened during the working hours.

69.What can we infer from the underlined part?

       A.Jack thinks Al has lost his soul.     B.Jack used to be a killer.

       C.Al would be a killer.              D.Don’t be a killer like Jack.

70.Which of the following is true about Al at the end of the story?

       A.Al felt so tired from the long walk home and couldn’t help falling asleep.

       B.Al and made up his mind and knew what to do.

       C.Al forgot all that had happened.

       D.Al was too confused to think further.



第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C,三个选项中选出最佳选项。

1.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman is very old.

B.John repaired the recorder.

C.The man is going to throw away the recorder.

2.Where probably are the speakers?

A.At a tourist site.

B.At a hotel.

C.At home.

3.How does the man feel now?




4.What does the father want his son to do?

A.To go into the family business.

B.To be more interesting.

C.To become a writer.

5.Who is the woman?

A.A receptionist

B.A shop assistant

C.A librarian

第二节 听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。

6.How do websites make money?

A.From ads.

B.From games.

C.Both A and B.

7.Which statement of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Online games make much money.

B.The woman knows much about online games.

C.They classmates.


8.How long has the man抯 Internet been down?

A.One day.

B.Two days.

C.Three days.

9.Why is the man抯 Internet down?

A.Because the Internet was maintained.

B.Because the bill wasn抰 paid.

C.Because the man抯 computer broke down.


10.What is the man抯 problem?

A.He find it difficult to learn the words.

B.He can抰 understand the grammar.

C.He can抰 talk with foreigners.

11.How does the man study English?

A.Watching TV programs.

B.Using tapes and attending training classes.

C.Both A and B.

12.What can we conclude from the conversation?

A.Jack speaks English a lot.

B.Jack is worried about his spoken English.

C.Jack is happy to learn driving.


13.What抯 the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and employee.

B.Husband and wife.


14.When is the wedding party?

A.On Sunday afternoon.

B.On Saturday evening

C.On Friday evening.

15.What will the woman probably do on Sunday evening?

A.Take the train back home.

B.Attend the wedding party.

C.Go and interview the singer.

16.How will the woman come back?

A.By train.

B.By car.

C.By air.


17.Where is the Waterside Spring Center?

A.Near a park.

B.Near the airport.

C.Near Northport

18.How many parking spaces does the Shopping Center have?




19.Which statement of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.They close at 8 pm every day.

B.The shopping center is arranged on three levels.

C.On level two, there are several restaurants, as well as a cinema.

20.Where can man get a map?

A.On the first level.

B.On the second level.

C.On the third level



Al had been working in this factory only eleven months, but he excelled at everything he did. He looked for new tasks-as an opportunity to gain experience. To him, mistakes were not to be denied but considered an opportunity to learn. He was, by far, the most capable man among his workmates, One day, when he was finishing his work of the day, he heard Jack calling him.

“What are you going to do about…?” asked Jack.

“I’ll come off the end rail,” interrupted Al.

“No, I mean about Joe’s promotion?”

“I’m going back to school,” Al said.

“Excuse me!”

“I’m going back to school,” Al repeated.

“You mean you’re quitting!”

Was it that simple? Is this why there was so much misery in men’s lives? “I’m going back to school” was just an excuse, and Al knew it, thought Jack, or Al would not be drunk. It seemed that Al would rather get drunk than fight for his happiness. But why? Jack had no answer.

“Yes, and I’m going back to school. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t believe that this kind of thing can happen. Maybe if I get more education and a better job, it will be different.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Well, what do you want we to do?” Al was getting angry: “I can’t stay here! I can’t work where the most incapable get the biggest reward! I can’t kill Joe and the boss like…”

Al stopped. They both knew what this meant.

“Like I did?”

Al did not answer.

“Yes, I killed two men with my bare hands; yes, I got punished and lost my job-but I kept my soul!”

Al undertood the hidden statement. Al did not know whether it was his anger, or the beer, or both that made him less cautious in the face. He held his hands firmly. Then be heard Jack: “You’ve got the right idea, Al. You’ve got to fight.”

Al needed to think. Instead of taking the subway, he walked five miles back home. By the time he entered his bedroom, he climbed into bed. Turned off his mind, and fell asleed.

1.Choose from the following a right word to describe Jack.

A.Tough.         B.Incapable.    C.Lazy.              D.Talkative.

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    A.Jack was not happy about Joe’s promotion.

    B.Al and jack were workmates.

    C.The conversation between Al and Jack happened in their workplace.

    D.The conversation between Al and Jack happened during the working hours.

3.What can we infer from the underlined part?

    A.Jack thinks Al has lost his soul.

    B.Jack used to be a killer.

    C.Al would be a killer.

    D.Don’t be a killer like Jack.

4.Which of the following is true about Al at the end of the story?

    A.Al felt so tired from the long walk home and couldn’t help falling asleep.

    B.Al and made up his mind and knew what to do.

    C.Al forgot all that had happened.

    D.Al was too confused to think further.



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