摘要:第一节 单词拼写 66. Chinese history is filled with great in science and technology 67. At that time in the southern states, blacks were not treated as equal in the USA. 68. Annie Sullivan was a lively young woman with and imagination. 69. I think reading English newspaper is a good way of your English. 70. They met with a traffic accident during the ride. nobody was injured. 71. ---This problem is not difficult. --- But that one is even e . 72. Please speak as loud as you can to make yourself u . 73. The assistant is very friendly to all the 74. The boy spoke in a very low voice, he had broken the glass.[ 75. All countries, big or small, should be






66. Chinese history is filled with great ____(成就) in science and technology.  66.____________

67. I’d like to write him a letter, but I don’t know his ____(地址).                 67.____________

68. Annie Sullivan was a lively young woman with ____(耐心) and imagination. 68.____________

69. He didn’t ____(认出) me at first when we met in the street of London.             69.____________

70. The boy spoke in a very low voice,____(承认) he had broken the glass.     70.____________

71. They advised ____(提高) people’s living standard.                                          71.____________

72. We aim at ____(质量) rather than quantity.                                             72.____________

73. I want to be an ____(工程师) , when I grow up.                                      73.____________

74. Poets often use their ____(想象力) to write poems.                                         74.____________

75. He offered his ____(祝贺) on our victory.                                               75.____________



第三部分:写作 (共三节,满分55分)

单词拼写 (共10小题: 每小题1分,满分10分)



66. Chinese history is filled with great ____(成就) in science and technology.  66.____________

67. I’d like to write him a letter, but I don’t know his ____(地址).                  67.____________

68. Annie Sullivan was a lively young woman with ____(耐心) and imagination. 68.____________

69. He didn’t ____(认出) me at first when we met in the street of London.             69.____________

70. The boy spoke in a very low voice,____(承认) he had broken the glass.     70.____________

71. They advised ____(提高) people’s living standard.                                          71.____________

72. We aim at ____(质量) rather than quantity.                                             72.____________

73. I want to be an ____(工程师) , when I grow up.                                      73.____________

74. Poets often use their ____(想象力) to write poems.                                         74.____________

75. He offered his ____(祝贺) on our victory.                                               75.____________


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