摘要: What do we know about his childhood? A. He lived a poor life. B. He had caring parents. C. He stayed in one place. D. He didn't go to school.


“Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?”

All my classmates burst into laughter. Dr. Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the room and looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes that I was.

“I will answer your question.”

Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he fished into a leather billfold and brought out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter. And what he said went like this:

 “When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a remote village. One day, on the road, I found the broken pieces of a mirror. A German motorcycle had been wrecked(失事) in that place.

 I tried to find all the pieces and put them together, but it was not possible, so I kept only the largest piece. This one, and, by scratching it on a stone, I made it round. I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shine—in deep holes and crevices(裂缝)and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the most inaccessible places I could find.

 I kept the little mirror, and, as I went about my growing up, I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of the game. As I became a man, I grew to understand that this was not just a child’s game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life. I came to understand that I am not the light or the source of light. But light—truth, understanding, knowledge—is there, and it will shine in many dark places only if I reflect it.

I am a fragment(碎片)of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world—into the black places in the hearts of men—and change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise(同样地). This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life.”
71. On hearing the author’s question, Dr. Papaderos __________ at first.
   A. laughed at his foolishness                 B. wasn’t sure of the answer
   C. doubted his seriousness                   D. wasn’t interested at all
72. How did Dr. Papaderos get the small round mirror when he was a child?
   A. He found it on the road and made it round.
   B. A dying German soldier gave him as a present.
   C. He chanced to find it in the street while playing.
   D. He put the broken pieces together and made it.
73. Why did Dr. Papaderos like the small round mirror so much as a child?
   A. Because he was too poor to afford other toys.
   B. Because it could shine the places where the sun couldn’t reach.
   C. Because he believed it would bring good luck to him.
   D. Because it told him a lot about what life really meant to him.
74. The underlined “metaphor” in the 7th paragraph most probably means _____ .
   A. symbol               B. source                  C. light                 D. purpose
75. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
   A. A Special Game in the Childhood            B. A Broken Piece of Mirror
   C. Dr. Papaderos’ Experience                      D. The Meaning of Life


Since 1989, Dave Thomas, who died at age 69, was one of the most recognizable faces on TV. He appeared in more than 800 commercials (商业广告) for the hamburger chain named for his daughter. “As long as it works," he said in 1991, “I'll continue to do those commercials."

Even though he was successful, Thomas remained troubled by his childhood. “He still won't let anyone see his feet, which are out of shape because he never had proper fitting shoes," Wendy said in 1993. Born to a single mother, he was adopted(收养) as a baby by Rex and Auleva Thomas of Kalamazoo in Michigan. After Auleva died when he was 5, Thomas spent years on the road as Rex traveled around seeking construction work. “He fed me," Thomas said, “and if I got out of line, he'd beat me."

Moving out on his own at 15, Thomas worked, first as a waiter, in many restaurants. But he had something much better in mind. “I thought if I owned a restaurant," he said, “I could eat for free." A 1956 meeting with Harland Sanders led Thomas to a career as the manager of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that made him a millionaire in 1968.

In 1969, after breaking with Sanders, Thomas started the first Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers, in Columbus, Ohio, which set itself apart by serving made to order burgers. With 6,000 restaurants worldwide, the chain now makes $ 6 billion a year in sales.

Although troubled by his own experience with adoption, Thomas, married since 1954 to Lorraine, 66, and with four grown kids besides Wendy, felt it could offer a future for other children. He started the Dave Thomas Foundation (基金会) for Adoption in 1992.

In 1993, Thomas, who had left school at 15, graduated from Coconut Creek High School in Florida. He even took Lorraine to the graduation dance party. The kids voted him Most Likely to Succeed.

“The Dave you saw on TV was the real Dave," says friend Pat Williams. “He wasn't a great actor or a great speaker. He was just Joe Everybody."

What is the article mainly about?

A. The life of Dave Thomas.             B. The dream of Dave Thomas.

C. The schooling of Dave Thomas.        D. The growth of Dave Thomas's business.

What do we know about his childhood?

A. He lived a poor life.                  B. He had caring parents.

C.  He stayed in one place.              D.  He didn't go to school.

Choose the right time order of the following events in Thomas's life.

a. graduated from high school          b. started his own business

c. became a millionaire               d. started a foundation

e. met Harland Sanders

A. e,b,c,d,a,            B. a,e,c,b,d,

C. e,c,b,d,a,            D. a,e,b,c,d,

He was just Joe Everybody." (in the last paragraph) means  _______.

A. Dave was famous               B. Dave was ordinary

C. Dave was showy                D. Dave was shy 

What is the name of Dave Thomas's business?

A. Thomas's.        B. Wendy's.        C. Lorraine's.        D. Rex's. 


Since 1989, Dave Thomas, who died at age 69, was one of the most recognizable faces on TV. He appeared in more than 800 commercials (商业广告) for the hamburger chain named for his daughter. “As long as it works," he said in 1991, “I'll continue to do those commercials."

Even though he was successful, Thomas remained troubled by his childhood. “He still won't let anyone see his feet, which are out of shape because he never had proper fitting shoes," Wendy said in 1993. Born to a single mother, he was adopted(收养) as a baby by Rex and Auleva Thomas of Kalamazoo in Michigan. After Auleva died when he was 5, Thomas spent years on the road as Rex traveled around seeking construction work. “He fed me," Thomas said, “and if I got out of line, he'd beat me."

Moving out on his own at 15, Thomas worked, first as a waiter, in many restaurants. But he had something much better in mind. “I thought if I owned a restaurant," he said, “I could eat for free." A 1956 meeting with Harland Sanders led Thomas to a career as the manager of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that made him a millionaire in 1968.

In 1969, after breaking with Sanders, Thomas started the first Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers, in Columbus, Ohio, which set itself apart by serving made to order burgers. With 6,000 restaurants worldwide, the chain now makes $ 6 billion a year in sales.

Although troubled by his own experience with adoption, Thomas, married since 1954 to Lorraine, 66, and with four grown kids besides Wendy, felt it could offer a future for other children. He started the Dave Thomas Foundation (基金会) for Adoption in 1992.

In 1993, Thomas, who had left school at 15, graduated from Coconut Creek High School in Florida. He even took Lorraine to the graduation dance party. The kids voted him Most Likely to Succeed.

“The Dave you saw on TV was the real Dave," says friend Pat Williams. “He wasn't a great actor or a great speaker. He was just Joe Everybody."

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. The life of Dave Thomas.             B. The dream of Dave Thomas.

C. The schooling of Dave Thomas.        D. The growth of Dave Thomas's business.

2.What do we know about his childhood?

A. He lived a poor life.                  B. He had caring parents.

C.  He stayed in one place.              D.  He didn't go to school.

3.Choose the right time order of the following events in Thomas's life.

a. graduated from high school          b. started his own business

c. became a millionaire               d. started a foundation

e. met Harland Sanders

A. e,b,c,d,a,            B. a,e,c,b,d,

C. e,c,b,d,a,            D. a,e,b,c,d,

4. “He was just Joe Everybody." (in the last paragraph) means  _______.

A. Dave was famous               B. Dave was ordinary

C. Dave was showy                D. Dave was shy 

5.What is the name of Dave Thomas's business?

A. Thomas's.        B. Wendy's.        C. Lorraine's.        D. Rex's. 



“Dr.Papaderos,what is the meaning of life?”

The usual laughter followed,and people stirred(骚动)to go.Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the room and looked at me for a long time,asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes that I was.

“I will,answer your question.”

Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket,he fished into a leather billfold and brought out a very small round mirror,about the size of a quarter.And what he said went like this:

“When I was a small child,during the war,we were very poor and we lived in a remote village.One day,on the road,I found the broken pieces of a mirror.A German motorcycle had been wrecked in that place.

I tried to find all the pieces and put them together,but it was not possible,so I kept only the largest piece.This one,and,by scratching it on a stone.I made it round. I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shine——in deep holes and crevices(裂缝)and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the most inaccessible places I could find.

I kept the little mirror,and,as I went about my growing up,I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of the game.As I became a man,I grew to understand that this was not just a child’s game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life.I came to understand that I am not the light or the source of light.But light——truth,understanding,knowledge——is there,and it will shine in many dark places only if I reflect it.

I am a fragment(碎片)of a mirror whose whole design and shape l do not know.Nevertheless,with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world——into the black places in the hearts of men—and change some things in some people.Perhaps others may see and do likewise.This is what I am about.This is the meaning of my life.”

1.On hearing the author’s question,Dr.Papedotes        at first.

A.laughed at his foolishness               B.wasn’t sure of the answer

C.doubted his seriousness                  D.wasn’t interested at all

2.How did Dr.Papaderos get the small round mirror when he was a child?

A.He found it on the road and made it round.

B.A dying German soldier gave him as a present.

C.He chanced to find it in the street while playing.

D.He put the broken pieces together and made it.

3.Why did Dr.Papaderos like the small round mirror so much as a child?

A.Because he was too poor to afford other toys.

B.Because it could shine the places where tke sun couldn’t reach.

C.Because he believed it would bring good luck to him.

D.Because it tofd him a lot about what life really meant to him.

4.The underlined“metaphor”in the 7th paragraph most probably means        .

A.symbol              B.source            C.light           D.purpose

5.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.A Special Game in the Childhood          B.A Broken Piece of Mirror

C.Dr.Papaderos’Experience                  D.The Meaning of Life


     Since the beginning of winter break, I have been committed to doing lots of the things I could not do
while school was in session.
     One of the Oscar-nominated (提名的) movies I’ve seen this winter break is Slum-dog Millionaire.
Hopefully readers will also have an opportunity to enjoy the movie the way I have halfway around the
     Slum-dog Millionaire is about a poor boy from the slums (贫民窟), Jamal, who ends up winning the
grand prize in an Indian show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". The night before he answers the
prize-winning question, Jamal is captured by the police and tortured (拷打). They don’t believe a
slumdog like Jamal could answer seven questions correctly and possibly win 20 million rupees (卢比)!
But, as the movie unfolds, Jamal reveals (透露) how he found the answers to each of the questions.
Viewers also learn about Jamal's childhood, his selfish older brother Salim, and his childhood lover,
     The movie’s point, however, is not just to tell a typical story of the underdog (弱者) who becomes a
hero. The director also uses Slum-Dog Millionaire to give viewers a taste of India. The movie begins in
Jamal’s childhood home in the slums of India. The place where he and his family lived reminds one of the
hutongs that used to make up a large part of Old Beijing. Jamal and his brother grow and travel across
India, meanwhile surviving as slum-dogs and cheaters, and India ages with them. By the time Jamal is 17
or 18, his old home has been replaced by a giant skyscraper (摩天大楼) financial center. Jamal and
Salim take a moment to reminisce (回忆) about their old lives, as they stand high up in a skyscraper that
is still under construction. The view from above reminded me of a similar view I had just two years ago in China: I was standing there in the living room of a family friend’s modern apartment, looking out through
a window down to the shacks (简陋的房屋) below just next to the building complex. It was amazing
how affluence and poverty could live so close together.
     So, what was most appealing about the movie to me and my Indian friends was how we could relate
to the scenarios (情节) presented in the movie. More important than the plot was the window onto the
social and economic situations in Asia that it provided.
     By Jennifer, 16, New Jersey, US
1. Which of the following is TRUE about the movie?
A. Jamal finally won a big prize after struggling hard to earn an honest living.
B. Suspected of cheating, Jamal was arrested by the police before winning the prize.
C. Jamal and his brother recalled their past standing where it used to be their home.
D. Jamal remained in his childhood home in the slums before he was 17 or 18.
2. Viewers can learn from the movie EXCEPT__________.
A. Jamal's childhood and his bitter experience of wandering across the country.
B. The rapid social changes and economic development in India.
C. The poor life of people in the slums against the prosperity of cities in Asia.
D. The secret of becoming a millionaire through personal struggle.
3. Why does the movie appeal to the writer?
A. It's a typical story of the underdog who becomes a hero, which the writer admires most.
B. It's an Oscar-nominated movie that helps the writer understand the nature of human.
C. It has an exciting and complicated plot that attracts the writer very much.
D. It reminds the writer of her experience in China and helps her know about Asian countries.
4. What can we infer from the reading passage?
A. The writer is now studying in a school in China.
B. The movie will win the Oscar because of the social problems presented in it.
C. The writer is surprised at the gap between the rich and poor in developing countries.
D. The movie is only welcomed by Americans who have Indian friends.
5. What is the main purpose of writing the passage?
A. To introduce a movie to readers and share her views about it.
B. To persuade more viewers to go to the cinema to see the movie.
C. To express the writer’s enthusiasm towards Asia and its culture.
D. To reveal the true social reality in the developing countries.

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