摘要: A. called up B. broke up C. pulled up D. sped up


Last Sunday turned out to be more exciting than I had expected. We were at our grandparents’ house for a visit as     31    . My cousin and I had made an appointment to go in-line skating in the nearby park. He could do some neat stunts (特技)and had promised to show me     32    .

We managed to persuade our parents to    33     us go in-line skating on our own.   34     it soon started to rain and we had to seek shelter on the empty deck (place) of a block of flats. It really dampened my     35    .

Suddenly, we heard a    36     and saw a man dashing out of a lift. Just as he ran   37      us, we saw an old woman coming out of the same lift and crying, “Thief! Thief!” My cousin immediately went after the thief in his    38     . To be honest, I was extremely    39     at the beginning .Then I heard a honk. It was my uncle and aunt. I jumped into their car and told them about the robbery. We   40    off in the thief’s direction while my aunt stayed with the old woman.

Soon, we    41   up with my cousin. He was still in hot pursuit of the thief. Seeing his 42     , my uncle sped up and turned suddenly to the right to   43    just in front of the thief. The man was   44    and fell to the ground. My uncle got out of the car and   45    the man down with his body.

By this time, we could hear the siren of a police car approaching,   46   , my aunt had phoned the police and told them the   47    in which we were heading, so they were able to locate us .

We handed the thief over to the police officers who took down our names and    48   . They informed us that we would be called up to give our   49    . After that, we returned to the empty deck in our uncle’s car to  50     my aunt up .

When we reached there, the old woman had already left to give a report to the police. Our family members were all proud of us for our courageous deed.

A.known        B.usual            C.well                D.far

A.what             B.that                 C.where              D.how

A.make            B.have                C.let                   D.see

A.And              B.But                 C.As                   D.So

A.spirits          B.ideas            C.intentions      D.imaginations

A.scream          B.noise            C.story               D.news

A.after             B.over                C.past                 D.to

A.place            B.boots            C.clothes             D.skates

A.proud           B.frightened       C.brave            D.excited

A.sped             B.put                  C.ran                  D.took

A.looked          B.kept                C.picked             D.caught

A.luck              B.chance             C.risk                 D.hope

A.stand            B.move            C.stop                 D.stay

A.tired             B.anxious            C.confused        D.shocked

A.pinned          B.pulled              C.threw                  D.broke

A.Surprisingly        B.Obviously      C.Certainly         D.Immediately

A.park             B.place            C.situation          D.direction

A.problems       B.pictures           C.particulars      D.possessions

A.statements    B.decisions        C.suggestions      D.protections

A.take             B.get                 C.pick            D.lift


Last Sunday turned out to be more exciting than I had expected. We were at our grandparents’ house for a visit as     31    . My cousin and I had made an appointment to go in-line skating in the nearby park. He could do some neat stunts (特技)and had promised to show me     32    .

We managed to persuade our parents to    33     us go in-line skating on our own.   34     it soon started to rain and we had to seek shelter on the empty deck (place) of a block of flats. It really dampened my     35    .

Suddenly, we heard a    36     and saw a man dashing out of a lift. Just as he ran   37      us, we saw an old woman coming out of the same lift and crying, “Thief! Thief!” My cousin immediately went after the thief in his    38     . To be honest, I was extremely    39     at the beginning .Then I heard a honk. It was my uncle and aunt. I jumped into their car and told them about the robbery. We   40    off in the thief’s direction while my aunt stayed with the old woman.

Soon, we    41   up with my cousin. He was still in hot pursuit of the thief. Seeing his 42     , my uncle sped up and turned suddenly to the right to   43    just in front of the thief. The man was   44    and fell to the ground. My uncle got out of the car and   45    the man down with his body.

By this time, we could hear the siren of a police car approaching,   46   , my aunt had phoned the police and told them the   47    in which we were heading, so they were able to locate us .

We handed the thief over to the police officers who took down our names and    48   . They informed us that we would be called up to give our   49    . After that, we returned to the empty deck in our uncle’s car to  50     my aunt up .

When we reached there, the old woman had already left to give a report to the police. Our family members were all proud of us for our courageous deed.


1.A.known             B.usual               C.well                      D.far

2.A.what                 B.that                      C.where                  D.how

3.A.make                B.have                     C.let                         D.see

4.A.And                   B.But                       C.As                         D.So

5.A.spirits             B.ideas               C.intentions      D.imaginations

6.A.scream            B.noise               C.story                    D.news

7.A.after                 B.over                      C.past                      D.to

8.A.place                B.boots              C.clothes                D.skates

9.A.proud               B.frightened         C.brave              D.excited

10.A.sped               B.put                        C.ran                        D.took

11.A.looked            B.kept                      C.picked                  D.caught

12.A.luck                B.chance                 C.risk                       D.hope

13.A.stand             B.move              C.stop                      D.stay

14.A.tired               B.anxious                C.confused          D.shocked

15.A.pinned           B.pulled                   C.threw                       D.broke

16.A.Surprisingly          B.Obviously         C.Certainly             D.Immediately

17.A.park               B.place               C.situation             D.direction

18.A.problems      B.pictures               C.particulars       D.possessions

19.A.statements          B.decisions          C.suggestions       D.protections

20.A.take              B.get                      C.pick                D.lift




  Late one evening a man was speeding south on a highway. He had had several drinks and it showed. Soon a police officer pulled him over. As the officer was coming towards him, an accident broke out some distance away, so the officer crossed the road to see if he could help.

  At that moment, the driver went out of his car and began strolling. He was waiting impatiently. Finally he decided not to wait any longer and took off for home. He asked his wife to tell the police, if they called, that he had been home all night, and had not drunk at all.

  The next morning the doorbell rang. The man answered the door and told the policemen standing before him as he had decided to the evening before. And his wife backed up his story.

  Then the policemen asked if they could look in the garage. The man led them to the garage. There they saw a car with the word “POLICE” on it, its lights still flashing.

1.The police officer stopped the driver because ________.

[  ]

A.he smelled something wrong

B.the man was driving too fast

C.the man caused an accident nearby

D.he found the man drunk during his driving

2.The officer didn't deal with the driver immediately because ________.

[  ]

A.the driver refused to stop and sped away

B.the driver gave up his car and ran home

C.he had to look into an accident first

D.the man wasn't drunk at all

3.The words“backed up” in the third paragraph means ________.

[  ]

C.made up

4.As suggested by the text, the man ________.

[  ]

A. had nothing to do with the police car

B.stole the police car

C.was so drunk that he drove the police car home

D.was in such a hurry that he got into the wrong car

5.The author mainly wants to tell us ________.

[  ]

A.the danger of careless driving

B.a car accident

C.a joke about a drunken man

D.a car thief



  Late one evening a man was speeding south on a highway. He had had several drinks and it showed. Soon a police officer pulled him over. As the officer was coming towards him, an accident broke out some distance away, so the officer crossed the road to see if he could help.


  At that moment, the driver went out of his car and began strolling. He was waiting impatiently. Finally he decided not to wait any longer and took off for home. He asked his wife to tell the police, if they called, that he had been home all night, and had not drunk at all.


  The next morning the doorbell rang. The man answered the door and told the policemen standing before him as he had decided to the evening before. And his wife backed up his story.


  Then the policemen asked if they could look in the garage. The man led them to the garage. There they saw a car with the word “POLICE” on it, its lights still flashing.


(1)The police officer stopped the driver because ________.

[  ]

A.he smelled something wrong

B.the man was driving too fast

C.the man caused an accident nearby

D.he found the man drunk during his driving

(2)The officer didn't deal with the driver immediately because ________.

[  ]

A.the driver refused to stop and sped away

B.the driver gave up his car and ran home

C.he had to look into an accident first

D.the man wasn't drunk at all

(3)The words“backed up” in the third paragraph means ________.

[  ]

C.made up

(4)As suggested by the text, the man ________.

[  ]

A. had nothing to do with the police car

B.stole the police car

C.was so drunk that he drove the police car home

D.was in such a hurry that he got into the wrong car

(5)The author mainly wants to tell us ________.

[  ]

A.the danger of careless driving

B.a car accident

C.a joke about a drunken man

D.a car thief


This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a  1  effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know  2  but whose actions gave a new  3  to the words --kind and generous.

I was walking down a busy street on a cold, windy day in early  4  .A homeless man, probably about 60 without any shoes , was  5  for change on a street corner.

       A BMW car  6  on the other side of the street and an executive(主管)who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about 60 years old.He was  7   a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked  8  across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything, he first gave him a lot of  9 and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves(手套), beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he    10  them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a/an  11 mouth.

       As he drove off, I couldn’t   12  thinking that it was probably the first time he had  13  the pedal(踏板)of that top-brand BMW car with a   14   foot! I stood there and the looks of   15  appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.

       Two men of about the same age  16  very different lives had met and the one who was  17  in materials had offered  18  than his shoes.He had left this BMW car and   19  down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect,   20 and real generosity.

1. A.strong                 B.bad                     C.light                    D.slow

2.A.officially               B.personally            C.similarly              D.generally

3.A.benefit                  B.attitude                C.meaning              D.award

4.A.spring                   B.summer               C.autumn               D.winter

5.A.searching              B.making                C.blaming               D.begging

6.A.called up               B.broke up              C.pulled up             D.sped up

7.A.putting on             B.dressed               C.wearing               D.in

8.A.directly                 B.usually                C.unwillingly           D.fluently

9.A.money                  B.water                  C.sand                   D.oil

10.A.posted                 B.handed                C.kicked                 D.threw

11.A.closed                 B.full                      C.open                   D.empty

12.A.stand                  B.delay                   C.forget                 D.help

13.A.bended                B.cut                      C.repaired               D.pressed

14.A.relaxed                B.large                   C.bare                    D.single

15.A.excitement           B.astonishment        C.sadness               D.pride

16.A.but                     B.or                       C.and                     D.before

17.A.successful           B.careful                C.useful                 D.helpful

18.A.rather                  B.more                   C.other                   D.better

19.A.broken                B.fell                      C.stepped               D.rolled

20.A.surprise               B.disappointment     C.anxiety                D.kindness


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